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ANN ARBOR Small Fruit Nursery ! All Kinds of BERRY PUANTS. Fine l'lnnts of the SHARPIiESS, The BMt Struwberry (rown. FRUIT AID ORNAMENTAL TREES 1 'rom BLLWAHOBBA HARHY, Iloohester, N. Y. Orders must be sent caily. WINES AND SYRUPS. Street Home-made VVine for Invnllds and llie Kucharlst. Sour Wlue, Raspberry Hyrup. shrub Pear Syrup, and Plyinoulh Rock Eugs. EMIL BAUR, W. HURÓN ST. liS'J-lf W. TREMAINES PIRE AND I.IFE IMIRANCE_AGBIVCV ! No. 16 Enst II n ron Street, üpposlte Cwilt House. Ten Plnt-Clau Comi'jmifs represen ted, Assetts Over $25,000,000. UJt-lHK Ia Vjhe Best and Purest Medicineg IglL EVER MADE. . iItwlll ilrlve the Humorfromyotirlll 4;. L BVHti'iii, and make yuur skiiilll %„ KLcU-n and Bmooth. tIiom-III 'o Vk.riniiile nd IU..t. li.J meP't ''4vwliVhm:ir roar beauty m til , O, 4 jarc causeu by lmpun-U IVy ;. 't . .'},, 'üblood, ancf can III . '¦';,'';. y o ST'ÍLti'ne. if you arel m Tho Pose isVVVí %V% K lfflriiull-oiilyateaX[%;fe, -V 11 I I beat and oheapt'Bt "0 L,, ll I 1 medicine. Tiy it, anil; % c p I ¦ youwUlbeMtUÏM. %„ tA s'-KÍ ¦j Ciet it of your Drugglat. Vy S Ö DON'TWAIT. GETITATONCEk " Q If vou are eufforintr from KUlk II Illney lMsease, añil v ish to live tiik III ,,1,1 age, use SlTLPHl'R BITTEKS. I III They uaver Lail to cure. III Senil 3 2-ccnt fitiunps to A. 1. tnhvay A Co-, Bubluu, Mass., f or bent medical woik publishud ? ASTHMACURED CERMAN ASTHMA CURE InutAntly rvlierBH the moet viulent attaok and IDSiireH ciMnfortahle H]pxp fcO AlTIXi for 11R. SL'l,T.lleinK iwed by iuhaliitiun. itn actioD ifl immeaiat, direct and rrtnlii. and a cure is the renult ra all curable oatiefl. A Hiufrle trial convince Ihe most ski'ptical. Price 6(lo. and $1 U) o any driiKK"t. ' fv mail fUmpU for rtamp. Ir. K. KdlIKHANX, ML F..I. ¦!. ft rt T T fildl ar icarr. bnt tfcos irhe wrlt to ¦ I Sunion 4(V, Portland, Malo, willrclT. I T II fr', ful! inrormatlon about work whlch I I lh7 can do. and Htc at boma.tbat II par M J J-IXJ tbam from V lo f L pr day. Som bar earncd oer $.V) In a day Eitber sez, yoang or eld. Capital Dot requlred Yoa areilarted free Thotawboiiart at ono ai abaoluulr uro of mof iltlla fortuuea. All 1 Dew. Estáte or Eleanor C. Uibbins. STATL Of MICHIGAN, County ol WMklOaV, sa. At a Ferfiion ol the Probate Conrt for the Connty of Wiichu'imw, holden at the Probate Offlne In the city of Ann Arbor, ou Mo-iriay, the 18 h du of April In the year on thouwind eiu'lit bnndm] and eiRhty-seven. Present, Willlam D. Harritiian, JudL'f of Probate. In the muller of ihe Mtntt of Klcar.or C. lübbin ¦i emd. t'imries il. 'o den, th nerator or the last wil] aml Iwtamenl of snul iet id, come into courl nd repreienls thiit he is noar ureiwreil to render Iiíh rliKil acooool u-1 nuch t-utor. Thereupon It lnordereil, lhnt Tn ntnv, the si'ventcnthdiiyof May ueit, ui ten o'rlock in tin tarenoon be Mdfnad inr thé exanilnlng nd h Idwíiik' of snrh accnnnt, and tlmt ihe li.-irj at Ihw dI aald dpcoated, and all oiher pi iDterattad IE biiíiI MUt, ure requlreil to R.pear Ht ¦ leutm of xalrt court, then to be bolden tt tl"Pnhat office, in the city ol Ann Arbor, and show I cause, if auy there he, why the suid account should not be allowed : Aml It U furtlier ordwad, that wiid ex. entpr KlvenoticetoüiepcTsinH latarwted Insaid ( tale.oi ¦ the pundency ofsaid acroiliit.und Ihe heiiritii; Iliereof, by raiiHini; a copj nrihls order to be pabllahod In the Anu Arbar ourirr, newpiper printed umi eiienUtlng In said roanty, three surces-ive weeks previous to said 'Ihj ol he.irln.;. A true copy'. WILMAM D IIAK1UV1 . Íud''e of Proh i'e. „ ster. LMt-lUO TH IS PAPERS.1"'"-." ¦ II IV I Hl kil kowkll A CO'8 KcwHipor Ailvi'rtlstng Buruau (10 Spruca 6treet),whereadvor. ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ ¦maaiav lisinne.intniet.siuuy HCIIf Vflllll bc uiutlu tur it la HL ff lUlllV.


Ann Arbor Courier
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