Real Estate Transfers

Seth O. Arnold, et al, to Aiuswortli J. Whlttelsey, Ypsllantl _ 1,200 John D. Roberts to Phl o Chubb, Salem, 800 'l'lios. Patterson to Agneg Taylor,Ann Arüor 730 Kuisom Saulsbury to Margaret Saulsbury, York „ 1,600 Sylvester and Mary Atchinson to Jas. Bullock, Salem 475 Wm. H. Boweii to Jehn J. Mills, Salem, 675 Wm. D. Bird to E. E. 4 K. H. Bird, Nortfleld 3,000 Henry M. Avery to Geo. 8. Voorheis, Augusta 2(11.50 George S. Voorheis to George F. Alford, Augusta. 300 George F. Alford to Henry Sherraau, Augusta. 300 Henry Sherman to Thomas Fllnn, Augusta- 200 Thomas Flynn to Charles II. Merrltt, Augusta 400 Chas. H, vierrltt to Vfartha Avery, Augusta 600 Pbebe smlih to George H. Avery, Augusta 250 Catharine Haab to Emanuel Haab, Freedom 200 Henry Winkle to Edna P. Stebbins, Dexter, Vil 4,500 Emanuel Jedele to Jacob Jedele, Jr., Itexler. 2,500 Eugene S.Wilson to Gusta v Underhoft, Pittsfleld _ : 700 Fred Laubengayer to Tobias Laubengayer, L.odl Solo 8,000 Sol. Tute to Mathias Itelzer, Brldgewater 2,000 Jared Stocking to Russell 0. Keeve, Dexter Vil. _ 900 Edwin Coy to Henry M. Ide, Dexter Vil 300 John Flegel to Christian Fiegel, Sclo 3,050 Elkanah P. Camp to Adam A. Meulh, Aun Arbor _.. 1,000 Mareus W. Wood to Aaron P. Wood, llrlügewater 2,000 George W. Cilll to S. H. and C. Fletcher, Ypsllanll 1,000 David Thomas to S. H. Holmes, Chelsea 4,000 Noah (i. ltutts to; Anthony R. Huil, Ann Arbor 1,000 John J. Mulholland to Wm. EL Mulhollund, Superior 1,800 Win II. Mulholland to John J. Mulholliiud, Superior 1,000 Geo. H Ullmore to Ilias. C. and Clara Out, Ypsllanti 1,000 Olen Popper lo Mclton E. Pepper, York, 650 C. II. and L, Walle, to Adam and Theo. Ketz, Anu Arbor 500 ( ïi;ii. (' and Clara ('arr to Harriet E. Ambrose, Ypsllautl 425 Geo. W. Voorheis to H. J. and Thomas .NViit. Ypsilanti 7,000 John Steeb to Jacob Steeb, Saline 4,900 Kil s. Manly to Jacob Kalmbach, Ann Arbor 5) Jacob Kalmbach to Samuel Kalmbach, Ann Arlior 100 Catherine A. VanFossen to David B. Korlson, Ypsllautl 800 Laura F. Stantz to Frank Stantz, M.-uichester 2,200 George Stauz to Frank 8tanz, Munchtster _ 4,700 Alfred Smith to Hiram Markham, Augusta. 800 George D. Farmer to Richard Aldln. York 250 O. A. Bruegel to Pauline Ilelchert, Muuchester. 1,500 F. E. Paraons to Wealthy E. Pope, Plttsneld 0,500 Jos. L. Hose to Reuben and S.A.Kempf. Aun Arbor 2,500 Chas. H. Rlchmond to M. C. R. R. Co.. Ann Arbor 2,600 John Devine, by adm'r, to Michael Devine, Webster 90 Slrain Markham to Edward and Mary i uit, Augusta 800 Mary A. and liurton Prior to Wm. H. Wllber, Augusta 560 James Taylor to Wra. Bacon, CheUea... Vii Fred Cordon to Chas. F. Cordon, Saline _ 150 Willlam Yager to Mary A. Yager, Lima 5,000 Rose Crytz to Ann Cunningham, Sclo... 2Oo Horace M. Gallup to Willis A. Week, Y pillan tl 300
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News
Samuel Kalmbach
Rose Cunningham Crytz
Jacob Kalmbach
Henry M. Ide