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The amendnient if can ied caHnot be so w...

The amendnient if can ied caHnot be so w... image
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The amendnient if can ied caHnot be so well enforeed now as it could have been ten years ago when the Ued Ribbon clubs had the sympathy and support of uil temperance men. Itecently the selfseeking and moncy-makinjf tactirs of the Thinl-party leaders has alienated the confidence of many of the best of our citizi'iis, and when these sime Tiindparty men are so lou'l in theïr speeches for prohlbition It causes thoiiahttul men to inistrust tlie deinajroiies and liositate to be led by thcm. Banitbla persons liad rather think and reason fr themselves than to have hired politica] strikers ft om other sti.tcs come here to teil them how to vote. "Wliat fools we mortals bc" tlmt we neyer learn by experiencc. For instance Micliiífn lias liad a probibitory law as strong as auy wliich can be drawn, yet it proved such an utter faihir; tliat the people were glad to have it repealed. The njrit.itors of the day claim tliat it was not enforced because of the war. Bnt how can this be saidof the period betvveen 1865 and 1875, when altboujrh a law it was so dend a one as to be the lanjrbtnc stock of the criminal classes? So do not vote for the mendment just to give it a trial for it already has liad one, even by the present geneiation. If the prohibitory amcndment is pasfced whowill enforce it' Will you, my entliiisiastic friend ? Will you neglect yonr business, take the time and spend the money necegíary to that end ? Or, after you have cast your vote for the amendment will you slide b.ick into your accustomed place and politely "cuss" some poor official who will be as powerless to enforee it as a man In the mpids of Niagara is to save himself? Tlilnk of it it candidly, earnestly, honestly, before Cfistins your vote. " Don't be c:irried awa3' by the hurrah. Passes on railroadshavebecome such intolerable nuisances that'tbe railroads are glad to grasp at a ctraw in the nter-st.-itc commerce act to sweep tliein all out of exÍ9tenee. Did the editor of newspapers receive regular rafes for the advertising they do for llie milroad companies they could pay tlielr full fare on tlie cars and have money left to help out on Saturday nijfhts with. They ure of the few who have puid well for all the passes given tliem. Many cominunlcations on botli sides of the prohibitinn question have been poured n on us this week wbich we have been obligrd to omit. Of course nrxt week will be too late for tlieir use. The main objection to nearly all of thern is their length. AVhen writing for i paper boil it down. On this question of tax law or prohibition the practical business men of the state, who look at things from an unprejudiced gtandpoint, have great faith in the power of n tax law to regulate, control, and rwtriot the liquor trafflc. Are tiot their ujiinionH worth somethiiif;? The ü. A. K. posts have been cal led to hold a "feaetof patriotism" on April 27th, thcG5cli anniversary of tlie blrtli of Gen. Grant, on wliich day they are r(iie?ted to solicit contributIuD8 for the Grant memorial. If the fltnendment cliould carry by a small niMJoritv wonld It have any moral tffect anf he eaty to enforoe In ilie face ot the opposHioo of nearly one half our votéis t Coustltuttonal provisión do not en forcé themsclves. Keuiembcrtliat, picase, iickí Monday. Under prohlbilion every man wlll be liis own saloon, ftftd hip pockets will increase ín number. "Laws are not eiecuted by a wboop and yell,"says Rev. Sraith and who will dispute hiin? Prohibitioii will put the cause of teinpcrance back for generations. A dangerous experiment to try now. If it 8 dlffloult to enforce our present liquorlaws, wiiat will be the consequences if more stringent ones are adopted ? In all laws against crime the criminal is the one punlshed. Ia this prohibitory law the "criminal" jfoes Scott free. Can 8uch a law be enforced? Farmers who vote íor tho prohibitory ainendment are voting down the price of wneat, coru and grain of all kinds, providlngsuch an amendment can be enforced. "The power to tnx is the power to destroy," saya Intet-State Coramerce Uommissioner Cooley. But some of our good and worthy friends claim that "to tax is to license." Wuere is the prosecutinjí attorney In in Micliigiin who will enforce a prohibitory amendment And prosecutinjf attornoys are the officials who prosecute all law breakers. Let the man who in his lienrt feels tliat b will devote liis time and money to the enforceinent of the prohibitory liquor law vote lor It. Octi eis liaü better tliink twice before votin. Every man wlio believes in turniaji overour cities to free whiskywill yote for the prohibitory amendment next Monday. We beg of you to eonsider well before casting a vote tliat wy. But very few Uwi upou our statute books are enforced to any extent unless ¦ uiajority of the people consider the breaking of tbeui criminal. That'a one reasou wliy a prohibitory law."does not proliibit. The Cedar Sprints Clipper saya the present tax law U:i reduced the number of saloons in that town trom eleven to twof And yet we are told ! by the temperance people th:it this law is "a league witli heil." Will onr boys be as safe in secret club rooms or in saloons umler the name of "drug stores" as they are to-day ? Will tluy not form habits in secret that their niiinly pride would keep lliem froin in public? A vo'.e for the ainendinent next Monday is a vote for throwlng the doors ot the liquor trHfüc wide open in all our cities, and invitinff men to d,] out the stuif without tax, without restriction, without any restraint. Undtr the present Uw a wife or chlldren may sue a saloon keeper for d.iniiiííes for selling liquor to lmabaiid or father and collect ihe same, as lias been done often in this state, bilt adopt tliis amendment and t cannot be done. There Is nothim; to prohibit the en actment of any law in reference to the liquor traille by our legislature llial nu.v be deemed wise and for tbe public gool. Uut !ido,)t this amendment and there will be. Then it will be prouibition or nothIng, and quite generally nothing. Tbe Prohibitory Amendment- stiould it ever becoine a law in Michigan- will be used by thousands of tipplers usa stepladder ou which toclimb up and get hold of the gallon jugofthe poorest kind of 40-rod whiskey which is kept constantly on hanil for reference In the corner cupboiinl. - Lantiog Kepiiblicim. I'rohibition may quite effectmilly itop the sale of beer, for our Germán cltizens - tlian whora there Is no more honorable, steady, industrious, thrifty, sober class in America- are law abiding alway?. Bnt in its place will come whisky, the root of all the trouble. Whisky will increase in sale under prohibition. Prominent prohihitionlsts argüe that it is easier to pss lliis nmendinent thuti to elect a tagMatan wkloh voold enct a statutory law ? If that is so wUy is it sof If Miat is so what liopo will there be after the nni Tidiiietit slmll have been passeJ? For ¦ law to enforce it will be necessary. Does'nt it seem slranj;e ttiut tlie enlibtenetl p-ople of Miclngmi are obligpd to ini)ort people from Illinois, K-ntucky, Peiinsylvania and other staten lo teil us what is our dnty? How doen )f come that they are so mucli superior in knowledge as to what laws we want in Michigan to ourown citizens? Had they not better post up on the praticnl worklnps of our Michigan lws before trying to lead us astray? No particular good has beon done the cause by importing men for hire from otlier States lo come Mere and tel I us what we should do. There is an evident m?trust of the old third-party leaders who are growlng fat on tlie cause and wbose peeuniary interests are advaneed by this agitation. Instead of alding their cause thtir ntumperatelanguajte has aroused greater opposition to it tban there otutrwise would liave been. Takea4 oz. bottle of whisky, hold it up In front of yon and divi'ie the contents in half. The örst half yon say Is for medicinal or mechanieal purpoees- tliat Is valuable property, lawful and legal. The other half you siy you wlll take for sacremental purposes or divide with a frfead to use as a beverage- that is not property, but is subject to geizure and confiscatlon. Is there a jrreat deal of sense iu such a 1 aw ? Yet that is just what the constitutional amendment mcans that you will vote upon next Mundiiy. The Argus says the repubücms never talk about an office belng non-partlsan except when a republican is noininated. The Argus man knows better. He wil] not have to go outside this city to prove lus words false. Have not the republican joined in with the demócrata in this city i electina Mr. O'Hearn supervisor, for sev eral years, because the office was non partisan, and he was a good m&u'i Did they not do the same with Supervisor Hult last year for the same reasons? And iioh because therepublicans have nominated a broad, grand, liberal-minded nmo for judge of this eircuit they claim the rijfht to a.k votes for him on a non-partisan basis. Mr. Kinne has never.been ¦ bitter partisan, or an Iliberal man in any respect. He is composed of the material of which good judges are made, and the people will not make a mistake if thev Sleet him. Do not vote íor F ree Hum. Down wlth the amendraent, thm up wlth tlie tax to 1 1,000.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News