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HO I UNAfOUAINTED WITH THE CEOCRAPK' SEE BV EXAMINIHC, THIS WSAr, TH.T -Ha _____ CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC R'Y By reasou of lts oentral position, close relation to principal Unes East of Chicago and contiuuous liues at terminal points West, Northwest and Southwest io the only true middle-link in that transcontinental system which invites and facil' itates travel and trafflo in cither direction between tiie Atlantic and Pacific. The Koek Island main line and branches include ChicaifOLJoliet, Ottawa, La Salie, Peoria, Geneseo, Moline aud Rock Island, in Illinois; Davenport, muscatine Washing-ton, Fairflcld, Ottumwa, Oskaloosa, Weet Liberty Jowa City, Des Uoines, lndianola. Winterset. Atlantic, Knoxvillo, Audubon, Harían, Qutlirio Contj-a and Council Bluffs, in Iowa; Gallatin, 'lYenton, St. Joseph, Cameron and Kansas City, in Missoiui; Leavenworth and Atohison, in Kansas; Albert I (?f., MinneapoUs and St. Pau!, in Minnesota; Watertown in Dalcota, and hundroas of latermediate cities, towns and villageB. THE CREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE Guarantees Speed, Comfort and Safety to those who travel over it. lts roadbed i3 thoroug-hly ballastod. lts track is of heavy ste-l. I?: bridffes aio soiid otructures of stone and iron. lts rolling' stock is perfect oc human skill can inake it. It ha all the safety appliances that mechanical tro-iu" has invented and experience provcd valuablc;. lts practici.1 operation is conservativa and method) :al- lts discipline strict and exacting. Ihe luxury of its passender accommodations is unequaled in the West unstirpasaed ia the wcrld. ALL EXPRESS TRAINS between ChicaKO and the Missouri River consist jf comfortable DA Y COACHES, maarmlioeut PULLMAN PAL.ACE PARLOR and SLEEPING CARS. elearant DINÏNG CARS providinsr excellent meals, and -between Chicaeo. St. Joseph, Atchisonand Hansas City-restful RECLINING CHAIR CAR3. THE FAMOUS ALBERT LEA ROUTE Is tho direci., rvorite lina betwnen Chicairo and Miniieapolis and St. Paul. Oveithis route solid Faat Express Train run tíaily lo_thi3 Luinmer reaorta, xtioturceouc localitios and huntiníT and fishinx í?round cf i:v, aud Minnesota, 'iho : whoat ilelds and lauda of interior Dakora reached via Wito' A short desirablo route, via Séneca and Kankakec, offers superior i)iciui,oir.cnt i to travelers between Cinoinnati, Inrlisinapolis, Loiayetto and Council Brnii Joseph, Atchison, Leavenworth, Ka:is3 City, lüiuuoapolis, 3c. Paul aiiti ¦ mediato points. All classes of patron3, espocially familio3, 1 .dioc and children, receive trom ofiBciali and employés of Rock Island traína proteotion, raspectful courtGHkindly attention. For Tickets, Mans, Folders - obtainable at all principul x'ioküt Oíñce _i : „ ¦ United States and Canada- or aay deaired inforxüation, address, R. R. CABLE, E. ST. JOHN, resident and General Manager, Chicago. General Tickt! and [".ssenircr Aeeni, CMmm


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