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The agony is over. Friday is Oood Friday. W. H. Donahue is going to Colorado to live. Jacob 8. "Wise of this city luis been grantcd a pension. Prof. J. B. Steere is buiidiiiff a new house on his Htm. If Sunday Is a pleasnnt day the new bonnets will be out. Judge Joslyn lias soine satisfaction in this eleetiun at'ter all. Meeting of the Ladies' library association, Mondar, April 11. A large nuniber of residences are to be erected tlie coming season. C. C. Warner has charge of J. ABrown's down town store. NothiiiK but egss for breakfast on Sunday. It iü Easter you know. The city will have to economize now. Wlll the pólice torce have to go? Joe T. Jacobs sold last week live Holstein calves to a Wayne county farmer. House-cleaning seetns to engross the minds of the ladies, now that election is over. The annual eleotion of wardens and vesirymen, at St. Andrews, Moiulay, April 11. Hon. E. D. Klnne has made thebiggcst run ever made in the state, so far as is now known. The measles seem to be dying out in the clly - for lack of good material to work upon, probably. The annual renting of pews at St. Ar drew's church, Monday, April llth, at 10 o'clock a. m. The M. C. R. R. Co. are strengthening all their bridges, removing the wood and replacing wlth iron. Hobart guild will be opened April 11. A number of guests from abroad are expected lo be present. Last Satnnlay Mary A. McMonegal was granted a divorce from lier husband, Moses W. McMonegal. The Chequameons will furnish the muslc for the ctiildren's Eister festival, at St. Andrew's, on Suüday, at 4 p. m. Chief Sipley, by his economy in the poor fund, saved during his niarshalship $609.41. He has niaile a good ollicer. Prof. Mosely, of the Grand Rapiils high school, Dean WotCNttr and Frunk Bourn?, ot this city, are to accompaiiy Prof. Steere on liis trip. The American Law Reeistor publisheil at Pliiladelphia, has among ItaOorfMOl editora, Judge Cooley and Prol. Henry Y& Hogers, of this city. Nearly all the Knights of Labor supported the prohibitory amendment throughout the st&te. It is tlieengine that shoved the amendment to the front. The Cocker League Record, the new paper to be published monthly by the Cocker League, of the M. E. church, will be issued for the lirt time nest Saturday, Mr. Wb, Stevtn will lower the grade on the sonth side of his house, corner Ingalls and Catliarine #icct-, and will make other improvenients to property. Easter services Sunday at St. Andrews as follows : morning prayer and litany at 6 a. m.; morning prayer and lmly conimunion at 10:3U a in. Childrens' tervice at 4 p. tn. Just tliink of it! Frcedom, the ttronjrhold of demoeracy, {fives tlie Hom. E. D. Kinne 273 majority for oircuit jutlge. The handwriting ot somt olie can be seen on tliat wull. The trees are full of tliem. Ftill of what? Tin p.iils and cans. Tlie small boys in some parts of the clly have tapped the maple trees and wil] make for tliemselves maple sugar. The farm of Prof. Stoere will be cared for during the professor's bsence at tlie Phillipine 1.-1 :í rn i-;, ly hls brotlier David Steere wlio lias already reaoTed trom Ionia here for tliat pnrpOM. Ever since the suïcide of Thos. J. Walker, wlio hung himself at the jíiil a year or so ago.Dr. Sullivan bas bad a bilí of $4.48 against ttie county for an inquest. Last S;itimlay Jiulg-e Joslyn directed that the county pay the bill. At tlie regular Meting of the Unity Club next Monday evenini; in the Unitarian cliurch parlor?, Prof. J. W. Langley will give a scientific talk, and Dr. H. S. Frieze will speak iipon "The University during President Tappun's adniinistration." Muslc will be furnislied. April lst witnessed quite ¦ number of practical jokes. Coroner Jonkins captured the bigest one of the day, perliaps, but being of a generous disposition he called in hls brother Coroner Clurk to share tlie same with him. Then our owu brethren of the press were victims. Bro. Beakes of the Argus taking a jauut uj: to the university merely to flod it all a bout, but Will W. Watts oftbe News, tumbled to the day of the inonth beforo lie got there. On April 18th the Unity Club are to have a very interesting program. The entertainment consists of the dramatization of an old Engllsh bailad, entitled, "The Blind Beggar of Bethnal Green." The bailad is one the most popular ever written in ErgrUnd. lts plot or story brietiy is this : Simon de Montfort, the great Earl of Leicesttr, was killed ín the batlle ot Evesham, Aug. 4, 12U." at led of the revolted barons. Ilis eldest eon, Henry, was reported as slain but was according to the bailad, saved by a princeg8 who finally married him. Fearing he would be oxecuteil for his part in the tiprisintf, ha lived tot niany years as a blind beggar at Bethnal (ireen. Bessie, his daughter, sets ioith to seek her fortune. She lias inany sultors but tliey all turn froin her upon learninj; slie Is the daughter of a Winti befgar, except a young knlght He determines to mai ry her despite the protactaUona of his relatives and frlend-. At the marriagc; f.a-t Bessie's futlier appears as a minstrol and singstbe romance of his lift to tlie astonished conipany. The bailad will be read liy the talrnted eloeotlontat, Miss Scraff.rd. Mis. Higgins anu Mr. Boyle have the management. A great tnwont of time has been gpent on the ictlng und upon the costum.'s of the time. It will probably be the most oolquc thing ven in Ann Arbor in i long tima Potatoes at 45 $ 47. Parsnips are worth 50 cta. per bu. Huttor in good demaiul at 20 @ 26. II:ive you hc;iril froni Washtenaw? Cabbageí bring 75 @ 80 ets. per doz. The Argus luis purch ased a safe of A. L. Noble. it la hm that umiiy colorad nn votcd for tbe amendraent. "Will Worden will be the next accession to the bic3"cle rankt. Kcmember the K. T. social Mondny evening at the temple. Judge Joslyn will BOt liold eourt in Monroi', until next week. The old council will neet Friday evening, to close up business. No apples are otïered of any account. They are worth $1.00 to I.12S. Friday Christian Wuerlh, of Lyndon was aduiittcd to full citizenship. Co. A postponed their drill last Monday night on account of election. Eggs rather low for the time of the year, bringing from 12 to 18 ets. Hudson Kllis bas procured an expert bicyelo aud joined the ranksof the wheelmen. Judging from the votes polled Itondaj, It would seera that the two Ponds dld&'t rut) dry. Wiltsic Camp No. 90 S. of V. was mustered in by Col. M. E. Hall, of Hillidale, last evening. Two more Japanese students are BOW on the way to tliis city, mnking JÜ in all in tlie colony. Tliere were several runaway accidents last Saturday but quite fortunately no one was hurt. The new council will probibly meet for orgaiiizatiou next Monday evening if nothing happens. The board of health shouldcondemn the well on the court house square at once [t is a üisease breedei'. Xo more electrio lijrlits wil! be located irobably, if prohiöition prohibita tbe colection of the tax. C. II. Minnis, formerly of this city, is general agent of Hewitt's JacWson-Cenral city road cai t. The eettlng to and from the new depot s mighty ineonvenient. IIow will tlie natter be improved? In the case of Iteuben Kempf vs. Tailles Mullen, a final decrce has been gratitud in the cirA qpurt. The scenery of the Huron river i still narred by the slaughter honses, and tlie 5tU ward school receives the benetit. Mrs. Arnilla Van Dom was gniltod a livorce last Tlmrsday from lier husband, acob Van Dom, by Judge Joslyn. Jerome Freeman has removed liij barber shop from J. T. Jaeob's basement to he MOOad story of J. C. ft W. W. Watts. Zenai Sweet, of ihe 3rd ward, b promnent as a repabllcan eandldate for city narslial. Ile wouUl make a good offleer. Next Monday evening the Kniglits TiHiiplar will have a grand party to celébrate tlie closing of the Lantén season. A Boston cxpeit is expectcd in the city n a few d:iys to take cliarge of tlie clecric light works In the city tut a few reeks. Albert Sorg will probab'y h:ive no oposition for re-election to a srcond term is city treasurer. lie lias made a gootl offleer. ííow tliat acccss to the new depot has een eut ofl' via Detroit street, u sidewalk on the north entl oí State st. and on Pnler st. is a necesíity. Tlie literary eiitertaininentsof the Uniy club will be retumed next Monday rening, when Mrt. SunderUndwill raad paper on Kobert Browning. All the Japanese studente In the city to be DUmber Of IS, met over A. L. Noble' tore Siturday and forinrd a society, its object being social iiitetcoiirsc, etc. Wednesday evcning, Marcli 30th at the ealdcnoeof her brother, H. V. llaves, íiss EMzabeth M. Hayei wu married to Mr. Charles K. Fletcher of Centerville. " It is my opinión tliat the prohibit" - but he never lived to finish the sentence. Ie timicd pule, a wild, Mfflnislng look prend over his face, and he gave np the gllost. The law requires tliat in uil BMQi of cai let fever and other contajiious diseases ignsshall be put up. But it is not done and thus these diaeases are spread. Why 0 not all doctors obey the law ? It seems thM the boys put up a job ln he new tenant who moved into the Hency house In Delhi and frirhtened hhn mllv Re went out but the house has not lier tenant and he hears nothing of tlioíe "mysterious noises.'' A. L. Noble has put in a new safe tliat is in the conimon acceptance of the term a "dandy." It 3 trom the Chicago Sife & Lock Co., and has many new feature and fixings that are pretty fine. He has had it placed on a soliil foundation of masonry. Mr-. Francia Monroehasso far recovered from her recent severe illness as to be able to journey to her foriner home at Ann Arbor, where she will rest and visit for ome weeks Her husbund accompfinied her on Saturday last.- Howell Republican. On next Sabbat h forenoon Rer. Dr. Ramsay, at the M. E. clunch, will continue the series of aermons on the Lord'a Prayer. In the eveninr an Easter praise service will be rendered by the rhoir and conjrregation, aml p itof will give a brief tiddress. A little jrirl who is only 12 years old, living in Arknnsas, ordered 50 of Dr. Chae's Receipt IJooks about two months since, and writes tliat she bas wld them all out and orders a new lot. If all yonngtten luid the rrit of this little one, what a drivini;, thrilty world this would be. On Sunday last, upon the ariivul of the expresa train at Albion, the baggageman, Jas. S. Hawkiii8, was foQtid dead in his car, havitig dled of ajioplexy soini.where between Jackson and ihat city. Mr. Ilawkins had been upon the rond for SS years. He was a son of the late Abrain Hawklnfc of this city, and the funeral services were held heie Monday, from the residence of his niolher, on Fourth st. The Detroit Evening Journal of April 4lh bad this item in reference to one of our citlzens, who, knowing her right-, very s-eldom allows any one to deprive her of them: "Mrs. M M. Tuttle, of Ann Arbor, was rilling on a 1.000-mile ticket on the Michigan Central, Thurs.Uy. The ticket was made out in her name. The hhI prefix "Mrs." was wan tl Dg, and the conductor refused to accept the coupons as fare. At Michigan City the conductor and two brakemen uudertook to foreibly ejeet the lady, but she wouldn't eject worth a cent, and they gave it Op U a bad job. Mrs. Tuttle otlered to write her name toconvince the conductor tliat it was the same sljrnature as tliat on the ticket, hut he wouldn't have it tliat way.1'