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Dezter aHll jogt aloiig without the signal service flags. Tlie Germán school in Dexter lins closed for the present. The YptiUnU creamery nsumed operatfoni iigaln last week. A horse dentist lias been t wofk at the molara of ililan honea. The vlltage carpenter if Dexter appean to have a good Leader. The bnatmeti are preparing thclr boati and oars for the coming se;ison. The voto 11 Argiuta lat week w:is tlie largest ever pollen in that föwnship. Two D6W MüMkffl Of the O. A. ft, have donued badgea in Manchester. Chas. Donaldsnn wlll move to Dexter toon, ocenpying tbe Ukks property. Mi-s Myrtie Balrd teachesgthe school n the Nordnnm district, Lfmn, tilia term. The Leader s:iys the demócrata registeredSO new voters in Bcio townsliipa the hi-t election. Tpvllnntl btu bad the sfngtng piirims That'a nothing, we have tlie srlnging pil grims on hand non. It is estimated tliat abont 20 percent o the old wheat erop is In the hands of th farmers.- Dexter Leader. Miss Belle Van Riper, formerly of I 'exter, was married in Chicago, Marcli 27 1' to Mr. E. J. Dake, of that city. York township will not have ,i new town hall. It was po decreed ;it the election las week, whp.n 122 voters voted for a ne hall and 234 agalMt it. John Condón, Jr., left for Detroit Jas Baturday, to accept a poaltion In th Michigan Central frelght depot in tha city.- Dexter Leader. Prof, Loomis, a yoimg gradúate of th Albion college, has heen blred as princi pal of the Chelsea Union school, in plac of P. M. Parker.- Echo. Mrs. W. W. F.iirfield, of Ypsilanti, read a veiy interesting paper before the meet ing ot the Woinans ltoard of Missions o l'the Interior, cntitleil "a story with : noral." Thomas Mosher, of Milan, visited the Masouic lodge one night last week and feil luwn stüirs in coming out, ruiling a gash over li is left eye and soitalnlng numeroni jiuises. The Pentecost boys did some good in Milan oue day recently. Entering a house, hey found the parlor carpeton lire and xtinguished it before under Marshal Jhortridge, retarned. Eddie Bradley, the Ypsilanti boy aregted for train wreckinj; at Eau Claire, Wis., really saved the lives of many people by notifyiiifr the railroad employés of the obtructions on the track. The lirst anniial masquerailo, promenade and military buil of Carpenter Post, G. A. H., and l'ierce Camp, No. Gl, will be held at the Town Hall, Kriday evening April 14th.- Chelsea Echo. The need of a reservoir in the eastern part of Manchester was demonstrated last week, when the fire department were unable to use their engines to extinguish a tire whieh came near destroying Jacob Kilher's house. The election of Hun. K. D. Kinne, republiean candidato for circuit judge, in Ihe twenty-second circuit - Monroe and Washtenaw countle? - is triumph, and ft compliment of which be may well be proud, - Adi'iim TUnet. I lie ashtenaw ooiinf y Sheep slicfinnp festival lielil Wednesday at Saline, was well attended and 7.r sheep rere bfouatil n. A 2-year oíd ram owned by R, V. Mills, slir.irnl ;1 poiinds 9 ounces, tlie beavlest flecos of the lot. Stone are btmg hauled to the place and the oíd rubbisli is being cleaned way f rom wlicre Teeple & Cadwell's store mi burned, and H soon as the weather will permlt a beautiful brlck block will be erected thereon. - l'inckuey DUpmtok. The Universalista of Manchester werc instructed by their pastor lust Sunilay eveninjr on "The Art of Enjoyment." lf thcv really wished to enjoy thcniselves they should heave Attended tlie Catboltc entertuiíiment in Goodyear hall of that víllage last ereniny. The beautlAil evergreens wbicb han been for nmiiv yoars an oniMiiient to our school yiird, lmt aro, now in the way of the workmen, are bring removed and oonverted hito lire woofi. - Dexter Leader. Thecraze to dettroy the ever:reen trees in our yardí and streets is to be ícgretted. The township board of Scio has passed a resoluiion requiriiij; tlie ainount expended for the poor to be published by the supervisor quarterly,frlvfng the ñames of the families or persons relleved. This muy prevent n few uinvurtliy ones froin receiving aid, lint will luimihite tboM who are worthy. ín a township like Scio, where it is not dlfllcult to accertain the true condltllMi of people, this harsh course would hardly seem warranted. Tin dOtlOD of tlie United Btfttti Supreme Court relatlve to the celebrated Whtpaocket ease, in which thfl Worden KroH were plalntlffl and Anson Si-arle de Fendent, was rendered March ís, md, as was expeeted by those familiar with tlie ease up to tlie time it entered tlie liihest conrt, i ni deolded In favor oftha ptalnti íVs. The áeclclom rendered Kjnlnst the Worden Bro. in the lowei oonrt, Miuch 6, 1883, ftnd October 9, 1889, ere re vcr-cil wiih cusís. Messrs. Alviib and John Worden are muoh plaaMd over the linal fortúnala result ot their long llgitation, and they have mueli reason to be, as it will restore tu tli.itn propertv valued at iiiiiny thonsnnd dolíais, as well as do thi'in lastlea In the actual riis of the case. - Ypsilanti. The Clielsea HeraUl'g North Lake correspondent snys: "Nearly everybody feels glad of the election of E. D. Jn De judge of this district." WelJ, we should fay so. Nearly everybody voted for him.


Ann Arbor Courier
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