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A GRfcAT MISTAKE lias herctofore been made in the trcatmcnt of rheiimutism, neuralgia, and nero sick headache. ïliis is evidenced liy (iie failureon the part of thoaaanda of suflërera to find relief, even tliougli they have ¦-.- haustud theskill of varions physicians and tried numerous so-ealloil rimeilii s. T such Athlophoros is ofiered ai ¦ taft , and qnirk curr. lts guccest hos been phenomenal, and vet it is not surprislng becau.-c it .vilt do all tliat !s claimed foï it. The Allilopliorus Co. will gladly refei wlio desire. to niake an investigadon lo liaMe porties who have been cured by it. [rs. D.C. Pickett,Cfclumbog,Wi., say: "It i a little overa year agosincel waa so badly afflicted. "fte diaease mi ïn every nerre and Braad of my body ; I was completelv prostrattsl and liel[li'ss Ka fonr weeks; I could not bearto be toucbedj :'-í even the weight of afiogei would i thegreatest pain, and Iwai ID constant dread of its gcttinginto the heart, in fait it bordered very close to it, and the doctor liad very prave doubts as to niv fjcltin well. I had talcen many dilli-rent Kin. Is of medicines, btit was recommended to trv Athlophoros, was positive it would help me. Oh, liow sick it niaile me, and had it not heen fortne persistent of iörts of my ln:sband I don't think I should liave continued taking it; butheinsietedio that I kent on with it. In alimit ÖTedaya I ln'L'an to improve, and when I had finlshed takin.s the botttle I v;is wt II. I only took a siuall doM as the madicim g." MadhoB, Wiaüoosin. Thavensed Athlfmhortfol rheumatism and 1 can cheerfuUy s;iv with the most satisfactory rcsnlts. G0.W. llt OG Pinckney Btreet. Every droggiatsfaoald keep AtMophoros and Athlophoros Pilis, lnt whciv tlny OBDnot 13 b juirht of the dniggiat the Athlophoros Cx., 112 Wall St., Scw York, will send eithcr (curíase paiil1 on receipt of regular price, which is 1.00 per hottle for Athlophoros and 50c. for I'ills. Kor Uver and kidney dlaeam, ilveiiR. Indigestión, weukness, ncrvons dehlllty, Ui. . f wotnen, i'onstipation. headache, impuro Uood, ate., Athlophoros I'ills are uncijtialed. 7 The First Sign Of failing health, whether in the form of Night Sweats and Nervousness, or in a eense of General Wearincss and Loss of Appetite, should niggeit the use of Ayer's Sareaparilla. This preparation is most effective íor giviug tone and streugth to the cnfeebled systein, promoting the digestión and assimilatlon ot lood, restoring the nervous íorees to their normal condition, and for purifying, eurieliing, and vitaliziug the blood. Failing Health. Ten Tfnrs afro iny hoalth besan to fall. I was troubled witli u dtetNMUg ( 'High, Night SvreaU, Weaknets, and Nervousness. T trled vurtoua remedie prescribed by different phyaletsni, but became so v eak Iliat I ciiuld Hut j:o up st:iirs without stopping to rost. Sly tricada reoommended ma to try Ayór's Sarsaparllla, whleh 1 dtd, and 1 ara now as lieiilthy :ind stronic iis evWi - Mis. E. L. AVUlïiiiii, Alcxuudria, Mum. T have uscú Atoi's Sarsnpnrllla, in my fiunily, for S. rofula, and know, if it Is taken faithfully, tliat It will thoroughly ndioBts tliis terrible diMMe I have aUo prwcrtbcd it us a tonie, m well u tn ulti - ative, and must tkv Ili.'it I honellv Ix'lieve It to be the best Mond medicine ever compounded. - Y. V. Fowler, 1). D. S., il. D., Urecuvillo, Tenu. Dyspepsia Cured. Tt would be Imponible for me to dencribe Wht I sutiered f rom Indigestión niid lleaduehe lip tu the time 1 bM Utklng Ayer's Saruparlil. 1 iru oñdar the care of various physiclaua mul tried a KTMt many kinds I uiedlcineji but nevar obtalned more than temporary reHef. After tkking AyerN Stnmparflla for ¦ slmrt time, my Msdmche draappeared, and my stomaeh performed its duties moro perfeetly. To-duy my health is completely iestorod. - Mury Ilarley, Springtield, liati. I have been grcatly benefitod by tlie prompt use if A.ei Barwparills. It Iones and inviirorales the ly Item, regúlales the action of the dtgMtiTC mul assimilative ornnii and vitkliiei the blood. it i-, without doubt, the most reliable blood purifier vet disCOVered. - H, D. Johnson, 3S3 Atlantic ave., IJrooklyu, N. Y. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Trcpared by Dr. J. C..Ayr & Co.,Lowell, Mm. l'rlio SI lx botUei, 5.


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