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HmM Mii.i.Ki!. a rriluri'cl niiin of Lynchburg. Va., chokiM hlawife o de&tb on the 21 st und then cut his own throat. Tuk trial of Bohwartz and Watts for the murder of Express Messeneer Nlcholl WM bcguQ at Morris, 111., on the 21st. The safe of the Richmoud Hotel at Buffnlo, N, Y., was taken irom the ruins on 'Ist, and diamonds to the valua of t3D, - 000 or more ware found uninjured. Tuk brk-k-makers at the Star fire-bnek works at Pittsbui-gh, Pa., wcro on the 21st granted mi advance in wages ranging from lifteen to twenty-five per cent. A neoko at Birmingham, Ala., plunged a kmfo into tho hcart of auother nogro who undertook to elope to Atlanta with his Wife on tho 21st. A notable gathering of ministers took place at the noon meeting at Farwell Hall, Chicago, on the 21st, and Bishop Chi Dr. Lorimer, Dr. Henson, Rcv. Frank Bristol, C. M. Morton and others spoke of the great work being carried on in the city through the instrumentality of Evangelista Moody and Murphy. Ki ütiieh advices of tho 21st say that the recent flre on the Chautauqua (N. Y.) Asscmbly grounds destroyed eighty building! and ruined ttie grand old trees on the lake front. While a Prohibition meeting was beins heldin the M. E. Uhurch at Holly, Ilich., on the evening of the 20th some one tlyew a ball of rags saturated witn kesosem1 under the building, but an alara ivaa given bofore any damage was done. Under the provisions of the recent act of Congress in regard to National banks Kansas City, Mo., was on tho 21st made a reserve city. The people of Fort Pierre, D. T., were driven to tho bluffs by tho rising water on the 21st, and it was feared great damage to tho town would rosult. The Missouri was rising twofeet au hour. Entiredestruetion threatened the town of "--¦-- whero all tho business houses were flooded and tho people were fleeing to save their Uves. The Quaker meeting-house at Buffalo, Kan., was blown up by giant powder on the 21st. A man who had been prosecuted for gambling was charged with the crime. S. H. Baker, a real-estate dealer at Minncapolis, Minn., disappiared on tha Sist, and was said to be Í100.000 short in his nconunts with several compauios of wbich he was president. Atear ago, at New Bedford, Mass., the teudons in one of Edward K. Russell's legs wero severed by accident. Two tendons írom a dog were placed in Kusseü's limb and united with the severed tendons. For ten months the patiënt was not permitted to use the injured member, but on tho 21st he resumed work, the operation havlng proved a complete success. A nESTitucTivE forest fira was raging on tho 22d near Clinton, Ark., and adjacent plantattom and rlUagM wero threatened. Hemiv Kiihl, cif l'iiiciiuiaii, was dying on tho tM from tha effects of the bites of a Sjiilz dog. Bills, Hm slxteen-year-old boy now in the Kansas pmitüiitiary under sontence of death, confessod on the 23 J to the killing of his mothcr, brotber and sister at Erie, but charged the killmg of his fat.her upon his brother. On the street at Bprlngfleld, I1L, on the evening of the 22d an attempt Wtm made by some person uuknown to assassinat Representative Bailey, of Kast St. Louis. The (iirmans of New York, Baltimore, Savannah and other cities celebrated on the 2ád the ninetieth birthday of Emperor William, of Oermany. The Wholesale notion firm ofRothschild & Co., New York, failcd on the 22 J for HÜO,000. The Board of Ezcise of New York City has resolved not to alloiv any increase in the number of drinking places now Ucensed. Fok the flrst eight months of the present fiscal year the colloctioiis of infernal revenue were Í74,24S,8M, being $917.607 less than the collectjons for the same period last year. S.sow to the depth of fifteen inches feil in seetions of New York and Pennsylvania on theSBd. The levces at Leiand, Ark., and at Robert Craig's plantation were broken on the 22d, and the water was pouring through with great rapidity, floodiug the surrounding country. Railway traffic was partially suspended in Verinont on the 22d owing to a heavy snow-storm. A nine-foot coal voin was struok on the 22d near the surface at Greeley, Uol. Oboboi Mans, a Loui.s-ülegambler, was on the :iM convicted of the murder of nis mistress, and senteuced to imprisonment tot life. H. G. Dodolass, postmaster at Plainfleld, Ind., while his affairs were being investigated on the 22d by Inspector Stuurt esCftped with f 1,500. The water of the Missouri river at Bismarck, V. T., rose a foot on the 23d, and the stream was six miles in widtb. Al I'ainte 1 Koek the entire Jackson family, consisting of father, mother and two children, were drowned. TnE druggists of Crawford County, Kan., decidid on the 22d to keep no liquors in future ïor any purposs. As assignment was made in Philadelpuiu on the Lid by James and John Hunter, proprietors of three large print-works. A snow-fai.l, sixtoen incbes to two feel In depth, occurred in Connectiout on the Kd. The Missouri river was rapidly rising on the 23d at Lebeau, D. T., and the town was almost entirely uuder water. Severa] ives were reported to have been lost. The snow in the streets of Gloversville, N. Y., wa on the 23d piled as high as the store fronts, and a snow tunnel was used to enter one hoteL In Hamilton County there was ten feet on the ground on the level. Thk Grand Army members of the Michigan Legislatura had a camp-flre in Representativo Hall, at Lansing, on the evening of the 23J, whieb. was attended by two thousand persons. The evening was dovotod to speeches and songs. A BOAHDiNo-iiousB belonging to the Colby Iron-Mining Company, at Bessemer, Jlich, w;is destroyed by flre early on the morning of the 23d, and twelve of thecompany's employés perished in the Sames. Ia was discovered on the 23d that Mr. Gavin, aged seventy years, and his wile, aged sixty years, of Detroit, Micb_, had been smothered to death by their insane daughter, aged thirty-two years. The acting Secretary of the Treasury on the 23d issued the 148th cali for the redemption of bonds. The cali is for $10,00;),ÜOO of the three per cent, loan of 1882, to mature May 1. The packing in Chicago during the twelve months ended with last February was 4,425,940 hogs and l,6J8,200 cattle. The New York Court of Appeals on the 23d unanimously añirmed the constitutionality of the State Oleornargarine bilL Five sailors wero swept from a wrocked Bohooner on the 23d in ChosapcaUe bay and all wore drowned. Advicks of the 23d from Detroit ay tha forged checks on the "Marlette Exchange ltank'' of Marletto, Slich., havo been nego tiatod in many places. Thore ig no such bank in existonco. The trial of John Arensdorf, chargei witli the murder of liev. Oeorgo O Haddock at Sioux City, Ia., on August 1 was commencod on tli TnB worst snow-storm of the soason prevailed on the 23d at Easton, Pa., anc viciuity. All trains were snow-bound. A iif.avv frost in Mississippi on the iiifjhtof the 23d soverely dumaged ;frui trees, toma toes and strawberrios. Mary, the twelfth victim of the recent llichmond Hotel tire at Buffalo, N Y, died on the 23d. An elevator feil on tho 23d In Marbury Bros.' tobáceo factory at Baltimore, Md. killing two men. The Pennsylvanla Board of Piu-dons on the 23d refused a rehearing in the case ol Milton Weston, a Chicago capitalist, serv ing a flve years' entonce for complicity in min ing riots. Jacob Petersen, a procer, was flneJ $100 at New York on the Ü4th for selling oleotnargarine unlawfully. The railroad cominissioners of New York on the 24th presentod to the Legislature a report against the heating of cars by stoves. A jury was secured on the 24th at Sioux City, la., for the trial of John Arensdorl for the murder of Rev. Qeorge C. Haddock. Charles Boemer, a baker and confectioner oí Minerva, O., deserted Lily Mor. ledge, to whom he had promiscd marriago. The girl's parents had bocome insane on the 24th from brooding over the affair, and she herself was lying at the pointof death. The Treasury Department at Washington on the 24th reportod 634 distillerios in operation throughout the country, Kontucky leading with 156. Wiiilb insane on the 24th Mrs. Jacob Bread, of Nowark, O., threw boiling water over her husbaud, resulting in his death. The floor of a school-house in which a donation party was being held on the 24th at Hittville, N. Y., gave way under the weifrh t of the people assembled and fif teen persons were severely injured. Miss Hancock, aged seventeen years, of Youngstown, O., was shot dead on tho 24th by Ebenezer Stanyard, a shiftless, half-witted fellow, wliose attentions to her had been rejected. The horses of Tippecanoe County, Ind. , were on the 24th being attaoked in largo numbers by a disease closely resembling diphtheria. It was usually fataL Captain Brooks, of the steamer Arizona, which arrived at Queenstown on the 24th from New York, reported that tempests prevailod during the entire passage. Fkank W. Foster, ex-treasurer of Greenfield, Mass., was on the 24th indicted for embezzling f 15,000 from the town. William R. Ltle, a Chicago journalist, committed suicide at Fort Worth, Tex., on the 24th by shooting himself. He was deranged. Jon Alexander, of Pulaski, Pa., aged nineteen years, recovered a verdict on the 24th lor f20,200 against the Pennsylvania Kailroad Company for the loss of a leg. Thb female seminary at Frankfort, Ky., was destroyed by flre on the 24th. Thk Wisconsin Legislatura on the 34th passed a memorial asking Congress to restrict the immigration of foreigners of the vicious and detective classes. A railwat train feil through Otter river bridge, twenty miles above Lynchburg, Va., on the "J4tli, and nine persons were reported killed and a number wounded. Owixo to high water the family of D. M. Kennedy, consisting of himself, wife and three children, had on the 24th been living for six days on Sibley islaud, near Red Falls, Minn., on such food as they could save from the water. They could not be rescued till the flood subsided. They could be seen through fleld glasses occupying the branches of trees. TnF. ontire business portion of Dunbar, Neb., was destroyed by lire on the ' At Servia, Ind., on the Litli William Darlington, a brakeman, was blown from a car by a gust of wind, and, falling on the track, was run over and beheaded. It was reported on the 34th that a combination of wealthy men, including Senator Payne, of Ohio; Erastus Wiman, of New York, and James McLaren, of Ottawa, was beiug formed to control all tha valuable iron deposits in Canada, now sald to be the richest iu the world. PERSONAL AND POLITÏCAL. Ajtdbbw Jackson Grant, the hero of a dozen honeymoons, and the vengeful object of as many deserted wives, was arrested in Boston on the 21st. Du. Z. T. S0WEH8, one of the most prominent physicians of Washington, in an interviiiw on the 21st said there was danger that President Cleveland would not live through his term unless there was achango iu his mode of living. President Cleveland on the 21st appointed as District Attorneys Oeorge E. PritcHett for Nebraska; Emery B. Bellers for Indiana, and Thomas Hayden for Nevada. TnE Missouri and Ohio Legislaturas adjourned sine die on the Sist. E. A. La Tane, chief clerk of the Headquarters of the Army, died at Washington on the 21st. T. W. Leck, a prominent business man of Cleveland, died on the 21st of cáncer of the stomach. John A. Loqan, Jr., and Miss Edith Andrews were married on the 22d at Youngstown, O., and soon afterward left for Florida. The bride's father gave the young couple a cheelf for $50,000, and her uncle presented üovernmeut bonds of the same valué. Colonel John Wiiite, who was on General Logan's staff during the war, dled at Dallas, Tex., on the 22d. Tns President on the 22d appointed the Following Inter-State Commissioners: Thomas M. Cooley, of Michigan, íor the term of six years; William R. Morrison, of Illinois, for the term of nve years; Aujfnslus Schoonmaker, of New York, for the Lerm of four years; Aldaco F. Walker, of Vermont, for the term of three years; Wal ter L. Bragg, of Alabama, for the term of two years. Cooley and Walker are Kepublicans, the others are Demoera ts. Arthur Rosb, a negro of Cincinuati, O., on the 22d sued an actress for J.10,000 damages for hurting his feelings by pointing her flnger at him in a theater while she sang "Dar's a New Coon iu Town." Tuk fears of Dr. Sowers conoerning the health of President Cleveland were on the '."Jd declared by Colonel Lamout to be groundless. Wilman Windrfm, a coachman at Rock Island, IU., received official notifleation on tbeaSdthat he had fallen heir to 5UO,0U0 by the death of his father in South America. Oeoroe B. Westcott, a bank president at Charlestown, Ui., died on the 221, leaving an estáte worth f2,000,009. Joiix Knkpi-ek, of Hausom, Pa., aged 108 years, 1 month and 17 days, died on the !23d. He was a native of Austria. The Dfniocrals on the 231 ronominated ii. Uarrison for mayor of Mi:s. JonN Farniiam died on tho 24th at Utica, N. Y., at the age of IOS years. Colonel L. W. Shephsiid, secretary of the Board of Trustees of the Illinois Soldiors' Home at Quincy, droppcd dead at tbe home on the 34tti. Oscar 8. Ktbaus, of New York, was on tho 'itth appointod Minister to Turkey by the President. Tde Ohio Prohibí tlon State convention has been caüed to meet at Delaware June 29 and 30. Philip ( i'Huius died In Chicago on the 241 h. aged 103 years. On the 24th ex-Socretary of the Treasury Manning and Treasurer Jordán arrived at Queenstown. Eliza Wkathersby, the woll-known aotress, wife of Nat üoodwln, tha comedian, died at New York on the 24th froin the effects of a surgical oporatiou for the reinovul of a tumor.


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