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neugn NO FEE!! I ESTABLiHHED 1861. ) Morrili UNTIL BETTER ( detroit.mich. ƒ Block. j X=T, The Regular, Old-Establiifled J. J PHYSICIAN & SURGEON 5jSKILLAND 8UCCE88 YOUNGmen,middle-agedmen and all persons who by their own acts of ïmpradeno or Folly at any period of lifc have bi upon tliemselves, the evil cffeets followitw closcly upon the hecls of tran sgression of thc laws of nature, should consult the edebrated Dr.CItrlta at once. Remeinber! Ñervo us dlenten with or without dreams) or debility and los inerve power treated scientifically by new methodf with rever ffiiling success. i'It makes no diíi. ivliat you have taken or who hasfailcdto cureyou. jfcS-T'.ie terrible polnons of Syptiilis and all bnd blood nndsk.n disensf, rompletelv vradicated without mercury, JLtemember th&t t!ii one horrible rilsease, f neglected or Improperly treated, curses the present and coming gencrations All unnntiirnl discharges cured promptly without hindrance 10 butlni w. No experimente, ïiolh sexes consult onlil iitially. aiul experience impnrtnnt. A written Ruarnntro of cure kí'" in every case undertaken. ySuffererB from any clironic dlsease writc lïiMory and Symptom of your case - pUInlj, Cases solicited which others have íailed to cure. jnScnd two stamps for celebrated works on (In onlOi Narrou and I'lirat Distases. You have iiiirxIiauHtive syuiptomatoloKy by which to study your own case. Connütmtion, pcrsonally ur by letter, free. Consult the old Doctor. Thoiisands cured. OilWes uid parlors private. You see no one but the Doctor. lïefore confidlos your case consult DU. CLAIlKl-:. A friendly letter or cali may save future suffe ring and fihamc and add golden vears to life. Medicines sent everywhere secure trom cxpuüure. llours, blo S; Sundays, 9 to 13. Adt.ii ¦ F. D. CLARKE, M. D. MERRILL BLOCK. DETROIT. Mich CURES toughs,Colds,Asthma,Ticklingin the Throat, Whocping Cough, Quinzy, Sore Throat, Consumption, Bronchitis, and all Pultnonary Diseases. YOUNC'8 [Co u gHJ DnsTlUo,Mich _ 1 BowbIL Mich , Anti. 1 ¦ fc ÍOot -y. 1814 l 1 wat ttm-kcl 1 have tried Ur. K. wtii a H-verej P t A.Vouns Cooffa uu.! tbremt-l and Lun Symp "¦¦i Mth ui, K mm for mure than a feror whtle on ti I Iff $ year. hb l had 00 ftstt I' 1 II 11 'Ni ui. j V Í OUlOüU ii ri-iiifMich., abOBt a f ¦ J il v for ('okls and ninïith ajo, k I m 1 1. il l' h , and t&itcta io ttmt l ; 1 fonnfl Itareltable ra iinnhlo to ti:i ¦ } OMdldiM. I have n apbolntmsnt % B $ oMd Ui Au (0 prracii on i Bk J and LlTW Byrnp aoconnt of my ! in my family with ""vit.' oongblnc, l ¦ ¦ thc bet of surbut nanaged to ! ' oasa, curinv my g9t home muí ! ¦ ¦ ' motbr twhoHe oufrh leftme! { tover aml Amu. i-.i.iM 1 oom-i Wm ! fter the ssoond nwneod takiNKit.' LB f chili and ttw. jind I tinci 1 1 taks pteuure Ment rfllcf hen ! I inr imiiondlntr 1 un attaokadj the above rem BJ i-Olllth ei r Jdlcs K. :ill Im complulnt.. -.-¦ need tbem. liEv. Hout. Oom. iikv. B. 1) Kimmell. I by uil OrnnMa. Prli-e, 2-c.. 50n. uil Í1.C0. I bomen Hst froe on receipt of prlce 9 W. JOHNSTON &CO., t=.TROIT, MICHICAN._ RINSEY &SLABOLT'S BAKERY. GROCERY, AND Flour and Feed Store. We keep conptautly on band, BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC, Whnlesale and Retal) Trad. We ball aleo kei'p a enpply of SWIFT A DEUBEL'8 BE8T White Wheat Flour! Oflhi l'lour, Kyc I lour, BiKk n lioal l'lour, (urn ¦¦!, l"ol, EU-., At Wholesale and Ki'tall. A general Htock oí GROCSRIES and PROVISIuNS (onBtantly on hnini, which will be old on as reasonuhlt' tt-rmg as at any otlter hoase Vu the city. Cash paid for BUTTER, EO-, and OOtTHTHt PRODOCK gcni'rully. (ioocls dilivered to anj part of the city without eitra charge. RINSKY A SEABOLT. Moiiiiiiw Sale. DKFAULT lmvhiK beea maile in the conültuins o( ii (¦.¦liain Mortgaga (whersby tin' power ïlnTi-in ooDtalnad to sdi lia beoome operativo) exeoaMd by James H. Hopklns, of [ivndoo, Waibtenaw oonnty, Mlchlgan, to Juan Barateon, of Unadllln. Ooaoty, Mloblgaa, dated the Ilrst iluy of, A. 11. 1878, and reo.rcled on tlie rth day of May. A. 1). 187S In Iba of the Reglstarol Deeds foraald oouDty of Witshtfiniu'. in Liitcr tiiiy-oin' oi EDongaceaoo page eme huiichcd int! slxty thereof.which inortgaye as .,11 tbe loarteeuth lny of December, A. D. lsl duly assi-iifl hy tlie suul .lohn Sarülson, mortcgitgee, to Barab BarKlaoo,of ("na ilillii. Llvlnston county, Michigan anilwliU'h tissiguinetil was reoorded In the office of satd EtagLiter of deeds, ou the twelith duy of July, A. 1. 1886, in Lioer nlno of asslgnments of tnortytagei m paa sixty-me thereof. and which mortgage was afterward on the elithtu 'la ..i July, A. D. 1888, duly aaslgoed by the sald Sarah Sargtson to William Sarglson, of Marión, Livingston Ooanty, Miohlson, and which aHsignment ma reooffdad In iticollicc of said ElegiBter "i Deeda, on the twplftli day of July, A. 1). 1888 in Libar nina ofaaatgn. mentsof mortu'aKcs, on pgesixty-two tlicioi; upon which mortgage tbere Isolalmed to te .i at the date ol this notloa Lhc ianol thraa bnndred and Uve dolíais and forty-flva ceul ff806.46)t and nosnit or prooeedingt al law havlng been instilutfil ti reoover Iha delit dow remtlnlng aeeond by said inortgage or any pari thereof: Nol Ice is thorefore liereby glven, that on Tburaday, ¦aoonddayol .linif, A. D. 1887, al one ..'cl. uk in alterno, n of atd day, at the front door of the 1-..UH Hoiisoln theclty f Anu Arbor, In sul-I coiinlvol Wa.shifiiaw, that hcinii the place i of holding circuit court witüln thecouuty In wblch toe mortgaged prenilses to be Mild slttiated), the saicl mortKage wlll be i by saic at puiiiic vi'iuiiii' lo tbe htgheel bidder, of the preralm onotalned In ai.l mortgaga or ao mnoli tbereol a may ba neceasary t, latUry tbe amouni du on said ,L6 with luterests and legalooati that Is to say : All that i'erlaln and pleoe and baroaJ ot land iltnatedjln the lownsbip if Lyndoo, In the ooonly of Washtenaw and State Of Michiiian knowu and desciil.ed al rollowt, to-wit: Theeaal part of the i casi irac-tiotial cjuartcr of section nnmber one (I) in township nuuiticr one (I), Routh of ruime nnmber three I aas', and bonnded on the west hy the oullet of Hlind Lake, nnd oontalnlng forty acres ..t land more or leaa, Dated March I, A. I' I88T, A [LLIAM 8ARQI8ON, . Asülgnee of Mortgnge. . s. Mohtaoub. , Atiorncy tor ABtgnee of Mortgage. CommlMloners' Nottee. STATBOPMlCHIÖ Tlic underslKncd bavlug boen appointed by the Frcibat Conrt for eaid O.tuiit , C'ommifStnnert to r.'ccive. examine and adjust all and damandl 1 ol tllpenoBi agauut tha eataieof Mary Ktng, i late ,.t -aid c.uintv, doceaned, bereby 'ive notice i 'h.i-: m, milis Iretn date are allowed, y order of i paid Probate Court, for creditort to preiaBi tlu-ir claimt anlaal th ettata ol said deceated, and that be] wiil meet ut the offloo 'f Zlna 1. Kinc. in thfl cir of Ai,n Arbor, in said county, on i iay, the ?th day ol' June, anci cm Wcdnepflay, tlie , rih day ..f September nezt, al ten n'clock A. K, of each of -nid daya, to receive, examine andadut Mld dalou. Dated, Mrch7, 1887. JOHN Ml Ui. I Commiuíionern. WILI.IAM N. STBVBXS. f 13 17, i O Tbe lHUCltS' (ll'II)E la Inurd c pi. and Mart li, eaeh itr. f 31 paffe, 8'ai U'.j Inclín, Uit ovrr 3,500 1 1 1iih r..i ioni - a licilt Picture iailt rj . GIVKS lic.lesul. Prlcr. ' ilinct to MUIMin on uil koiN for personal or fuiiiilj' n. Tt-ll how to , order, and gtve exact cot ot i thlng yon ue, ent, drink, wrer, or I hT nin with. Theae INVAtUABLÜi HOUKS . ,.i. li.ii. Information gli-anril ' from the marlt -1 of Oie worltl. AVtwlll niitil a copy FRKE to any addreu ii .,.n rrcelpt of 10 . to defray , . M ¦ of mailing. l uu lic ai trom yon, llciipectfully, ? MONTCOMERY WARD & CO. 827 A i'ití Wabaith Aveauc, l,i,,iii„, 111. SUBSCRIBE for the CODRIÏB.'


Ann Arbor Courier
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