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2 ' SPECIAL PakiK? í (f t'ÍSfc- -_ ZZTÍ) J f NATURAL FRUIT MOST PERFECT MADE Prepared v.Kh strlct regard to Purltv, StronRth, and llfnJtlifwhi.tis. l)r I'rice'a llakiuu' i'iraJ.T r.)iil:nin no Atuaionia,IJme, Aluro or Pboephatee. Dr.Prlce'ft Extracta, V&nilla, Ltiiuon, etc, tluvur deliciouely. MAJíYIiAMP ClfIMXKTS AKB ofltoed l'or sal renresentod as 4m1 as the Famoiis PEARL TOP BIX TIIEY ARE NOT! ,md llko all Couutcrfcils lack tho Kemarkabl I.ASTIXG Qualitles of the ;r.xi ie. ASK FOFt. THE PEARLTOP Pat.Oct. 30, 1883. The PËARLTtoP is IiiiiiiImi l nr ! Of.Y !¦ GiO, A, MACBËTH & G0„ riTTSBUKGH, PA. C.H.St.CLAIR&SONS MAN'UKA("Ti;ni:Ks of Sclöölaifcli FÜRNITÜRE. uní! i m mm SND WIND-MILLS. Are nov prppíirwt to manufacture School and Cliurcli Furulture, and Optrn House Clialrs, Lu n ScltreM, Camp Tables nnd tlie TRIUMPH WIND-MILL Fherst nnd smplest and most reliable In use. KepalriiiK done on sliorl notlce. Also dealers In PUMPS, CVLIXDKRS. l'IPKö, ETC. TANKS MADE TO OUDER [ADDERS, PKACH BOXES, BF.lMiY QKATK8, Id (act, any arllcle made to order. NO. 33 N. FOURTH STREET, ANíí AUHOn. MIC1I. FOR DYSPKPSÏA. MENTAL ANP physical:exhaustion, nervousness, weakened:enercy, indicestion, etc, etc. íí m uosldrdo ACID PH0SPHA1F. A llquid preparatlon of llic pliospl.atcs uil pliuophoric acid. fteconimeuded by Pbyblrlans. Il niHkfs a ilvlU'lciu.s drink. Invlgnrallng nnd slrcnl licnl ui;, l'ainphlel free. FOK SALE DY ALL DH.YLERS. Rumford Chemical Works, Prorldeuce, Ithode I.sumd. ET" BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. BE AL EblAlE AND INSURANCE AGBNCY. OP J. Q. A. SESSIONS, ATTORXKY AND N'OTAÜV I'UHLIC Real Estáte sold or rented and rents eollsctad on reasonable term. None but old and ilrst-ciasu Insurance Companles represented- with Insuranre apItal of I1O,UOO,OO(I. Kutes as low ng any other lumiraiiL'H oiiiiipiiiiymid losses promptly pald. Offlce over American Express office, Main treet. Vnn Arbor. Mich. RUPTURE. tKOAN IMPEEIAt, TRUSS. Rplral Spring, graded froni 1 tol pounds In pressure. WORJÍ DAT AND NIGHT, by an lnfant a week old, orau adultKOyearv. I.iuIIph TrunseB a perfectlon. Encloxe Htamps for testimoniáis of cures, etc. EOAN IMPKKIAI, TRUSS CO.. Ann Akiiiiu, Mich. INSURANCE KEAL E8TATK and LOAN AGENCV OF A.W. HAMILTON iftlcp, No. 2, First l-'l. ir, Hamtlton Block. Partles desirlng tu buy or sell Real EKtate wlll rtnd 11 to tlielr advantage to cali on me. I 15 (lrst-class Flre Insurance Coropañíes, havlng an aggregale capital over 18U,000,000. Kates Low. Lossns liberal ly adjugted and promptly pald. I aiiio lsRtie Life aml Itivestment Pollcles in tbe New York Mutual Life Insurance Compaoy, Assetts, t75,000.00. Persons desirlng Accident Insurance, can have yearly policles wrltten for them orTraveler's Coupon Insurance Ticket isNiied at Ixw rates. Money to I.OIUI at Current Kates. Offlce liours from 8 a. mi. to 12 in. and 2 to 5 p. m. ALEX. W. HAMILTON, Hatnilton Block.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News