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- Philadelphia girlá are taking to dumb-bell exeroise. One dealer sold tliirlv paira of tbree-pound bella in oue day lati'lv. - A prisoner in the Santa Ciar County, California, has invented a water w heel whioh is s;iil to be agreat improvement on the turbine wheel. -A bald-headed citizen of Iowa had liis wife, who is very skillful wilh a bracb, palwk a spider on the top ofhifl head to frighteu away the files. - Omaha Jiee. - A seventy-five pound box of dynamite exploded witliin eight feet of seventeen workingmen the other day in Hirminghaiu, Ala., and not one of tlie men was iujured. - The railroad-car ooal-stoves thoald go, and the oil-lanips shonld go with [hem. By-and-by they will go, and wc Bhall have no moreawful bon-lires on the railroad tracks. - X. ï'. Tunes. - A book-keeper natned Dolí has lately taken up bis residence in Canuda. Hefore he went he l.ook sixty thoosand of üm linn'.s (¦ with htm. Ha was a very expensive dolí. - Detroit Trilmne. - There are twenty lew peala in Nevada exceedinz 10,000 feet in beight. heeler'a Boak, 13,036 feet above the level of t sca, bas the distinction of being tiie highést poiut in Nevada. - hi'-iíji) Journal. - 'Die theory of tbc iuhabitancv of the moon is phuisiljly argned in the nilinnative by Lhieberg, of Berlín, who thinks that the farther side may offer none of the obstados to the conaitiona of life peculiar to the face presentad to the carth. - Saya an sebanga, "Frank Qtiild, of Windham, while tryiug to remove a 'eoon from a trap, simt off one of bis boe with a revolver." The trouble with sucli pttragrapha as thia is that one does not Iraow whether bis svmpathiea shonld go out to Mr. Gnlld oí t de oon.-lioston Transcript. - Billy Di.v.gan, of Leadville, shot and wounded mi elk pp on Grand river and followed it. At dusk he traekêd it to a clnmp of timber, and tliought he law a mountain lion crouched over the dk's body. So he Bred and killed Dave HcinniMii, a well-known hou ter, who had córae npon tbc elk, killed it, and was in the act of skinning the careas - Scveral yeari ao a citizen of Lewiston, Mc., became very angry be-:uise the solilii'rs' monument was not builtwhere tvanted it. Consequently he Btopped werk on a building he had Dearlv tinishod and vowed that it should nei t her lic finished nor torn down, but remain ai a blut on tha city. And thus it remaina a tuinble-dowuoid .¦heil. -Boston Journal. - A nurse-girl in Newark desired to walk with In-r beau, and so she left a two-year-old baby in its cart in a park. The mother eanie along and took the cliihl in, and when the girl returned the (imply said: "A nianehloroformed me and run o 11' with the child, but you can probably get it back by adverlisfng. Can 1 go (O the bal! to-night?"- Detroit Free t'r ts. - A story i told of a Welsh jory, who, when ¦ learned ODÉBSel had oiciieil the. casa and eoueluded by .-a - ing, "Now, gentlemen, 1 will cali beforc yoa the witnesses who will beai out the assertiooa I have made," replied ananimously: "Oh, Mr. Williams, you need not jfive youwell the tronble; ucean believeyon." TThat would not barristérs at tne new law courts givc for such jurics now! - Collecting silver spoons Is, some one declares, a popular form of Kuropcan Éhopping by American ladies. A .-poon is purebased in every citj' which the travele risita, and the name of the city engraved on the bowl of the gpoon. Ñearly every country has a different Irind of spoon, and in Ëngland, Ireland and Scottand every city bas its peculiar mark which must bc placed on all spoons made within it. - Did you ever see a man who played billlards who would not confldentially teil yoa, as you watehed bis play, that he nsed to play a good game? "Yes, sir," hewill say, "two Of tbreeyears fkgO when 1 was in ]iractico I OOUld ilouble discount this game l'm playing now." Whoever beard an honest billiard player say. "1 don't play mach of a gama, that's a fact, but'it's as well as 1 (¦ver did?" Man'n inability to be truthful is not coniined to such dtories. - Iluffalo Expres. - The sportsman of the Northwest, gaya the Portland Oregonüm, has no mutteringa to make over bis varicty of shooting. He can go into Kastern Oiegon and lbool prairie chickens and lish to bis hcail's content. Within two honn1 travel of the metropolis of the North Pacific coaai he can shoot within twenty-four houis elk, deer, panther, groase, pheatant, gOBse, cjuail, pigeon, niallard, dook, widgeon, canvasback, teal, aprigtail, gray duek, bluebill and snipe, besides swan and sand-bill crane. - In Cinclnnati the other day a boy of about eightoen yean of age was leatenoed to jail for laceny. As bewas being led i'lown stairs bc hastilv BWallowed lome pilla from a unall vial. lie was placed behind thfl bars and bogan t" pij bittcrly. The prUonera raued tlic alarm tiiat bc. had taken arsenic. A physician and stomaoh pumpwere sent for, and bc was laid on the Boor and thoroughlv puinpr-d out. When be got an opportunity t explain be said that lic bad nierely taken some barmlesa pelleta for his breath.- dneinnati 'l'iim t. Wrhten and litbographic seruion, gotten up n a sl Ie todeccive the sleet, for the purpose of being delirered as original in tb juilpits of tbeir buvers, are a conimon article of trallic in Jn l;land. The pnces of these ready-m:e!c pulpit homiuea vary according to styli and qnality. The figuresnamed for tlieiii aplicar in the following ciiriou8 advcilis'emcnt from the London all Muil air.rllr: 'Toni-teen sermOBI on various sabjects, tizpenoe; post free S(!v'n stainps. Kourteen sermons on popular inbjeoU, iixpenoe; post free ïeven stampa, P. Davi. 22 WarwicU lane, E. C."


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