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A Literary Club In Boston

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Perltapa of all the clubs uith literary object the PapyrUa bas Uie most IndirldUnlïty. Orlftlnally it met in au Enslish chop-hoU8t, and tíiuuLh it is KtHl inly a lliifng clitb rithotrtè house of Ka nwn, its entertainment are mueh more elabórate th ui iliey rere In thé befrfnnlng. A cuiïous liltle book lies befoM me whicli was privatcly olrooUtcd amonfr tb mcin:ers soine liini' ago, and which is attrihuted to a tonner presidan! of the club who is no less fanious tor hU wit Iban for bU beauty um! his mural ezoellepoQ [t ia ealleil " Printer of the l'apyiu-, " aml, witli snuif vt-ry cli-ver illugtratlona by Mr. L. 8. Ipso, it clujklates the club with inuch srreuter clearoess thau the c nistitutioii and hy-laws. Indeed, lts candor i not less flnehiHting tlian its tumor. Tlius there are two classes of ineraber?, Mterary and non-literary, and tlic ([Uestion, "VVhat is tlie difTerence between them,"isaiiswered in the "Prim.i ' as followa; "Well, Sonny, a Literary Meinher fotches only ten dollars, while a Literary Member fetehes twentylive dollars - unlesstbe Man whopropOMi your Name is up to Snuit," Tlien there ¦ a picture of au Ejyptlrtn palace, with a sphlnx at the portals grasplng a bottle of li :impa;iie, and this is acconipanied by lie followhig descriplion: "Do yon eee -li ís Magolfloent castle? The front enriince s guarded by Sphinxes and Thiuf9 and the Keed Iinmortal Is euitivated in tlie Hack Yard. It i the l'a-iyrus Club Monte, and t is Iocated in Uie Air. The Xoii-Ijilerury membcrs funiisli lic Building and the LiU'rary meubvra lurnish the Air. The Art Gallery conains tlic BaaU of all the Ex-Presidc-nts f 1 1 ie Club. If you pay your Dues mgiliirly and have the Custody of the lieturns, Yon can pro on a Bu3t SOmo day Yourself." Article I[ of the Constitution reads ns follows : "The object ot tliïs club shall be to promote {{o01' fellowship nul literary aml artistic tastes among it-s nemliers," whlch is tlius annotated in the uidacious "Primer": "riee this nice senuee. It is a Cholee Extract from the Constitution of the Papyrus Club. Is it iot a Benutiful pararaph ? It was built .( test the after-dinner l'uneli wilh. If he seiitence can be Shouted with Ense hen the l'unch is Bad. Uut if the fcSenence cannot be Shouted witli Ease then he PuDCh is Good. Is it not a Great Inventioni Let u all eo and Shout!" -


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