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Short iidvortlsements not to exoeed three ilne, of Lost ana Found, Houses for Sale or Kent, Want, etc.. lnserted three weeks for 5 cents. Bltuatlons wanted. free. WANTED-In my office a clerk. Must be Kkk1 penman. O. L. MATTHKWS, Pension Agent, Ann Arbor, Miili. 3w NEW Mllch Jersey cow for sale- kind and rentte. Apply to LOUIS P. or K. B. HALL. _ A Fine brlck house and lot, corner Orleans street and Forest aveuuo, city, for sale at a sacrifico. Appty to MattUew's Real titule AgencCily. ¦"¦ IR SALE-My place, ionnerly known as the Oeo. Allen place on West Huron 8t., Ann Arborjust outsldeof city llmlis extendImk tlirough to Liberty street comprlslng lltf acres wlth flret-class linproveruents and all kludaof fruit, larne and small. Woulil st'ü xeparnlely the wes.t part (vacant) comprlslng 5' acres wlth a frontage of i% rods on West Huron streel. Terms easy. Bev. 8. H. Adatus. 43-H FARM TO RENT.- I would llke to rent my Farm to a good tenant. For furtner luiorniatiou adilress Oeorge A. Petere, Sclo, Washlenaw County, Michigan. MISS CALOWELL wlll glvo Muslc Lessons at her rooms, No. 45 8. Main Btrtet. For terms cali on or address her over Charles spoor" Stores. 40-49. PENSIONS. SOLDIERS of the Mexlcan War or thelr wldows can now get pension and offlcers of the late war can get dlfference of pay whether mustered or not. Many pensioners can get lucrease. I had slx out of seven lnerease claims allowed lately. I will see Ihat appllcallon Is made propeily. Tnousands of dollars have been lost tnrougb improper appllcatlous. Come and see me at once or write me fully. O. L. Matlhews, Pension Agent, Ana Arbor, Michigan. 87,-: T)EAL ESTÁTE FOR SALK OR RENT.- XV Houses and lots valued from $l,U00 to tli.iXX) and contalnlng from one-flnh of au acre to twenty acres- all in the city llmlis. Houses rentod ou reasonable terms In central localilles. Farms exchanged for city property. Enqulre of J. i. A. áessions. Atlorney and Real Estato Agent, Office over Kxpress Ollico, Main si.. Aun Arbor. 37-tf WANTED Money to Loan on Real Estáte. Apply to Francia A. Slatterv, Washtenaw County Abstract of Title Offlce, 2nd Hoor of Farmers' and Mechantes' Bank, Ann Arbor. 1385. FOR SALE OR RENT. HOUSE- No. 18, Cemetery street. Apply at Coukikk office, I" OANINQ- Money to loan on flret-class XJ Real Estáte Mortgage at Current rates of Interest. Hatlsfactory arrangements made wlth capltallsts deslrlng such inveHUnenis. very conveyance and trsnsaction In abstracts of tltles carefully examlned as to legal effect. . P. K 1NU. Ann Arbor.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News