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University Of Michigan--semi-centennial Celebration

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The Uüiversity authoritlos have issued thu following Information relativo to the coming ccntenial celebration : In counection with the exercises of Comnieiiceuicnt week, June 2G-iO, 1887, the Unlversity of Michigan will celébrate the 50th annlvcrsary of its orgnnlzatlon. The program of the proposed celebration is as followg : Sunday, June ;-An address by Professor Ili'iiry S. Frleze, L.L. D., upon "The RelatlOD of State UnlverHltles to Kellglon." (Thls ddress wlll take the piuco of llie usual baccalaureate sermón). J Mondan and Tuetdaij, June il and 3- Classiluy exercises In the varlous deparlments. Class reunlons. The secretarles of tUe various classes wbtch contémplate a reunlou are requested tocommuuluate assoonas possible with l'rof. K. L. Walter, Chalrman of the Senate Comoilltee ou Entertainment and Hospltality. Wednesday, June 29, forenoon-An AddreRS by Auslln Blalr, on behalf of the Board of Kegents; also au address by Professor J. M. B. Bill, Principal of the State Normal School, on behalf of the State Teachers' Assoclatlou. Wednesday June f, afternoon - Addresses before the varlous socleiles of the Alumni as follows : Department of Llteraturp, Science and the Arts, by Hon. Tilomas W. Palmer, United States Senator from Michigan. Department of Medicine and Surgery, by Dr. W. H. Daly, of Plttsburgb, Pa. Department of Law, by Hou. Samuel F. Mlller, Justlce of Ihe United States Supreme Court. Honcaopathlc Medical College, by Dr. John W. Coolldge, of Scranlon, Pa. School of Pharmacy, by Fred F. Prentlce, class of '72, President of WIbcoiibI l'harmaceutlcal AHSociatiou. Coilege of Dental Surgery, by Wedntidjy, Jane Ü9, evening- StendelHsohn's Oratorio ol EUjah, glven by the Universlty Choral Union. Tickets to luts enterlalnment wlll besold at nfty cents each. Atler tbe concert a receptlou wlll be tendered by the Unlversity Senate to giaduates, tonner student, and frlends of the Universlty. Thunday, June 3(), forenoon- Exorclses of the forly-thtrd unniifil Commenceiuent. The Coinmeinoratlou Address wlll be glven by President Angelí. Addresses lrom represenlatlves of other universltles and colleges wlll follow. Thurtday, June ;70, aflernoon - Commenccment Banquet. Tue bauquel wlll be served In the Ui'iveniity Cbapel, Immedlalely after the Cuinmeaceraeut exercises Admlsmou to the banquet-room wlll be by tickets, costing one dollar each. These tickets wlll be oOered for purchase to graduates of the l ui - verslty and to persons formerly conuected with classes tiiat have graduated, but not to uudergraduates or to luembare of the clas9 of 18K7. Not more than oue ticket wlll bo sold to oue Individual. It would be deeined a favor by the Universlty authorliies lf, so far as posslble, all persons who propose to partake of the bauquet would purchase their tickets in advance of Coinmencement Duy, by remtttance to Prof. W. 11. Peltee, Cuairman of Senate Commlttee upon Banquet. Tickets wlll not bu sent out by mail, but wlll be held subject to the personal requisitlon of the purchaser. Tickets not caled for by 12 o'clock, noon, of Commeuceraent Day, may be resold, In whlch case tlie money of llie original purchaser wlll be refuuded. Former students to the University who altend the Senii-Centeiinial Celebration are requestfd to cali u tarly as convenient in Commencement week at the rooms of the Senate Committee on Keglttrutlon, in Uüiversity Hall. Here they will be provided with the University colors, witli special prognims of the Cfltbration, and witli desired infiriuatlun sienerally. A committt'e of the Seuate, of which Prof. C. E. Greene is cliairnmn, is at the present time enfrafii'd in ncgotiations witli a view to Keuring special rates upon the railioads for persons dcslrous of Kttooding ihe celf bration. Up to date no rranginieiits of this kind have been perfecteil. Öhonld spicial ratel be hereafler fecured, as it is lioped will be the case, tull Infoi mation upon tlie subject will be f urn ished by nuril to those who may de sire it. The special circular relaUuK to transportation will be ready about June lt, but will be seut out unlv ujiou request of juTüoiis interested.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News