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The M. E. Ladies' Aid Society

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The followiiifí article, taken froni the Cocker League Record, gives a good dcMrtptkM of a (juiet, hard-working socitty, eonnected with the M. E. Chureh of this city. It may be of considerable interest to our eitizens : The Ltidies' Aid Society of the M. E. Chtirch at Aun Arbor lias been in operation Kir many years, the precise date beitlg somcwhat indetiuite. Ladies wlio bave ulways lived in this vicinity hve wnd me they could not remeinber the time tbere had not existed sueli au orjranizHtion. lt may be safe therefore, to coiiclnde il is ut prehistorie onj;n. The enrltatt date I fiud recorded is Oot. M, 1M5, wherc the tact is mentioned of there uein in the treasury then 0S 90. Pievious to the erection of the new churcli, the tocittj met at private bousei, but its work wus liy 110 ineans on a Nnall or insignilicant scale. It raised for the MlfelMM 01 organ over f:i,200. In "08 expended 6S8 in i'nrnituie tor the MnoiMKe; rarkMU ainonnts have been di8bursed for nbaeqaenl pnirhuci for ÜMHN object. Diiriiig later yennlu work bas been inore general in aidingthe ofBa-rs of the oh ure b in lts ( inttreits. The meetings are held in the cliurcli parlurti, on the lirst Tbursday of eucll niontli, its ai in being lo brinff in the t-trangers (entertain anel) who come nmong u?, that they may beconie acqaaiDted, and thus dniliefl Ihe general sociability of the entlre oongreyatlon. While thus ininistorini,' to the intellectual and social natnres of tliose present, the wants of the inner man are not l'orgotteo, M tor each month a committee of ladies has been appolnted to prepare refieshments. whichfor quality and qtiantity are not to be excelled. The annuul membership fee Is $1.25: a chaie of 1.") cents at each meeting for tho9e who are not members. Durinc the history of the society it has raised over $20,000 and is still il efficiënt department in the general work of ihe church. lts present officers are: Mrs. John Ferdou, president! Mrs. C. II Worden, treasurer; Mrs. M. D. Adams, eecretary. Dr. Morton and Chas. A. Hun bad tl.e red croes degrees conferred upon tlium at Masouie temple lust eveniny. Ainonj the recent pensioners we notice the n;iine of J tunes Hnnnii, Dexter, aOd Thomaa Tollatly, Stony Creek, in tliis eounly. Tlie co-idition of live stock in thiscnunty nccnrdiiij; to the April erop report is: Horses 98 per cent., entile 9S, sheep 96, swine 97. Josepli Cnly, of Dexter vllliige, died Wednesday April 19th, of jnnndice, aged 73yers. Funeral services wil 1 be held lroui St. James Episcopal Church, Dexter, Friday at 2 o'clock p. ni. The M. C. H. 1?. solved the lon talked of and nnich dtioWMd ridfl truck to the planlug milis in Ypsibmti bist Sundav, ly li.ivino; a K,ing of men lay the track on tliat day, when no iiijimction could bc tseued. The churo II es mul Snnday school? are after the Inter-state coinmerce bill redhot, becnuse it interferes with their excuisions. Tliis law woultl have been t ble-sinjr to one society in tliis city, ut least, had it been iidopted year or so go. Tlie Ypiilanti Sentinel tliinks that more care sliould be laken in nominating and electing councilmen, we sbould judge by ttiis: "Krom the lmp-haz ml way in which onr city council Ift&mnlnated, and elected a good governnient will le more a matter ot' gootl luck tlnin wisdom." A man numed Cb8 M. Lowes, who had been oniploycd as a faun liand bv bjf dlffferenl persons in Wbter, carne to the city SiilnrÜHy and fuccecded in paaiiir ut least two bogns l)ank ( hrcks tor 21 and upwardg, pnrportinsf to besijrned by "Oti Ciishinan,"' ot' Webster. In an attempt to piiy tor few u dolliir's wortli of jfoodsüt J, T. Jaeolis with a $25 clxck, Mr. Fall sent over to the lst National Bank, to atcertalo it it was all ri;lit, dnrlng wliii h time the fellow rted, and vigorous seiireh sinee lias failed to diocover his wliereabouts. Just liow mmy oheeks ha paaed Ihat day g not kninvn, bilt it is suiiniscd tliHt more than two tmu up. It ws the fellow's intention to llgn Ihf name of Otig Cnsblnjr, cvidenlly, hul lie got it wrong.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News