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ANN ARBOR Small Fruí Nursery ! All Kinds of BERRY PLAXTS. Fine Planta of the SHARPJLESS, The BoHt Strawberry Grown. FRUIT UI 0BIAU3TAL TREES Krom BLLWANGBBA BABRT, Etobester, N. Y. Orders imistbe nviil t;n ly. WINES AND SYRUPS. Swet Home-rnnde Wlne for Invallds nml llie Kiii'liiinst. Sour Wine, Ktupli-rry .Srup, Mhrnb Peur Syrup, und PlymoutU Kuck Knun. EMIL BAUR, W. HURÓN ST. ii-tf W. TREMAINE'S FIKE AND LIFE IIURMCUGliM ! No. 16 East Hu ron Street, Opposite Dook Hoiisp. Ten First-Class Corapañíes reprcseníí'il. Assetts Overw825,0O0,0OO. S Vjhe Best and Purest Medicine IIW EVER MADE. III .k Itwlll drive the Humor fromymirlll II , ¦'¦ CW"-V -'''"' "'"¦' make yoliT r-kinlll I II ':i O]%LfW:u aml Bmoüth. Tlioacl 19 U ? % T'JPlmple and BlotrhmJ Jij %, ? ', ,oW wliich mar your bvautycn ' Ha o. '4 v "iare caased bylmpureM : ra -'b "ï-NK5W)lood ani' can beIIl I HV i,t["c' if "u Mt 1 1 II -Üu-O iU , ? il0 sreatl rrj The DoseivV VCm IIsniall-oulyateaV?V%., - Oj.%.H I 1 spuonful. It Is thcV %.¦% i II III beat and cheaiwutX} 's $ ¦ ''. ,ll III miMlIcine. Try ft, &mlo, , ' 4„ I 111 you wlll bc satisfied. Wt? o, '¦ ! II H ' Get lt of your Druggist. % Vf. Ut I" Dom'tWait. Getitatonck, '''Q If tou are sufferine from Klil II ney Dlsease, anl wlsh to live tik oíd age, use SVLPIU'K BlTTKUü!, ïhey uever fall to cure. k Ij Senil 3 2-cent 8tamp8 to A. F. Onlway & (o.. lltoiuii, M:ipa., U'.-t pufillblwu? MADAME M0RÏSC0R8ETS. HMrrL-hauijiiajrtlicy (rivo botter HiBrr tlun tlun "ro ' JBESJr 9q y evrr rn pB)okera Ml f lxc. in,., n.l t.n-m f„r tlieir flno W 1 V'fcl'' ''¦ 1'r""t tiri-Bk over JK J Are ¦!., ly 1.1;, -,i br r navetii-ïPATK.vTTinnjiBAClt, Jtr. j.-íSl wniii covers tho open nuce ¦-"'T,1: _- and proti"-ti tl V "-i AÍj)f y haathepopuUu V Vl-& V.'.CI.K STKIIJI. Whlfh %. -Jf v-ui I .. iii8t.itlt!v tiikfii ¦MH Uil VIN-: ; ; for ¦¦n c;!" ,.i Mi WUH Jh"xi. imitui !¦ f ¦ntfr:"i'" , '-sap }4 i"'!' i I.. ' i nll ¦ uanuiketai Madame Mc. i'sContou,-. i. k:: a ¦ . ¦. B Madame Mo.m's La Rome. MnUnihiri, c adame Mora's Aldlne. J. O. Pltzpni idamo Mora's Comtcri Hip. riLeoa ABNER MOORE'S TONSORIAL PARLOR, HUIRO 3ST STREET, Next door to the htmart aml Mi-elionic's Baak. BAIR CUTTING, BHAVING, SEIAMPOONINO AND DYEINO. D.e b of W.irkmen and Satlsfaction __ liuaranteed. DISSOLLTION OF PARTNERSHIP. N'OTtCB Is herel.y glven that the partnerlili, lateiy RubsistiiiK betweea ,Nir,i Mnan and Jam M. SUflhrd uii.i.t tli..' tlrm name of Whnu.s .s„,.n,n , 's Boived hy mutual ooDMnt as Lb vanlh day of Fchniaiy, ls7. All debU dBe to thi uld pcrtoerablp and thnm due by íbera win be rettleu wHI, and by J, M s , , Zl'J CUIltlmu) tlle bntíiHM al th,,,i;j N. H. WINANs. AnnArbor. Mch., FtbruarytiJKVV'KU ItI I I [ .bout work whlch II M I I I I 'nej en do. .nd lirs .1 hom,Ih.t wil] p.r V . ,lh" fronl 5 lo $25 pr d.7. Some b.T. rndoer.v;lii.d.j Ellber in, Toon or oíd. C.plUl ' Yon.r.n.rlKlfre. Thow who tt.rt .t onc ' bwluMIj iur of lnu( llula fortuuu. AU U uiw '


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