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Council Meeting

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The MW oouncil organi.ed last Fridiiy night. There were aeveral aew members and a few old onea, but some way tlie new members took jui te naturally to Ilie butloeMi Mayor Smitli, althougli u new tand at the helm, is reully nu old one, and managed the ship and lts crew with the sang froid of a veteran. Aid. Wines of the Olh was OD liis feel whcnever . n y tl 1 1 1 1 jr of Importado wie up, and proved his ability to express his opinión in i forcible and eloar mauner. Aid. Swift indulged in ¦ display of oratory, and Aid. Allmendlnger argued the polnti with hu usual tenacity and good logfo. Bat the ayes and naves proved that the dill'erent mcinbers of the council were little moved by argnmeuu do matter liow glngerly presented, and tlu-t tliey voted according to theiï own convictious of rlglit. The business of the meeting wusopened by the HÜoptlon of the order of business tornierly used, and a list of standing committets. The Mayor rhen made a few remarks i; regard to the fiuauces of the city ind advlaed ihe utmost economy In expandltures, and promised liimself and the COUOdl that he shonld not keep on signing orders tor money not appropriated. Aid. Kearns moved that tho council proceed to tlie election of marshal, treasurer and city altorney. (Jarried, and the ballots for city marshal resulted: let, 2d. Krwl Hlploy JentiH sweet 4 1 A. V. RoblHon 1 2 Jl. Klchnrds 1 W. E. Walker 1 1 Total 13 tl F red Sipley was declared eleeted. For the office of city tieasnrer there was one ballot, Albert Sorg receiving the entire vote. For city attorney, E. D. Kinne, received 11 votes and P. McKeman 2, and Mr. Kinne was declared eleeted. On motion of the Recorder, Dr. C. G. Darling was chosen city pliysiciau for the ensuing year at the regular compensation. Aid. Wines oflered the following: Resohtd, Tlmt the lioanl of Health for the comlug yeHi' be componed of tbree members. Can led, and Drs. Breakey, Sullivan and Jerome Freeman were selected to constitute the board. The Mayor then announced the committees for the ensuing year, as follows . lnnnct- Swlft. Wines und Seabolt. Gentral Fund - Alltuendlnger, Sutherland uud 1 1 .mi iiKitul General Street- Kennis, Sutherlund, Herz, .Swlft, Hammond and Wiue. frHre VtpartmerU - Nellhammer, Sutherland Illld M'llliiill. Portie- Ware, Nelthanmer and Wlues. Licerue- Mayor, Recorder and Martin. I'arks- Wlues, Herz and Hammond. The following resolution was oll'ered by Aid. Wine.-: Resoleed. That the City Murstmi la liereby tiiMi'uulrd tbat thls council expecls Ihal he wlll entorce all lawH umi ordtnances in regard in Ihe closlng of saloons at UDlawrul Qourt,ud tlmt uil places of buslness sbaü t clusfil OD snnday ; except Kuch as aro allowed lo remaln opeu under Ibelawsof tbe Htalo nnd ordlnances of ihls city. Which was carrkfd unanimously on a vea and nay vote. Aid. Kearns moved that the honr of closlng saloons be lixed at 10 o'cloch legal time, for the ensiung yenr. Aid. Wines moved toamend bylDMrtlng !.;) o'clock In place of 10. This amendment was lost on a yea and nay vote, the result being 8 to 5. The original motion being carried aftcrward unanimously. Mr. Knowlton p reeen ted the case of Mc.'-srs. Morse and Banks who have a puted ft'ri'ct claim nguinst the city, and City Attorjiey Kinne, and Aids. Ksarnf, Ware and tVines were appointed lo investígate the claim. A potitioii tbr Um L'nulini; of Fifth Street botween Pouliacaud Siimruit streets, io the Jtli wan), ilgned by Frederlck Wal' ter aud 1!J others, was received and referred to the -Ith ward aldennen. Pelkion of Mrs. E. M. Sperry and otlier8 lor a kidewalk on tlie soiitli side of E. Wathlugton Street, betwren Thayer and Inyalis ttreet, referred la sidewalk cominittee. Petitiou of Mrs. J. T. Hillock and ntliers for a sidewalk in front ol vacant lot, No. II B. Stat; slreet. Kriel Teil to lldewalk cominittee. The matter of title tú the okl cemeterj propeity was nbmd to the city attor ncy. Aid. Kearni calleil the attention of the council to the Cunültlon'of a bridge on W lid btreet. In tlie seeond ward, and the sirect oomjnlttM vna tutbortsed io mr talu hat outlay was necessary in its re construction and reiiort the same at the ni'Xt meeting of the council. On Botton of AU). AlhiK'inlinffer $800 was trunsii ried trom the contingent to tlie general utreet lund. On motion of Aid. Ware, the" matter of trimiiif sliaile trees fM placed luider the Mipervi-iou of thu aklernien of the viirions ward9. On motion of the Recontar the matter of Bxlng up thenorth end of State streel, and Lu ;ding n six-foot sidewalk upon the eiist Iheieoi was retened to the sidew. Ik cominittic wilh instnictions to report upon the same at the next meeting ot tlie conncil. : iThe matter of scating Fred. Barker to the vacancy in the (th ward alderinan hip, was hroiijjlit np and the City AttornV decided that at tiie time of ihe elecliiin tin-r; WM no vacaney, conseq uently no legal election, and Al r. Barker was not entitli'd to tin; s 'at. The resifüiatioii of Aid. Steere was accepted a::d the City Attorney requested to prepare an ainendnicnt to tlie charter permiuing the council to lili sueh vacancies by appointment. On motion of Aid. Allinendinper, the Recorder was instructed to receive bids trom the bank of the city for inteiest on the basis of last year's biils. The suin of $24.87 was transfenvd from the contingent fund Io the city ceineteiy fund to cover a detieiency exisling in that tund. Council adjoiiriicd.


Ann Arbor Courier
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