Death Of Frank Hangsterfer
The Great Destróyer that eventually comes to lis all, has been very busy tliis season gatheilng to liiniself the residentó of our city. Hardly does the ink apon our pen get dry ufter recording theücuth of some respected and loved person n OÉr iniilst, ere it is again ealled into use to chronicle the üeparture of itnother. TUIs time lt is A. F. Hangsterfer, fjmüiarly kimwii toeverybudy here as Frank, who lias been ealled away, and Uiat very sudduiily. Salurday afler.iooa he w;s about the ston; doiug business, but feeling badly toward eveuinghe retired and &ent tor a doctor. At about 2 o'ciock Sunday morning he brenthed his last. Brlght'l dUeMe, willi whieh lie bad been troubled tor n long time, was the cause of ileath. Mr. Han steiler was perhaps more generully kiiown tliroughoiit the country tlian any ulier resident of tlie cily, frow the fact of hls haring been a caterer, md havhig pructicttlly controlled tlmt business both in univcrsily :uul private circles for maiiy years. He ia a man who will bc niissed in the ei '1111111111113 "'s, fr in his line of business he hart few etiuala, and held the rsteem and jfood will of everybody with tcnrcely au excepción. Genial, gouttatsanly, jileusant to mt% Frank iiüido hosts of friends. Now lic ii. OUt down in the vcry prime of life. He was n inernber of the Ann Arbor Commandery CnlghU Templar, under whose luperrltlnn Ihe funeral services were held yesterdny af tentoon. In the absence of the prelate of the Cummaudery, Uov. T. V'. UoLean, tha MrrkM were conducted liy Ktv. W. H. lionton, f Saline, formerly prelnte of Pontiiic nundery. Be was nlso prominent metnber of ' th Odd Fellow fraternlty, the Knights of Pytblaa, ÜM Miooubeei, and otber orders. It is with sail feell&gl tliut we ar obligeil to write these line.". All of the business houses of the city were dowd ycsterday afternoon, from iintil 4 o'cloek, out of respect to liis memory. The Y. mu;; Peopto'l Society of the GVntial clinrch gave theclosing entertainment of their eonrse to a well-lilled houge last Frlday Night. It consisteit of a lectnre trom the pastor, I)r. Studley, on "A Leotar Poem- A Keflected Yankee." We lüwe heard Dr. Stud'ey as preacber and editor befare. It remalnrd for Frdaj eveniíiK to disclose li is ubility as platform ipeaker mul poet. In, the lecture wonld liave óomnMnded instant atteution as a iinuu kable record of keen observation of Yunkee elinrnctcristlcs, and niight easily wive ns a model of onr best wit and humor; tlie produetimi, bowever, in rythmlo measure gave t a unique ebaracter and foree, and altogether made t one of the most delijihtlul platform effortl we ever llttened to. Au and a qoartsr'i DSÜuygliig attention is a tribute of no mean order to a poetlo production, and Dr, Btndley is to ba confrratulated upon so prongnnocd a idOOeM in 10 difflenlt, au uinlcrtiiking.- Michigan (Detroit) Cbrtttlán Advócate. Demoernis wonder lf the connty clerk's office I lo he muele the republicun heuüquttrten i'ir the i - two yeurs." Demoorat, lt woukl be a r, bilt the republicana would be glad to aikl so pleiisaut, lioiKirable and jiunüeinanly a man to their ranks as is Connty Clerk Howlett. John of Saliue, and John F. Lutz of Lodl, each psid $300 liquor tax yesterd.iy.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News
A. Frank Hangsterfer