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The senior pharmics sport Iheir new clliss pillS DOW. A marble bustof Prof. Oliicy will prob ably be 87's memorial. It is annoimcd that 'S!) will swing out with cla8S canes before long. Sixteen of the senior hw gtudents were admitted to the bar last Monday. Prof. Hutchins will dellverthe lastlecture of the yearin the law ilepartment. Tlios. H. Hush. lit. '70, dled of consumption at hishome in Chicago, on Mnrcb 29. Mr. Skinner has been appointed marshal of the senior lit-class vice Italünirer resigned. The senior lits will have none of the cap and gown outfit. Preferring some other sort of a fit. The Chequamegons play nt the Webster society public to-night and lor the Jeffeisonian public Friday night. President Angelí attended the centennial anniversary of Columbia colicué, and also the alumni reunión at Wellesley college. A fine life-sized bust of Jas. McMillan of Detroit has been nmdi', of marble, and will be placed in a niche of the universIty museum. The univvrHity base ball club will play the university of Vi-coii9Ín club on Deooration Dav at Mltwaukee, nnd on the two following aayi will play at Racine and Beloit, Wis. " Henry George and his theoiiesstill continue to interest the student who holil mauy dllt nailon theroon pro and con. The last Chronlcle pabiMied üeorge's lecture he re entire. It is well wortb reading. The Chronicle is responsible for this item: " Dr. Vaughan proposes to make experiment under authoritv of the state board of health, regurding pneumonía and will probablv get a lot of monkeys for that purpose." More strict regulations are being enforced in the Chemical laborutorv as a precaution against lire. Studentware allowed to have only a small piece of charco! at n time, and are requlred to keep that in a tin pan. - OUronicle. Fred W. Stevens, gec'y of the class of "si;, lias just sent out a circular to members of tliat class reiuesting a brief perMaal history of each which will possibly be publihed before tbeir tirst nonloa here in June.- Chronicle. Prof. Raymond C. Davis, tlie accom. plished librarían of the U. of M.. dtlivered the first of a series of lectures upon "Readinjr,'1 at Columbia collfge last Fri day. These lectures are siokcn of in very liijfli terms by the Coluiubianites. A meetio}? of the signers of the base bU fund will be held on Baturday, April 23d, at 9 o'clock a. m., in Hoorn A and mi election of directors held. No chance in the uine is expected One dollar subscriptlong entltles the holder to free admission to the gaines. Dr. V. C. Vaujrhnn of this city, was tende reil the position of health olHcer of Detroit last week, but decliued the position on account of insuflleiency of pay. This isa compliment to the Doctor, and we feel sure that h8 decisión will be received wltli pleasure by the citlzens of Ann Arbor, who would greatly regret lmving to part with bim. Andrew D. Wliile, a forrner professor in the university, in an article to be published in the Forum for May, weighs the beneficial inlluences of college secret ocietiea ajjainst their alleged injurious effects, and makes a strong plea iu favor of the liberty of the students. The (ïuestion is hotly debated at present by college faculties, and Mr. White 's articli; is therefore most timely. President Angelí has again been honored. This time by Colinnbia college, of New York City. Last Wednesday.while eelebratinji the centennial anniversary of thut college, the authorities thereofconferred the degree of LL. . upon Preij iilerit Angelí. As he had alriady had the same degree eonferred upon hini once befnre, the question is will he bo entltled to XX after liis LL D. now t Tho Bon. Daniel Manning and Dr. T.ynd ill, the scientlst were honoied in a like matinee at the same time. The concert given by the Glee Club last Thuraday evening, it Is perhaps unnoecessary to say, was a great success in every way. A large audience was present, and it was in full syinpatliy with tho boyv, who evidently did their best to pluase. Al most every plece was repcat edly encored. Tuis club bas met wilh success and praise everywhere, and is entirely worthy of it. Their songs are unique and new and well calculuted to please the public enr.


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