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Stony Creek now gets its mail from Urania. The new school building at Dexter is being pushed. M il.m could stand considerable cash enterprise. - Leader. The Ypsllanti Sentinel believes local option a humbug. Mrs. Regena Brown, of Freedom, died April I9th, of oíd age. Mofes S. Tuttle of Dexter has been granti-il an increase of pension. The fair held by the Catholic fmciety nt Chelsea recently clenred a bout $700. A new barn is belng erected by Par80118 Bros. of Webster, on their farin. M rs. O. C. Bailey of Dexter has gone to Worcester, Mass., to vlsit her parents. W. C Ayers is now the proprietor of the Ayers' house, Milán, succeedlng A. Day Rev. D. U Shire preaches every alternate Sunday at the Cook School house in Chelsea. Measles have spread wonderfully this season, and maoy country neighborhoods have them. Win. Latson, of Webster, will buüd a new residence on the site of his old one this summer. Prof. Loomis, the new principal of schools at Chelsea, appears to be giving good satisfaction. Ex-Mayor Scoville, of Ypsilanti, is building hlmself a new residence, adjoinIng his former one. The Baptist Sunday school library at Dexter has had an addition of 120 volumes of new lunikThe Manchester G. A. R. post sendeavoring to have 50 mtinbersin its ranks befora Decoratlon Day. John Irwln !s superintetident of the North Sharon Sunday school, which has a membership of 100. Mr?. Janette Webb has moved froin N'orth Lake to L'nadilla, much to the iegretof her N. L. neighbors. Contracta for tlie rebuilding of the burnt district have been made, and the work goes on bravely. - Chelsea Eclio. Mr. Clark, of Ann Arbor, has purchased the C. A. Holdridge farm and is now nioving on to it.- Iirighton Argus. Thos. Murray of North Lake had an en" tire litter of pigs eaten up by the mother of the pigs. Whata bloodthirsty hog. The Dexter sporting men amuse themselves shooting glass balls and clay pigeons. Sucli pigeons cuinnt be very fly. The ladies of the Library Association ut Dexter will serve cream in their room on Saturday evening, tbr the benefit of the library. Andrew Jackson, of North Like, has 8ome wheat sowed on be u ground, tliat he claims knoc the wind out of all other pleces of wheat Thos. S. Sears recently sold eight fat steers for $019. Tlielr aggregate weiglit was 12,380 Ibs., an average of 1,5471 lbs. - Chelsea Ilcruld. It is rumored that a brewery on a large scale is to be start ed at Pontiac. The state encampmeut is to be held near tlieie tliis year.- So. Lyon Picket. The Manchesier schools have almost money enough of their own raislng to purchase au organ, and want the school board to help just a little. Miss O'Dilla Ruche, died tit the home of her parents, in Lyndon, April 14tu, 1887, aged 23 years. She was very much beloved by her friends and mates. Deputy Game Warden A. K Rouse of Saline, gives notice that he proposes to enforce the law. Which will A-Uouse entbuslasm for him among flshermen. Charles F. Consard, of Medina, Lenawee county, received the cadet appointment to West Point from Congressman Allen. There were nine applicants. James Green has sold his farm two miles east of Anti Arbor, on the river road, and will move to Stockbrklge where he has purchascd anotherone.-Stockbridge Sun. Hon. A. J Sawyer of Ann Arbor, was in town last Friday, and attended the masquerade ball in theevening. He was one of the most conspicuous characters at the ball by havinir lots of fun.- Chelsea Echo. Some of the young men of this village have the base ball lever badly, so badly in fact that they walked to 8cio and rereturned, Sunday, for the privilege of indulging in a quiet little game. If rumor be truc the usual result befell those bad, Sabbath breaking boys; they got caught at their little game and " beaten." - Dexter Leader. Marshal Besimer notified the saloonkeepers last Sat unlay to keep closed their places of business on Sunday and so far as we hive been able to learn they complied with the order. It is clalmed that this is a standing order and that the saloonkeepers are generally In lavor of it and will keep their places closed according to law. - Manchester Enterprise. As a buyer and scller of tirst-class horses Mr. C. L. Yost stands at the head in this vicinity. One of his recent transactlons In that line was the purchase of " Dutch," a 2:40 horse, from Mrs. Ellis of Ann Arbor, and its sale to a Detroit capitalist for $500. Clarence Bray has also dlsposed of his fast drivlug hor9e to a gentleman at Sterling, III,, for $500, we are informed. - Ypsllantian. The 5th wardis now side-tracked. The interstate law did the business. There can be no longer " ruinous competition,'1 between the LakeShore and Central, nor can discriminutlng rebates be given, so it became a question, whether the lower Y'psllanti paper millshould shut down, or pay the expense of truck ing its producís and supplies a mili' and a half to and from the depot. On Friday last at 8 a.m., a numerous gang of workmen, commenced laying ties and rails at the junctlon of the Central track and Lincoln street, and ran rapidly down that street across North st., through land purchased of Mr. Havens, and the late Vail property.across Gllbert's park additlon.Congress street, and the city property to Parson's lumber yard, where a car ot lumber, pushed by hand arrived and was wasdellvered about seven o'clock p m. Meanwhile interested parties were liunting for an " injunctlon," which falliil to inaterialize. Saturday and Sunday a large number of men were levelling, ballasting, and straightening the new track, fixing croséings, etc. The work down the river to the paper mili will be carried forward moro leisurely, as It meetsno opposition. The inteiests bcneüted by the uovement, are Parsons' lumber yard and füclory, Deubel Bros.' flouring inill the Ypsilaiiti ]aper milis, and Grove brewery. It may uring into use the Crane water power, a little below the paper mlll.- Ypsllanti Commercial. Ed. Croakin of Dexter, has gone to Chicago to live. Saline expeets a building boom this season, also. Speckled trout are being cnught in the Saline waters. The York milis have started up with their new roller machlnery. Ex-Sheriff Wallace will bulld a new store at Saline this Bummer. Burglarsentered the residenceof Alfred Miller at Saline last Wednesday evening and stole 50 In money and a silver watol" The Observer says Ann Arbor epicúrea have been eating black meat raised in tbat place, and paying 25 cents per 1b. for it. A. F. Clarke of Saline has invented a new wiüdinlll, which is said to diner frotn the old ones very dlstinctly, and to be superior to thera. P. H. Rouse president, C. E. Baswtt 8ec'y, A. VV. Lashier treasurer and business manager, A. F. Clark leader, are the olfloers of the Saline cornet band. The township board held a session last Thursday, and appointed E DePuy supervisor pro tem, until Mr. Burkaidt recovers bis health sufflcient to attend to his duties. Dr. S. W. Chandler was appointed health offlcer, and J. AI. Gross and A. C. Clarke the board of review. - Saline Observer. Valentine Bros., of Webster, in this county, have been raisinr Shropshires for the past two years, and believe them the best for wool and mutton combined. Thcy have two lambs tlmt weighed when twentyfour days old 35J- pouuds each, and a pair of twina. twenty-one days old, born of a registered 2-year-old ewe, that weighed 30 pounds each. They have thirty lambs that are equ;illy as good. Two human skeletons, supposed, by the many arrow heads and other similar articles fouud in the immediate vicinity, to be the remains of Indians, were found on the river bank, below the Ypsilanti paper mili last Sunday. The " find " was made by a number of boys, and by them the bones ot' the noble red men were treated a Instruments of play. "Towhat base uses we may return, Horatio."- Ypsilantian. Jacob Herr, of Waterloo, gave his note for $200 to aid in the construction of the Qrand Trunk air line railroad. Hedidn't lay the note and suit was begun, resultIng in a verdict for the plaintiff, though Herr set up that the railroad company had failed to IJve up to its contract, not completing tho road within the specifled time, and not erecting an elevator as agreed npon. The case will be appealed. - Stockbridge Sun. A Limayoung lady, In one year, ending April 1, 1887, baked 686 louves of bread, 673 biscuits. 271 pies, 1001 Iried cakes, 2,252 cookies, 80 loaf cakes, and pancakes once a day for tliree months of the year, and all this for one family of four persons iorlOK seven months of the year and of tive persons during the remaining five months. - Chelsea Herald. Pretty good recommend for some healthy fellow with a good, stout appetite. Wlio bidsf The business men of Mooreville and vicinity are considering the advlsability of erecting a floiuing mili at the T., A. A. & N. M. Hy. crossing of the Kidge road. The inter-state luw places this point on a basis of 78 per cent. of the Chicago rate, and no more could be charged for transportation of flour to the seaboard from that point than from Toledo or Detroit; it would also take Ann Arbor rates on southern business. Here Is a matter that should have the support of every farmer in that vicinity. - Saline Observer. The Enterprise is right : "The too much practiced custom of our merchants of ieeping their doors si srlitly ajar on SunJays to accommodate their customers lias becon)e such a nuUance that most of them, perhaps all, would be glad to abandon it if all would agree. Tho butchers have agreed to leud in the reform and hereafter their doors will be closed on Sundaysand thcy aiul their employés will spend the lay otherwise than in a business way. It ís expected that other tradesmen will follow in the move and make Sunday what ít should be, a day of rest." There is talk of organizing an athletic a8Sociation here. The plan is to hire a building and tit up a ürst-class gymnasium, with all the modern paraphernalia for physical culture, and in addition to this, lease some some favorable ground near the city, and prepare it for base ball, lawn tennis, cricket, etc. This movement should meet with success. It would be a good (hing for Ypsilanti, and an especial ?ood thing for those who availed tbemselves of the advantages offered. All wbo are interested in athletics will be glad to use their influence to help this inntter


Ann Arbor Courier
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