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V'HO IS UNAOOyMMTED WITH THE OEOCRAPHY Cv TK!G COUNTRY, WIL. SEE BV CXAWIININO THI8 MAP, THAT THe '¦( :-6HLfiljgfPxA N8 A 8 cW6gj J, L"?,ƒ, gr'.. cMfrt.'"' ; CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC R'Y Bv reason of its central position, cloee relation to principal lines East of Chicapo and oontinuous liues at torminal pointe West. Northwest and South wost .--ui tlio only ti-uo middle-link in that transcontinental system whicn invites and iacii' itatés travel and traffio in etther direction between the AUantic and Pacillc. The Koek I3land main line and branches include OhicaffO,Jollet, Ottawa, Lo Salie, Pooria, Oeneseo, Moline and Bock Island, in Illinois; Davenport, Muscuti ie. Washinirton, Fairfield, Ottumwa, Oskaloosa, West Liberty Jowa City, Dc3 WoiiioH, lndianola, Winterset, Atlantic, Knoxvüle, Audubon, Harían, Guthrie Centi'o and Councii Bluffs, in Iowa; Oallatin, Tronton, St. Joaeph, Cameron Kansas City, in Missouri; Leavonworth and Atchison, m Kanaas; Albert I.oo, Hhmeapolis and St. Paul, in Minnesota; Watertown in Dakota, and aundrod of i-itormediate oitiea, towns and villajes. THE CREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE ctru"turco of stone and iron. Ita rolllnsr stock is perfect as human skill can ínake it ít hos all the safety appliance that mechanical pr uus has inventad oud cipcrience provod voluabie. lts practical opcration is conservativo and methot,i -ál- ita discipline atrict and exacting-. Ihe luxuiy uf ita passenger accommodntions is uneaualed in the West- unsurpassed in the world. ALL EXPBESS TRAINS between Chieao and the Misscnm lUver oonBist .f comfortable DAY COACHES, maKiinccnt PULLMAN PALACE PAKLOIl nd SLEEPING CARS, elotraiit DIN1NG CAES providing excellent meals, and betweon Chicao, St. Josoph, Atchison and Kansas City-restful BECLININU OHAIB CABb. TKE TAMOUS ALBERT LEA ROUTE I tho diraci, ínvorite Uno betwoen Chicafro and Mirmeapolis and St. Paul. Ove thiJ í Jut solld Fast Exprese Trains run daily to the t,uinmer resorts, piotuvobv(i:o localitios and huntin? and flsbinic (rroundj of Iowa ua.l Müinasotü.. llia ... wliout iields and crazing: lands uf interior Dakoti aro rcached via Vi;1 short desiratlo route, via SeneoaandKankakoo, oft'era superior imluooironTJ to travelors between Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Larayette and Counoil BI ifi. ' Jocoph, Atchison, Loavenworth, Kansas City, Minneapolis, üt. Paul a.. I mAUtclaes óf patrons, ospecially families, ladlsa and c'uildren, recelvo it ofilciali and employés of Bock ïsland troüu ü-otoctiüii, ratpeotful couri Koi Tickets, Maps, Polders - obtainablo at all priucipal ïicket Offices Li f United Statea and Canada- or any desired informaticn, uddross, R. R. CABLE, E. 3T. JOHN: rosldont and General Maniger, Chicago. General TicKCt mi PsnMICOC kttml Cl


Ann Arbor Courier
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