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liil NO FEE!! ) estiblisüpd mi. ) Merrill UNTIL 8ETTER ) dethoit.mich. ƒ Block. CL.-. v The Regular, Old-EstaMished LJ .; J PHYSICIAX & SUKGEON ÊF Is ctill troitite with thl pcitert VA SKILLAND SUCCES8 YOUNGmen,miodu-agedmen nnd all persons who by tlie'rown acts of Imprnrtoncoor Follyat any pcriod oí life have brought opon tliemselves, tlie evil cffccts fullowini; I I upon the hecls of tronup'euion of toe law di nature should consult the ceielirated Dr.Clarko t once. RememberlNcrvous diae-imearwith or ivithoutdrcams) or d'biliy and loal o( Orv power treated scientific.illy by neiv melhoi'.s uitli ncvcr fiiilinj? succo-s. é-It malte l whntymi have taken nrnlio hu ¦lied töcnfeyou. 05T'.e terrible polaons of Sypliiüfl - bad bloodnndakln dieeaaee, complete!; Catad ilhoutmercarv, BcnieinlMT (hal tliUone horrible dUcasc, if nglctcd or lm pre ireated, curse the present and coming gencr.uions er-All unnntnrnl dfectl arpea cured primptly hulimit lumlrancc 1O I No experio ïiolh sexes consult rmiti 1 ntiiilly. AKiantl exporiinco important . A written Runrantve of cure iclveu inevcvy as unilcrliikin. ê-SnlTcprers from anv clironir dlacaaewritc niiory and Symptoma ol vuur case - plainly. Cases solicitcd which otbi ra luwe íailed to cure. J-7"Scnd two stamps fc.r celehratod workfl on Ciironio. NervoUB and l"ll'nte Diseases. Y u have an exhaustiva BymjjtoinntiiloKy by which to study your own coe. CónsuUation, peraonally or by let er, irt'. Ipnsult the oll Doctor. ThooMuraa onred. OWIflea kwI pnrlors priTate. Y 00 see no one 1 !"r. liifore confidin,r your %ase consult 'Dit. CLAItKE. A friendly letter or cal! may save future B il md add golden sent evervwiu-re aeeara from exposure. li b to S; bunJays, 9 to 12. A4dr , F, D. CLARKE, M. D. MERRILL BLOCK. DETROIT. Mich CURES G3ughs,Co!ds,Asthma,Tickling in the Throat, Whooping Cough, Quiniy, Sore Throai, Consumption, Bronchitis, and ail Pulmonary Diseases. j YÖÜNC'S I 1 C o u c H I Pansriiip.M:. !i J M t Boweli.' Mfóh., A uk. 1. VS !-¦¦ i. IW4. - I 1 na Rttacked a i liavpí tríí'(1 K. wíth a M'Teruj f A.touDg'a Cooffh eold Bnd land Lun Svrup I with furi(_' p; _ ja 5 for mors fcban a visit (o Hndton, I ¦¦ (oaton,aa ¦ remeMloh., ntiunt a j ! dy for ('olds and month RfO, 10] 1 ' " u l' h ¦ . nnd mm-h FD that ij ( foiinditareitahlp ¦TM Uliab1 to Uil ggk { lu ui". 1 1,;tr nu appointuienl i % ased Mis Altuc to proHch (n: M and Llver fyrup aocoant Of my g ! In my iamily witli serere cougblng.i BH the bost or oucbut raanaged to ! i - curlnK my K't home uut ¦ ¦ ¦ ! mot her (rUofte mediale Ij tookj . ¦ome of Ir. K. A.ll ¦:;.ni1 : K,v,.r ,„,„ au-... M toon M i E H ¦ " tho secuiiil ruenoed taktngit,' 1 -tiill und ferer, I tliul ! n ' l take plensuru iHMit relief rben ¦' ¦ in reconimendlng I aiii HltaekPil g I thtï KbOTOJ IVIIMby cottiih nri jdk's to all who Innw fu!MiJnint. lfc'"mmmmW; immM tli'-rn Hlv. Kuur. I i;ev. B. B, Kimmeix. Bold by alldruírtíM. l'rii-i. 25c., SOc. and Sl.CQ. Iiirne bottlt's MDt free on reoftlpt of prlce. f W. JOHNSTON & CO., OETROIT, MICHICAN. RINSEY & SEAr OLT'S BAKERY GROCERY, AND Ffour and Feed Store. I!KK.1, CRVCKKIIS. ( AKI S, i.M., K..r UI; .i.smI .iid Küixil t l. We hall alm! keep a saiiplj nl WKT A OEUBKL'fl BEST White Wheat Flour! llfltii l'loiir, Kjc riour, Itiu-k wiM-al 3 l;ii. ri t-al, reed, Kit-., AiiyholeMle ui k ui &ROCÏRIÏS and PRüViSIuNS ('nn'Lit tly on hand t whirh ' o af reiuvnahle tenrtf i:i i!i irthef Hl 'h rit . caili iwi! ii.r BUI I BR, ' ¦ ¦¦¦ . ¦ ii ' i ' M'i:V PRODUOK ffenerally iliioli ! live id li p ir! if the city wiih ut .- :r.i rj ¦ R1MKY sK,KOU. Nortfage sale. DEFAULT baving been ruade 1 the conrtltlonof ft owrlaln MirHitH ii'mij power UieruiR oonlHlmd i su Las ueomeopemilve -.-. . ¦ i i t by Jamea il 1 1 i. - kins, ol I.vii.Iiim, Washtenaw rxHlnly, Mlehl xm, in John rtarglxon, nf Unlllla. Livlngloi Countj . Michigan, dHted ihe lirsi day ol lienmber, A.n. I8W nnd reoordwl in tlie lift n ilej ! Miiy. A. l to', Ihe offler of tlie Keglsterol Ueetla for aa)4 cnuuty "i VVaahleiimw in i.iIiit linj -mu 01 iiicm "il page eme lr.'lulrc-d ;inil slxt y 1 1" re ol.w hu-li niortuc ns uu tbe lourit'cMi'ili iiay ol IXNMMabsr, v. 1. 18M) !,.:. assl ned by the said Jobn Sarplboii, mortiRgee, tc sirth KArtftRua, ol I JU In. 1,1 ni.-ion counly, MiahlKiiu nuilwhlcb :iss!nim til as recorued In Iheolflcë crif sttld ti rl ilaeda.on tlie Iwelflh JHy ol July. A. 1 I8t In ei otne "! aaxtgnmeüta ol morttfRjt tlM j:'-' sixi-ku th-icMit, and wliloli worlgttge wuHttfterwarcI ¦ n lUi ej 1 1 1 1 1 U ij ol Joly, -. i' : ¦ ¦¦ i ¦ ' "¦! i y the s-inl etarali Hnrgláiui to Wüi.i.n Barglsoa, ol Marión, Ulvlupalon Uuuty, Mlchltcon, and whlch HHSlRnmeul was in-.M-itid in tUe offlc cl sald RegUlvr ol D l. on Ihe inh ¦! .y ¦ if.liiu. . i. i8ö iii 1 . 1 1 ¦ mu.' ol - i i ü 1 1 - n is ut 'inorliiHiii-s.iiii page alxly-two thereol; upon whloh mortKue there la clalmed t" be il iic ui tbe date of tb iii notlce Ihesuiiiol thrut iiunili c'd Ulld II ¦'¦ clcMlal :incl l'irly-liuMTiiis i . ;cllit lm Bllll 'M pi nrllim al lUW liavIMii hen i n.slí l irc-il iií rci-nc-i clehl uow it'Muiin mu -¦¦ in . d ii sala moriyHgf or anv pari i i cl: Noi (¦¦¦ i tbeieforetiereby L'ivcn. ihaicii riiursilay. Uit' twond day il llllit', A 1' 1-7. ,ct cinc .', 1 M-lt ni ihcalIcTnii n cii -ri 1 uh', ui tlif front door of the e. ui n House In the cl tj of Anu rbor, lu snl ¦ couiiiv of Waahloniiw, ïha' be'UK ihe piare of Moldinu' Uu' cucnil fciiil w illtln Hicc'ciliil.v In whluh the morl .t;:t'il premlitea tobeftold are allaaled , Mini mortuuge wlll he toreclciM'ii by sa 1 o i de licsi iciih-i. ol .lu' premltiea c-cniaincl In snid mitrts'Hxe "r o mufii ihereul a m iy b esMury ui aatlRfy Mie aiuunul ilue on aald mortgatfe with Inleresta ttud lecalooats thal k to anyi Ml thal CVI iln and pl-co und ot !:ui'l sihi.i'c:! In lln1 lownsinp of .yuUou, in ilce oouiity -l WasbtenHW and State of Michigan knowp aml deserlbed aa followa, to-wlt: Theetim porl ! the iioatbc ;t nací lonal luaiicr ol Baotion iiambei one i lu lownahip nunilnr ona (), nouthol ranm' nnniber llil'ff S) cas', and hounded cm ihr wetil by 1 1 1 ¦ nuUel "i Blind [akr, nuil oóntalnlnji foi i %¦ aorea of land more oí lesa. llated Miucli I, A. i 1I.I.1AM HAHÜIHON, nlgo i Mortgat. I.1KK. S. MOS lAliVli, Atlorm-y for Assitncr ol MoTtgag. roiiiiiiislo!i(r' 'otkè('. STATBOKMH HUÍAN, Cc micls fWihU Tbc nndertgDvd having h''t'n appolufed hj tae Probate Oourt tor aald 0 unti OdtnniltsUiiienj i rcccivc. eamini' nd ailju't .ill chnins lid dematida ol all perxems mralni Hu' n nuc ol Marj K'i u', late cr -aid cciuntv, cic. ea4od. beretu ii:it i iiionit'" iroia date Me allowed, by ottler of Hüiil Probate Court, lor crediton v preaeiil thelr claim" nainal thé estáte "i sald dceaaed. "ml tliat ihi-!' will tneut t the otilo of Zina P. Kn ur. In ihe c-it of Aun Arbor, in said cninty, on Tu-'íday, tiic 7ih diiy of .luiic. and on WédDCaday, tha Tih cl. iv of September ir-xt, al ten oYiock A. M. ofeach nfa(d daya, to reoelye, examine and adtaal süid rluiin. Daiwl. M.irch7, 18BT. ,I(iHN Blc). I Uomiuia-ioniTO. WILi 1 M N. SIKVICN'S. f 12 17. OTfce III YUKS' ilIIK tu lSHiietl S4-it. and lii.l:, eacb jrur. J$f 3IÍ sf, ¦KSUH lut'lirH,tlbovr 3,500 illui - a tvliolc I'lctnr.' inll.ry. GIVKS Wliol.snlü l'rli'm direct to consumir ou all gooda for personal or famtly tue. Trlla lm to order, and givea exatt coBt of evcrytlitns tou ge, ent, drink, wrar, or have fnu with. Theae IHVAllABIK BOOK9 eontain tuformatlon gluunl fimii the iiiaiUvts of 1' rll. .- wlll muil a lopy FllKK to uny ddreaa mpon rerrtpt of 10 et, to eipelue of te u htar froiu roa. ltcsKi iruli) , MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. L27 V y tl Wabiwli Avcbuu, ( hiriiK". 1U SUBSCRIBE for the C0ÜR1EE.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News