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The exhausted and drowsy feelings, (Minimin to spring time, Indícate an impura and sluggish condition of the blood, which may be -emedied by the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It is the most powerful.andat the same time, most economieal blood purifierknown. It is the little tlnngs that are the most womlerful and difflcult; it Is possible for human enterprise to make a mountain, but it ia lm possible for it to make an oyster. Their Business Booming. l'iobably no one thing lias caused such a general revival of trade at Eberbach & Son's Drug Store as their giving away to their custoraers of m many free trial bottles of Dr. Kinjr's New Discovery for Consutnption. Their trade is simply enormous in this very valuable article from the fact that it ahvays cures and never dlsappoints. Cougha, Colda, Asthmn, Bronchitis, Croup, and all tliroat and lung diseases quickly cured. You can test it before buying by Ketting a trial bottle free, large size $1. Eyery bottle warranted. WHYÏS ÏT Tliat rheumatism and neuralgia are go prevalent? (This questiou has not been satisfactorily answered, but it is cert&in that these diseases are not only the moet painful but among the most common, and some member of nearly every faniily in the land ia the victim of one of these dread tormentors. Ladies seem to be peculiarly liable to neuralgic attaeks, which, in the forrn of neuralgic headache, pain in the back, or nervous pains are of constant 00currence. Notuntilthe discovery of Athlophoros had any remedy been found for either rheumatisra, neuralgia or nervous headache, and they were generally conceded to be incurable, but Atlilophoros has been proved to be not only a eerlam cure for these diseases, in all their varied fiirms, but a safe remedy. If, in the use of Athlophoros, the bowels are keptfreely open, its success is eertain, and to aid thig, Atlilophoros Pilis are recommended, which, while providing the necessary cathartic, will be found to be a valuable aid to the action of the medicine. Atlilophoros is no experiment, it has been tested and has proved its wonderful eflicacy. The Athlophoros Pilis were originally prepared as a remedy for use in connection with Athlophoros, for rheumatisni and neuralgia and kindred complaints. Used in connection with that remedy, they are a eertain cure for either of these very eommon and distressing diseases. They have nlsd been found to be an iuvaluable remedy for any and all diseases arisingfroni vitiated blood or general debility. They are especially valuable for nerv ous debility, blood poisomng, dyspepsia, distress after eatiii}.', headache, constipation, loss of appetite. and all stomach or liver troubles. For diseases of women they are nvaluable. These pills are perfectlv harmless and may be safely used by adults or children. Testimoniáis of those who haye been cured will be sent free on application. Every draggist should keep Athlophoros and Athlophoros Pills, but where they cannot be bought of the druggist, the Athlophoros Co., 112 AVall St.. New York, will send either (carriapre paid) on receipt o! regular price, which is $1.00 per bottle for Athlophoros and 50c. for Pills. SCROFULA T do not belteve that A en S:uNap!ii'ill:i liai aii equal m ¦ remeüy for Scrofulom Humors, it is ptowsnt to tak( ves Rtrsngth aiul rigor to the boilv. Uiimnrc !""' l11"1'11"'1" ¦ more nuniuro, penasnent, burtiiur, re¦Uil (taan auv medicine I e v er used. - E. Haines.Xo. Undule, O. I liave nsod Ayer's Sai' my faniily, for Scrofula, hih! kiiow, if it is taken Fpvinplai ruit h f ii il v , it win crybipeidS, , i,,,,.,,,!,! v eradksate this terrible diaeaae. - V. K. Fowler, M. D., Qreenvllle, i'euu. For forty years I have luffered with Ery¦ipelaa. I have tried all gort of remedies PanUor anri (or my eompluint, but uanKer, ana tollll(lno ,.,,,'j,,, umil ! comineuced nslnsi Avei's Sarsaparilla. After (aking ten boti li of tliis medicine I Hin eoinpletelv etired. M;trv C. Ai'iusbury, Itockport, Me. Catíirrh, I have raffered, for )ar, from Cntarrh, wliich was so severe tlnit it, (lestroyed niy appetite and veakenel niyaystem. After tryinic otlier remedies. ana gettln;: no relief, I _ llegan lo take Ayer's lclll D6 Sai-siipaiilla, and, in a few ïnontlis, was cured. plirpil hv - Susan L. Cook, 909 curea oy All 11T s( Bustün nu rif vina "' llT"1 M" 4ho hlnnrl '" "'Mierlor to any blood ine DIOOQ puraer that l have ... ever tried. I have Wltn taken it for Scrofula, ('anker, and SaltUlieuni, and recelved moca benefit from It. It Is good, nlo, for a wenk stoniaeh. - Mlllle Jane Pelrce, South Bnulfonl, Mass. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, rrprd Yjr Dr. J. C. Ayer k Co., I.owell, Unta. Prlox SI slx botUM, 5.


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