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nSOl IHHIiCTOKÏ. A.NS A.KBOKI'DM VSDRHY, Ni 1! lllwts Ilr.St Xuesl.v .'t . i-mi in)iiiii. W.O [Vity. h. .:.; W. . Toicii ir i. Booorder. W vsh rwv vu' ril vitki:. N'd. 8, H A. M.- , ilrst Mondar ¦'ii''li inouth. Isaac II I' ; '¦ ttth, Secretary. 3U 31 MESS CAWDS. CLOTiï CÍSKST3, METALIC And Oonati Ooflln. CHllaattented lo l;iy or Nlttlit. Einiwildilnu u specliilly. HU) eroom on K. WiisliliiKtim streel. Resldeuce Oor. Liberty Rad l-'iftn. r. n. iv(üso, 33 .! ESirTilTÜIÜSilTü. OFFICH : (Her Beek & Ab'l's Dry Oood Store. E o trunca next tO National Bank. WILLt&n IIERZ, House, Siga, Ornamental and FRESCO PAINTER! Paper! is, Staring, QMiac, nd Calctmlnioi:, and work ui varj 4ertotlon dono in the beet r-t. !c. Md varra:ited to MtlefcHtl'M. Shop, No. 4 W. Washineton St., Anr, Arbor. IV. W & X C. 1VICHOLS, oVer Aun Arbor Savinsjs Bank. M.ioiiic Temple Block. GAS or VITALIZED AIR A'imiinrtT.-.! Mf A ;híu le-a cxtr.icti -n irf ceh. STATE STREET ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, Dkar Snt: IfynuwuiH ft neal Suit ilo nut order onltl yon have men JOSEIMI BKRKÏ, tftrobaal tWlor. SUte treet, Mm Arhor, Miei. V iu wül li'it ii verv Sn llneof Knglisii Woritetl (or l)res SalU, nd all the Newell Shades and W av,-s In Hack Snltlaga 'u, 1 irownenog In st. ck and dunplea U order fnmi. , , Oor long expertenea in Cuttlnu ennble n to glïf yon il nnat nnl perfect fit, nnd Clotlie made In flrt-c im order al IiOWel Living Prlcos Cali and ee lor yonrsi' f. Reapeotrally your, i w S?H MlittRY, Merohant liillor cet'the best FÍRE 1NSÜRANCG! $29,000,000. Hecarity hvWi lor ih" prt.tecüon of ihe poltC) CHRISTIAN MACK Qeyre?en[f ibfl toliowlnK ftrfci-cla-s Cinmmnte. of wiii-'h one, lh fiti h. hu aiouc paM ,000,060 tfn o-fjL-a in ixry-öve enrs: Etna, of llartt-.r.l ...$ !),192,644 FiMiikiin of Fhilaiielptilii 3,118,718 QermanlH, N. Y 2,700, 7M O.m min .VnicM-ican, N Y ,06ü,968 Londofi A-suiiincr, Londmi... 1.416,788 Mlclilftsn fc 4b M-, Detroit... 27.608 N 1 . Underw riters, N. Y 2,590,079 Nati il, Hartford 1,774,505 Plicenix, Brooklyn 3,759,030 I.osics lilwrallv adjusled and nromptly p.)id. Polieies issucd at the lowest ratcs of premium. llDltf LU M BËR I LI7MBSK! LÏÏM BEU! it yon contémplate bnlliltng, cali at FERDON Luier Yari ! Conier Foiirtli and Depot Sts., and ge our figures for all kinds of LUMBER! Wc manufacture our own Lamber and Ruaran tee AERY LOW PRICES "Give us a cali and we will inake it to your interest,! our large and well gradrd stock lully ust.iius our assertion Telephone Connt-v-tionl rith Ofhce. 1 . I. K.KKCII Supt. JAMES TOI.BERT, Prop A, DePOREST. Pire Insurance Plate Glass Insurance, Steam T3oiler INSURANCE! IiOwest U:itïs, Honorablo Artjiistnionts and Losses Prompt ly Paid. REAL ESTÁTE RENTS Sl'KilAI. ATTKN'ÏIOS OIVKN TO COLLXCTIOH OF Rknts AVI) UAMAGmtEKT O HkaI. KhTATC IMTKRKSTS FOK N' Kl.-iirjKM K. KnTlttK SVTiM'ieriO TO OVNKKM Ul'AKANTF.KI). A. DeFORR8T. 11 1 1T '¦" '''¦ monaj thau at anytilni;elie by Uk VI I '' X 'ne "" a'-"'"r.v for lha llet i'llinK book II 11 ""¦ """iii-m uc"eed giandly. None ¦ili Tormi fr.u. IUi.lktt Book Co., l'')rtlni, Milne PENNYROYAL WAFERS. -6Vp. Prescription of a physician who üurXf-ra li&s had a Ufe long experience in ¦¦Kgí'1T treating fpmale diseases. Is used SEpi inontlily with perfect success by ¦K f over 10,000 ladi, a. Heatant, safe, flE _-5 ffTectiml. Ladiog aBkyour drugBLa. V fW 'or Pennyroyal Wafcrs and nvv take no substitute, or Incloee postjHKi?SOKeforBoal((dparticiilar8. Sofd by SLr all rtniffrkts, flj,crli.T. Addrcsa THE EÜUEKA CHEmCAU CO., Dbxboit, iüca. Sjldl a h ,r, M,ch , iv i.'i ¦ rb.i h A Son 1SM U ." 1'iilT ' '" 'v' "'' I'"1"' sl"1 mikft ruoRMmiijeyat III iv"rk f"r ""' 'ha" '" ".vtliinir '1 In thl Uil w.ii 1.1. Capual nol otodud; yon aro - iried rae. M'ith m-x. r; all a"i'. Any oneeaodo the work. Uuv Hirnlni raro froin ñ-tít:. (-'IK'ly O'ltflt nd tm, B'ltT '"¦t ¦ '' ' - kim na hiDL' t" Mnd na yuir adarH :m il, rl ,,in if y „ „n. wri, „,,n wr ,jo o tourn. 11. Hai.i.kt. ¦, Co.. Pon tand. Malne. ¦ rurniihid. ritu Ytimtttut Bro., Jaueivllla, Wl


Ann Arbor Courier
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