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Will Tuomey waa at Dexter Sunday. Barney Johnson is sick wüh the measeis. E. L. Drake was at Pontiac over Sundiiy. S. C. Andrews rctumed from Chicago Honday. liishnp Harria was ia the city on lust Thursday. Henry Frauls, of X. Fourth street, is on tha sick list. Mrg. Reuben Kempf vUited f riends in Lima, Sunday. Kd. R. Strong, of Detroit, was in the city on Momliiy. Paul Chrtstnian, ol Jackson, was in tlic city over Sunday. RufusCate, of Detroit, paid hisold home a visit last week. Miss Nettie Grejff? spent several days thU week at Pontiac. Miss Elida Lovejoy spent Sunday in Detroit with her párente. James C. Stevens is spending a couple of weeks at E ast Ta was. Fred. McOmber has been on the siek list during the week past. George Graf, of Marshall, was the guest of John Walz, over Sunday. Miss Marshall, of Lansing, is visiting relativos on Williams street. Henry Dengler, a foriner Ann Arbor boy, spent Sunday In the city. Dr. E. B. Evans, of Farwell, spent eeveral days in this city, last week. Secretary Wade of the University, was at Jonesville the ürstof the week. J. E. Beal and E. II. Scott left for Sault Ste Marie to-day, on business. N. B. Beers is on the sick list, having had an attack nt intiammatory rheumatism. Charles Hicks and wife, of Bay City, spent Sunday with his parents, in this city. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Williams of Dexter spent Sunday in the city with rela" tives. Willium Layer and bride, of Unionville, visited friends in this city and Saline, last week. R. M. Conover, of Joliet, an old Ann Arborite is visiting his motlier, on South Fourth street. General Manager Higglnbottom of the American Express Company, was in the city Saturday. Misses kittie ana Ora Match are spendinsr their vacation in Detroit, the guests of Misg (Jarrle Potter. Thomas Kearney left tbr Chatham.Ont., tlils morning to visit bis sister who is attendlng school there. Miss Fannie Kahn, of Bay City, is in the city, the guest of her sister who is attending the School of Music. Mr. and Mrs. E. II. Scott entertalned a large party of frlemls, Friday evening, at tlieir residence on Elm Fruit Farm. Charles W. Carinan, superintendent of thr Lansing schools, is spending hU vacation willi 'nis p.irents on North Ing ills street. Miss Mam e liculi un, who has been -iciuMiih the past two weeks with her parents in this city, returned to Plymouth Sunday. A large progressive euchre party was given by Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Clarkson at thelr residence on South Fifth street, Friday evening. Miss Del la McClellan, well known in :his city, of Auburn, Ind., is to be married April 27th, to a prominent physician of Fort VVayne, Ind. Mr. Joseph Wolff, a prominent Jackson mercliant, gpent Sunday with lus sis:er in this city, who is being treated at the private hospital. MUs Canie Schoob, niece of Theobald Murtiug, hus been visitiog here for the )ast two weeks, but lias now returned to ut home in Bcrlin, Canada. Sciiiitor Gorman was in the city Monlay. He went on a trip with the insurance comraittei' of the legislatura to itivesii;ate the "graveyard '' companies. A small party of friends were entTtained list Friday evening by Prof. Elislia Iones, at bis residence. üuring the evenm; he (ielivered au interesting lecture on 'Art." Prof. Van Slyke, of the University of Onhu, at Honolulú, whose most eicellent etters have been pwotcd with 80 tnuch nterest bf the readers or the Coukikr, s expccted back in June, we undcr-t nul, to viait li i.i oíd hume again.