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HO FEE ! ! I ? -i nii.i-iif.ii last. i Merrill UNTIL BETTER DETKOIT.MICH. ƒ Block. J ZZjfor The Eegnlar, Old-EstahlUhod aL_WJ PHYSICIAN & SURGEON w JÜy trMüs' wltt t!l' E:eitert S SKILL AND 8UCCE88 YOUNGmeumiddle-agedmen and all persons who by theirown acts oí Imprudenceor Folly at any period ol ufe havebrought upon thcmsclves, thc evil eítects followim; closely upon tlie hecls of tran srtssion of the lawj of nature, should consult the celcbrated Kr.Clarke at once KememberlNervous dlneuerwith or without dreams) or debillty and loss of iiorvo power treated scientifically by new methods witll never fuiling success. J9It mnkes no diífercnce what you have taken or who has failed to cure you. jKS-7:ie terrible poUons of Syplillfs aml all bad blood nnd skln disonsen, completely iradicated without mercury, Kcmeinber that thiono horriblo disease, if ncglected or impropcrly ueated, curse the present and coming gencrxlions 49-All unnatural discharges curcd prompüy vuhout hindrance to husii ¦¦¦.. Ni) experiincnts. Iloth iiexcJ oonault confitlt ntlally. Ag and exporlrnce Important . A written euarnntee oí cure Blven in every case undertaken. a3-Sufferer from any chronlc dlcae write Iliitury and Syiiiptoin of your case - plainly. Cases solicited wliicli otlicrs have failcd to cure. J--Send two ttamps for celebrated works on Chronlc, Servóos and Delicate Distases. You have an exhaustive symptomatoloifj by which to study your own case. ConsuUatiofl, pcrsonally or by letter, free. Consult the old loctor. Thousands cured. Offices and parlors private. You see no one luit thr Doctor. IVfore connding your case consult IK. C'LAILKK. A friendly lctttir or cali may save future suffcring and shanie and add golden vcars to life. Medicines tent cverywhere secure trom expusure. llours, fcto 8; Sundays, 9 to 12. Addrcss, F. D. CLARKE, M. D. MERRILL BLOCK. DETROIT. MIch CURES Coughs,Colds,Asthma,Tickling in the Throat, Whooping Cough, Quinzy,$ore Throat, Consumption, Bronchitis, and all Pulmonary Diseases. YOUNC'S jCoucH '-..... - - V ,-....... liiiiivi.i.-.iifii i $ Howell, Mtcb.. Auk. 1... IS74. Oct. 2K, 1S74. - I I Ki attuokcd II huve tried Dr. K. with a tercrej r ' A.TounK'a Cough coM and thrcat ' J and J-umi Symp ened with Iuiiki ma for moro than a faver while on a t vtf $ year, hs I had ocTieit to Iludson, ! m J a remeMich., ftbont 1 (1y for ('oJds and ni'nith WgO Bot jCoujfbs, and niiich o that 1 ! i l'nirul Itarellable wan nnatiltM'i ti!l S B % "'''Inine. 1 have an aiux'int Tiit-ut I % iiHod his Aftue to preacli on Jl ¦¦ # and Liver Syrup account nï ni I ¦ ! in niy famlly with MTtn ooBffalng,! II f the best of t-mbut managd tol cess, curing my fel horiM' itmi i in - ¦ ¦ ! mother twhoac medlately tooh $ sko was over Biiitie of f)r. K A. t % seventy year) of ES: ü js-íra lvk%M ! - Vf" "" A"; Mmnul oom-i m ! "fter tho s"'"nl1 menoed tnklng It. I Lfl chili und fever. :uni 1 tlml !' il take pleasure nerit relief when !' in recomnienilInK 1 :un attacked m the above remota y coiiKh on JdlP9 to all who 1 u n ir ciniiplalnt. mm",m': ncel them. Uev. Uubt. Cope. ket. . B. Kimmell. Pold by all druralst. Prlce. 25c.. 50c. and Í1.C0. Iiitrgo bottles sent free o receipt of price. # W. JOHNSTON &CO., OETROIT, MICHIOAW. RINSEY & SEAaOLT'S BAKERY. GROCERY, AND - Flour and Feed Store. We keep conMantly on h.-md, UKEVl. CRACKERS, CAKES, KTC, For Wholesale nnd ItèHM Tridc. Wu shall aluo kei'i) fupply of 8WIFT & DEUBUL'8 BEST White Wheat Flour! lc!lii lloiif, ICyc riour, Bockwlieal Flour, lom Itli-al, i'cid, i:i-.. At WaotoMla and Huta;]. A KfMrl stock of CiROCERIES and PROVISIüNS Conatantly SB hii:ul, l.ich ill he old on aa reasonaWo term as ot any other I'OQ'V hl Ih.' r't . Vtul paid for BUÏTKK, EUU-, and OOUNTKT PRODÏJt'K KnfrííHy' (oo(1h dtlivcrcd to any pirt of thf ClTj without exlrn charta-. RINSEY A: SEABOLT. Mortírasro Sale. DEFAULT liavhm been made In thecondltlolis of a oerul n Mnrtgacv whereby th power UierelD oontittncd t' eH baa biCDiiif o[t-ral ivc fx.rnlcl by Jumes H. Hopklns. "I I.viulon, Wiishloimw coiiDty, Mlchl Jobn Bamliiou, of Unadlll, LtTlngsinn Qoaoty, Mlobisan, ilalcil the ttrt lay of Deoanabor, A. I). 178, mui recordnl on the llfth dy ol M:iv. A. 1) 1879 l)i the citlirp orthe Keglatei t DeeUs ffor tald ooanty of W'nsht-nnw. In I,tl)i'i ¦ lilty-Diif ot mortnoo page olie h)i ml rctl and slxt thereol.wiiloh niorti;)!' was on the lourtfeiil h luy ot DeoemtMT. . I. ls-ii .inlv BMlfne 1 by the sald John 8rglson, inorliiai;i('. to SifhI) Surisoii, of Unailill.i Llvtoaton oounty, vtiolilgan. aiul wliloh BMlsDiiiAni was raoorued tn f.he office of mM ttoguterot li'"ils, on the tweirtb duy of July. A. I). IBM, lt) Lioer nlne of asslgnments of mortjjaces on pw ne tht-reof, atul which mortgftge u -is aftArward nu tlie eiRhth !;¦ of July, A. I. l.s'Mi, iluly BABlfCD6d by tlie sm ñ i sarah' Sargiaon to Willüui) Barglsoo, ol Marión. Livingston ('ounty, Mlrlilon, anil which asslunment wns reronled In the iMIliv of ald Register of I) Is, on tbe tweirth ily of July. A. 1). U88 In LI Der nlne of asalgnmeDUofmortgses,on pageslxly-two tliereof; upon whii-ii mortgage Hiere IsclaJmed lo tuhie at the date of t hls notice the snin ol til ree bnmlred and fle dollars aud forly-flve oenla f$806.4ö), and MoMli !)¦ pvboeodlngi at law liHvlng been Instltuted to recover Ibe debt dow remiinlog securrtl by smíiI roortgitgttoT any part tlit-icof: Notloe is tluMi-tore Beresr glven, that on Thuraday, 1 1 1 r Beoonddayol June, A. 1). ÏW, nt one o'clock In tlienlterDOtm of t-ahl day, at the tront iloor of the Ooart House in Ui.' i'ity ut Ann Arlior, In sali OOUOty Ol Washtfiuiw, . that belng plai'f of holilln thr olrcail court wlthln ibeooDDty Id wtiloh tlie mortAaged prétnlses to i i i are sltuutril , the saul niortuane wlll Vte foreolosed by M-le ;it public vebdaeUi the hlgbesl bidder, of ih pramtsea contaitu-ii in sald rnortgage [ot so mncb thereof as m;iy be dso essary to satlsfy tbe raonnl dae on --:) il mortgage with iDterests and leal costs, that Is to say : All that eertaln and pleoe and tiurcel ol land sit uuti'ilj In tbe lownshlp of .ynilon, in tlie couniv of Wasblenaw and Btate of Michigan known and descrlbed as followi, to-vit : The eaM pari ol thr southsasi Iractlonal quarter of seotion nuinber one (1) in lownship number one 1 1), south ol ranite nu in her three S) i'jist, and bounded on the west hy the outlet of iilliul Fnke, nïid lontalnliiK forty acres of land more or lesa. Dab .1 Maren I, A. l 189t 1I.I.1AM 8AROISON, Aflslgnee of Mortgnge. 1,1 KE-: S. MilSTAOÜE, Alioi ney lor Adslgnee of Mo:tgage. CominisslonerV Kotlce. QTATB OP MICH IQAN.Connty of Wahtenaw,8i. O The undcrglgned baTlsg hi-t'ii appoiuted hy the Probate Court for said County. Commii'aioner to rt'Ct'ivi'. HMEfltM lllld adja;t rtll :md di-niHIid ol (.11 penosa tgaiiut tb intmc of Mnry Klng, ate of -aid countv, dci-eaned. bereby give iiotlce hstalxmootbt irnin date sm sllowed, by order of xaiil ProbMa Court, [or enditan to present tlieir clairup ufftiinsit thc estáte of stild déce&sed, md that In-v wii! meal hi the of Zlna I'. KIiir, In city of Ann Arhor, in aid connty, on Tuei)lay, tbe 7h dny oí June, and on Wednceday, tl. e 'th dfty of Scnteinher ni'xt, M ti-n o'oioi'k A. M. ol i'Hch efaaid duys, to reccivf, exaiiiiut andad ust tiaid clnlmi. Mrcn 7, I88T. .IiitlN Bl'iiH. ICommleïloncni. WILLIAM N. STKVES. f 42-47. O Tbe BUYKRS' GUIOK U ts-m il n. it. and Maren, ea H jenr. Jtf 3Vt pora, 8} a x ï 1 Iih-Iwi. t UU over 3.5OO Ulnatratlona - a Mlioli Picture Gallrry. (.IVKS -Wnolea&le PMssa direct to connumera on all goodi for personal or family lue. Trlla luw to order, and glve exact coat of oirjthtng yon use, eat, drink, mr, or have fun -with. These IJJVAU'ABLK UOOK.8 rontaln Information gleanrd from the markrti of the world. XV wlU mail a copy K11KI'. to any addreas mpon rerelpt of 10 ets. to defray expense of mailing. Let ua htar from yon. Rtspectfully, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 227 Sk J Wabuh Avi-iur, ( hicuo, HU SUBSCRIBE for tifCOURm


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News