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HiiLkwiird, turn backward, oh time In your fllght ! (ii vu U8 elgtaty-tliree saloons aguiu Opeu all timos of nlglit. (Or day or holldays.) He wljo fails to register to-day loses bis vote- if not already reglatered. Democratie city caucuses are called for Tuursday evening and city conveiition for Friday evening. Prof. Greene is building a large varandah oh bis house, corner Willliam anc Thompson streets. Tlie camp of the sons of veterans recently organized In tbiscitv, will be mustered in April 8th. Tlie Knights Templur are niaking arramiements lor a grand party on Easter Monday, April Hth. The republicans of Ann Arbor town have renomiiiated Fred Braun for supervisor, and L. Davis for clerk. Judge Josl}-n has adjourned the term of the circuit court in Monroe county froin tlie tirst to the secoud Monday in April. Ninety-flve persons liave taken out theii" first papers towards becomiug citizens of the United States, sinee Jan. Ist. A sneep shcaring festival willbe held at Saline, April 6th, under the auspices of the Washtenaw Couuty breeder's association. It was an awful day Sunday. Gloomy and solemn and sour, with the weather as deceptire as the argument of a The city election which occurs next Monday, appeara to be a very tame affair, so far. The amendment question absorbí ill other interests. A high board fence has been built from the express room, at the depot, to tbe bridge, thus sbutting off the entrance froin Detroit street. The Hobart Guild Hall will be dedicated on the evening of April 19. The program has not yet been arranged, but will be out next week. The lecture of Henry George, at University hall, was well attended. From a literary standpoint, the lecture was not is succeslul as hoped for. Ilepublican ward caucuses Fridny evening. City convention Saturday fvn noon at 10 o'clock, at Fireman's Hall. See calis on editorial page. Ann Arbor lias at least one saloon keeper who U ui Kldeot sui)orter of the amendiuent. He .ays that if it is adopted he will not be obligad to pay a tax, and will sell more liquor. Monday, Judge Joslyn nolle prossed the suit of Elizabeth Rootagalnat Jas.Kearns, register of deedí,to restrain liim from keepIng a set of abstract books. Wliether you are a prohibitionist or an anti-proliibitionist, please read the paper of Rev. C. B. Öuiitli, of Grand Uipids, on the ürst p.tge, headed "A Brave Divine." At the Methodist Episcopal Church on Sabbatb morning next, lovefeast will be at nine o'clock, and sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be administered at lialf past ten. Thomas Martin, son of M. J. Martin, living on NoitU Fourth street, died on Saturday, of a very malignant form of diphtheria. Hiá age was 1G yeara and the funeral was hekl on 8uuday. On May let, the American Express Compmiy and Western Union Teiegraph Company will remove their offices to the store in the MmobIc blovk, on Huron Street, formerly occupied by A. M. l)ty. Brig. Gen. Wilcox, of thU city, dow coinm inding the department ot' the Missouri, with head-quarters at St. Loais, will retire froin actire service April lijih. The aspirauts for his place tro Tiumerous. The offleers of the Anu Arbor co-operative saviiifis BMOciatioii have ca lied a public meeting at Firt-man's Hall, on Friday eveninjr, April 8tli. Tliey have about 225 shares of the stock already taken. The Wasutenaw medical society held au interesting meeting in the conncil room Monday. Drs. Kapp, Owen, Breakey, Darling and Morton were elected delegates to the American medical association. The following rómpanles are booked at the opera house in the near future : 'Gilmore's Band, April 5th ; Lester & Allen's Minstrels, April 9th; Micliael trogoff Co., April l.Sth ; Tlios. W. Keene in Richelieu, May 4th. A law that haj redueed the saloons in Michigan over one-half, while the popuIation has increased one-third - in the past ten yeare- must be a pretty good law. When the people destroy it they should be certain of doing better. The city of Ann Arbor is the parent of our present tax law, and Zina P. King. then city attorney, probably had more to do with drafting the law than any otter person. We underetand Mr. King still clings to his tirst love, and believes in taxatlon still. Justice Krueauff gave Myron Still, a common drunkard, until the evening of Maren 23d to bid good bye to his friends in tbis city iorever, or receive sentence. He did not wait to receive the 9entence, but departed quietly and quickly. The omnlpresent Braall boy liniw putting In lilKtimeglaiightertiiKKnKllHhiiparrown the lnducement of nne cent bounty being too Rtrong to be reslsted. Oo aliead boy ymir oocupation Is a laudable oae.- Dexter IjeadTes, go abead boys, but who payg the one cent ahead? Our county treasurer refusesto pay otitariy funds until ordered to do so by the board of supervisors. The property owners residing near the Michigan Central depot in Kalamazoo, liave subscribed $5,000 as a bonus to the company for a new depot. We did not hear of any of our proerty owners niakinjr any snel, liberal donation when Ann Arbor was isWed for ¦ bonus for that purpose. The comtnissioned offleers of th( lir-t niiucnt, Uring in this city, are at Jackson to-,] iV sttendlng election of regimem:,l oOom. Those who are there from Ann Arl.or are Oapt. Schuh, Lienta. MUI ml and Mürrithcw. Cupt. Sulliynn Itant Furjfi-on, and Maj. 8oule, nM. mental qu ¦irtermaster. Capt. Hchuh is a candidate for major. A couple of boys shooting sparrows in tlu: 8nJ ward last Tlmrsday couldn't haire been veiy good marksman, for they came nesr shootinji into a number of people who were standing geveral rods off, aroun.l whom the stray shots rattled like ¦UI. Another warning to the boys. Some of them wjll have to pay a fine for dis¦cnarging flre arms within the city limit-, before long. ' Georgia C. Hangsterfer, aged 6 years, died Saturday of tlic measeis. Oay after to-morrow t will not be ssfe to kick packages lylng around loosc upon the streets. The remains of Mis. John Lesüc of Webster, were brought to this city tor interment last Friday. The Kigan truss Co. is rcjoicing over another order f rom the surgeon general of the U. S. urniy. The Michigan State Dental Assoeiation closed their thirty-second annual sesslon, last Thursday, in this city. The funeral of Mrs. Barbara Christman a well known German lady who died las Wednesday, was held on Sunday. Coroner O. C. Jenkins did not uold tha inquest up to Dexter last week Monda} after all. Justice Crane was the man. Two tramps, named John Harmon anc Louis Weggerink, were senteoced to the couuty jail for 15 day?, by Justice Freu au ff, Monday. County Clerk Howlett sold his stock and farming niplements at auctlon, las Thursday. The sale took place at hl farm in Lyndon. Judge Joslyn will exchange with Judge Xewton, of Flint, the latter coming here to try the case of Samuel Miller agains the Cjrnwell Manf. Co. There are many of our citizens today who were boys under prohibitory times in Michigan, and their recollection 01 times is not such a3 wiil lead thcm to trj it over again if they can help it. Our present law makes lesa drunkards. Last Saturday night about 1 1 :30 o'clock. Mr. Geo. Kooney while passing down Detroit street, and near Schmidt's carriage shop, on his way home was knocked down and had his watch and three dollars in mom-v taken from him. E. E. Hallett, the clcrk of the new Arlington House, carne through the otlice Monday and gave the boys sometbing to puit, and this u:l is consequence of that puff. We might add that this new hostlery is to mide a tirst-class house, and hopes to receive a puft' from all the gUMti who patronize it. The present supervisors from this city, Messrs. Gardner, O'Hearn and Butts, are all capital good men. They have proved themselves good county k-gislators, and it is not well to make too frequent changes in that boily. Would It not be wise to keep thcm t'u-re, as It is not a political office? The Petroleum, Out., Advertiser, in a long article records the preseotation of a beautiful gold badge, to G. S. l'itkin by Andes Fire Company, of that city. The presentation was made upon his retiring from the office of captain, which lie liad held for the past three years, and as is token of the company's esteein for him while actiug in that cipacity. John Stoll, a German residing on West Huron street, mal with a sudden and unexpected death, last week. While attendng to his horses Thursday evening, he was stricken with a stroke of paralysis. Upon being discovered he was carried into the house, hut livcd only until the next evening. He was 60 years of age and had ived in the city for a nuinber of years. The funeral was held on Monday afternoon. A sad accident occurred, on Thiirsday, at the farm of Philip Lohr, in PltU.ield, whicli cost John George Schloe, a young man in Lohr's eniploy, his lile. He started in the morning to cut down soine trees, nul not retnrningf to dinner, search was made lor lihn. He was found with his skuil t'racUired, plnned to tlie jjiound by a lare tree which had fallen on him. JHe was removed to the house and Dr. Darling cal led, but (lied. about 7 o'clocU. He was )ut 21 years of a#e and well known. Dr. Jenklni held an imiuest, Friday, and a venliet was returned nccoiding to these rti'ts. The annual annonnceinent of the law departinenthas just beet) issued, and shows a decided improvement over yearg. Thfieare 336 student in ittend;nice, 174 in the junior class and 169 In (hu senior, km inerease of fifty ver the preeeeding iear. TliU is the largt niinilier of students in attendance sinee the term Ml engthened, atidonly three times luis the graduating been as large. Foieiffn couutries as follows; Japan 5, H.iwaiian Islinds 3, Ontario 3, Nnw Brunswick 2, iova Scotia 1 and Guntemala 1. Twentylive states of the unlon are represented. JTudge Urown, Profs. Vaufrhn. Dunster md Stowell, and T. C. Trueblood, have een added to theficulty.