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Mlchael Et. Hoy to Daniel E. Hoy, Sclo, 4,130 Mary Aun Duryer to Stephen Black, Lima. 1,450 Cornelias Cornwell to John Ring, Ypsllantl City _ 350 James J. Huoler and wlfe to Sarah A. Howell, Aim Arbor 1,100 Jehlel White, by silm'r, to Kraslus Wblte, Llina _ S.üflt Eva A.Thouipiion tu Sarah McCartliy, Augusta 230 James Scotney to Wm. H. Scotney, Superior 12,000 M i Uu Kldder. by ad'r to John and Danlel Gorden, York „ _ 1,700 Catherlne Wllinot, by ex'r, to Charlea iliitcliiiisiin „ 4,000 MUo A. itowc to Wllllam A. Oraham, Nharou „ _ 8,000 Wllllam A. Urabam to Ueo. H. Ki-ldkninji. Sharou_ _..„ 9,000 W. D. and Ijiura Murtón to Jolin and Laura A. Klchardu, York 2,75 Frank H. Welr and wlfe to Morgnn H. Welr, isharou 7,000 Morgan H. Welr and wlfe to John Lu. icau, iSharon_ 6,100 A.H. Hlringham and wlle to Mlclmel Klrk, MauutieHter _ 800 Charlen s. Smlth and wlle to tlarrlsou Falrchllds, Ypsllautl. 1.ÏO0 Jonas Youug and wlfe to Charles '. Young, Dexler and l'titiiuiii 7.0Ü0 liarle C. Young to R. C. Auld, Dexter and Putnam 10,400 Clara W. Stevens to Caroline Schalble, Anu Arbor 750 John Dolan and wlfe to James W. Bennett, Dexter. 1,000 McCormluk Harvestlng Machine Co. to NlnaU. Hlll.(;holsea 1,000 Ida O. Fosdlck, by guard., to Waller Fosdick, York j,;j5.35. Chas. U. Wllmot, et al, to Chas. Hulchlnson, Ann Arbor 4,000 I John W. Mayuarü to Hrvey Uornwell, Aun Arbor. „ „ 106 ' Chas. Klngsley and wlfe to Theodore Morschhauser, Manchester 700 ('luis. H. Kempf to Frank P. Qlaxlerf (Juelseu 8,400 Frank Stantz to'Ueo. smul., Manchester „ 4,700 Fred 8. btautz to Ueorge Stantz, Manchester 2.0C0 Henry Carragher to Mary E. Kearney, Uexter. _ 2,400 Noah Q. Butls to John J. Qulncy, Ann Arbor 275 Wmi and Mmy K. íanford to August Brederwllz, Hallne O,Wo Ann Beldlng to Mary Kuican, Ann Arbor _ 3,700 Hcnry Vedder to Esther Ann Vedder, Augusta SOÜ Dr. T. J. Snlliv.-iii leaves to-morrow niglit to visit an uncle at Fort Worth, 'J'exas. Win. Curie, a Doxter dniggist, was married to-day to Miss Lizzie Oarrow, of Piuckney. Tha grand oouncil of the Koyal Arcaiiuin werc pboto;rapbed by Kundall, Tuesday aftemoom. Soinething new- Draper's "UncU Tom's Cabin," company at the opera liouse, Tiiesday eviMiing, April 19tli. Harry Ames, of Detroit, a gradúate of the law department, was the guest of the Clii Psi iraternity, over Sunday. Represen tntive Manly made nn arguuieut in the House, Tuesday, ajfninst wotmm's sutt'rafe in municipal elictione. The bil! was defeiited.