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NoiXb L'ike is nut of ice. Dcxtcr younjr flks tupe their voices In a sinifinp school. 11. II Kilian lias purchsfed the depot druj store at Yptilantl A Simday School bas been ori;.ii]ized at the Oooh school house in Sharon. ('has. Pratt bas lcased the C C. WaH farm, near Dexteron the Aun Albor road. Sugur parties re sweetening lip the lads and lassies aiouud the co.iuty just ;iL present. Tlie Leader publltbe i 1 1 r of 38 new booksjmt placed In the Doxtr Ladies' Lihrary. A pinoh biir warranteii uot tn l'lp ;i the rail has been invented ly O. K. LatUt, ofChelatM. Orr Wake, of Oexter, starts out tliis nionth as tra velinjr agent tor the Cliani pion binder. Iï ilsinville Is aftorsome more brMtfea itLTui n tbil spring List spring they vrera voted down. Rev. Thos. Unbison, fonnerly of Saline, dow occupies the pulpit of tin: Baptist Churcb in Chelse i. Dr. Sheldon hasoldout h's dental business at M menester to Freil. Koll and i? jioinj; to HilUdale. Confirmation at the Geruim EitianitidV churcli, Manche-ter, last Sunday, IS lo and 10 girU in the class. Mrs. M. A. McColluin,fir -i v. ril ye rs ¦ resident of Manchester, II li umie to Har'cm. Dikuta, to live. Miss liOiiise Taylor accompanied Mr. and Mrs Walter Vvbb ot Dexter to I)aknta laat WOek Jlcndny for tliu sninni'T. The Ladies' 9ociey ot' tw. Preahj'terlan cburch, Manchester, holil un !', t - ' r tc-li val at the basement parlor, FrM ly, April 8 h. The looation of the postoffic i i Frtrdom li.-t vinr beench -inged U tlie el pari of thr ton'uship, tliere is a gn at k elabout It. At the CheNea town hall t" morrow. Thursdav eveninsr, " Enü-tcd fnr th War." will be pnuluced for the lieixlit Pieive Camp. At Di-xter the City Attorney l' per year and the Recorder geta f"2ö The man whodocs th wolk shou il }Lct the i i . shoiild he notf H I Twaniley of Nort" Lake, lia h tl'uk ot 29 locigwool shcep tlmi ;ivi' i-im "ti lambs this spring, says lne aor. if tin ('hels'a llt-rald. TIip ('lielaea school boa'd li is giv' Pnil. Parker a food 'scil off.1' H' -erveil nearly seven years tin re. ivii l piral sfitisfaetion. Mrs Electa Main ilicd al Minnn-i'i HrcbSftli, atred 72 years. Mr. Ff de i-icaGndekunst. of same pi tce.üied -M irch 28th, a-ïPM 39 years. Th DextiT cut-nff is belnx affltateri israin, and Li'dyanl of the duiial roail woiild ratlier build the roail to Lanéld)! iiian Mason.- Stndtbridjte Sn. Oiville Hobart's fuira mlileiww in Shariin burned Öuuday a. m. of I isi weV. Contenta saved. Loss, $3,5 Ml, n-ured lor $1.500 In Eastcrn Jackauu Mmual. 'l'lic Ypsilimtian claims thut onlv tlirn out of the 13 Eilish pxperonf tlie connly opii,-t(l aiiicndinent. Tlie; uui-t hav. itreat lofluence ihen, accordinx to the ic811 It. The last drill of the Kogar w.ll at Duniice li as been recovered at lar, and drilling will be i'ominencïii agai.i. The wcll is now 1,800 feet deep. Gas or oil is hoped for. The state shont to be held al th;s pTaee, April 21st and 221 will be the Bral n( the st-ason, and promlses tobe largely atieiuled. All of tlw state piizi's will becontestC I for, and theie will he swcips in abODdanee - So. Lyon Picket. Hi v. Mr. Naumann of this city, took part in the eereinouy of "dedlcating tbe hells" at Mancln-ster, recently. [Ie Vi asoUted by the Kcvs. Hilduer and Scboot tic, and the affair was a pleasiilg OD6 lor th') cuuch society of that place. Mr. and Mi's. Muiiaon (inodyeai letnrned fio:n California on Tliursd iv af (er noon. Tlit'v were dellghted wlth the trip and after rettinsí a tntffof a uorthwester at Chicasro heartily reirietted theii liunicd return. - Mauclicstcr Kntcrpri-c. It h'iR been snu'L'O-ted to lis that the illage carpenter lix tlmt looc p'iiik In the cross walk II) front of ttie postoftlce. We wonld respectfully susrgesi it to the carpenter- Dex ter Leider. "VIMajre 0ir penter!" It can't be they have sprnnfra new office on tlie people? The reildence of M. I). Wallaee, was tlie scène of a weddlnjr, Tnurgday nioininj, I Maich lilst, the contraclinsr rsrtiei heilig !s daugtattfi MIm Jotaphlne, and Mr. AIcKim, of LanalnK The happy couplc lef on the mornlng train for t i ui r nr. home In the capital city. The well- lilies ot tnanj frieftdi go with tbem - Saline Observer. The mu' L'ieai it and lag d'agraee of the village of Pinckncy. the oue greul repülsive iealure ol her landjflape, li the forlorn, forblddinfE aftsrregatlon nf ohl boards and anUquated dust. to wltlch the people of selioo] district Xo 2, send their children to be educated. - Plnckney Dl patch. A town is Jadged by u scliooli and churclies. People who come f rom Brlfthton, l'lvinoulh, l'ineknev, Ann Arlior, andother towns to our thriviiifr yoirnr eiu aan bE told nt once on tbc streel, 'l'he Imstle and aelivity niakes tliem DOrVDUa, and they keep slubliiiijr their tees on Ihe nail nis In the lidewalkS, which are ini. osMble tO keep down on account of the constant wear in the plank. - South Lyon l'ieket. Plank walk? Doesn't tlüit soit o' giva you away neighbor, onbujiness? A bickwooiUman nuce dlfputfcd witli (i ii Knnx (of Ki-voliitionurv f .me) about i ii:hii1mt of Iol's lorntihrd liim .it one time. Knox liad ampie prooi of hisown Mccarncy in the matter, vet the forester, raider tli-m acknnwledjn hl error, offered t t;ike his o:ith up'"M tlic correctness cit' liis nivn titules K'unx conlly replied: ¦' WYH, fyoii artiwlillng to rlftkyourlm mort.-il sou] for fnur-anü ilxpence, lu the pnme of (iud, do it.'1


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News