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If Not, Why Not?

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I T-T' a new merchant enter into business in your clty and Invite every onc to come Ín a cali. acqualuled aud learu bis business metbods. IS 11 not FAIK lo glv?hlm If Not, Why Not? T-ri tlils morehant sella yon as good goodg for as Uttle money and uses von ís rn .. A.r dealers away frum lióme, IS H JIST to Blve hlm a trial ? If Not, Why Not ? TT71 oiher .léale oHer yon goods whlch your home merchant can rnrnlsh ,,,! m„„t XP el,.-..,..-., or elM nmke the outsider sell cUeaper, IS it not poticí Jo ni , , V deaier's prieta ami term before buying? wll " 8et Jour borne If Not, Why Not ? rrp a dealer is establlslied In your own elty, wliere yon can nlwav fln.i him , ¦. FS7 ';"rr'-i;''! "', "brenoei adjuled and whó 1 rêllatiêam? res, nliblc isT, not BKST to buy of UUn vitara you can kuow everything wlll be as represente " If Not, Why Not ? TTT "ma? "orks tomerlttheconfldence of the peoplc, does everythlne on tbe souare tradé"' "" " "re' "" yU Uone8tly ailU we". ls " "' KMíiÍt tó glve.m If Not, Why Not ? I am hPre in your nty with , full line of Muy,-,] Qood 'Ilie celebr ,tc.l HAINKS BRO'8 PIANOS, ti,,. NEW ENOLAM) I'I V N. k' K , ,oUS vry v 0RQAN8, QUITAR8, P.ANJOS, VIOLTOS, BTBINQ8 íílfííhSf" everythinjí a moclc store slioiild bave. I'm bounil t sll honest goods at honest priccs, tcll things as Ihey are and in this way try and build iip a trade. If you do not c.ill on me wlien in need of good, I can only ask, Not, Why Not ? LEW H. CLEMENT, Saccessor t ALVIN WILSElf, 25 S. Foirrli St, Ann Arta.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News