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If Not, Why Not?

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TT7I a iiew merchaot enter lulo business iu your cltj' and Invite every one to come Ín ir und get acqualnted and leuru lils business metliods, IS lt uut FAIK lo glve lliui a 01 II. If Not, Why Not? XT7 tilla merchaut sella you as good goods for as llttle money, and uses vou as well as A.V ilealers away f rom home, ís n Jl'ST to Bive lilm a trlal '.' If Not, Why Not ? Tf other dealer offer you goods whleh your home mercliants can furnlsb and maybe J.J; lieaper. or else make the outsider sell clu-aper, IS lt uot POLICY to get your home dealer's prlees and terms before buylug? If Not, Why Not? TT7 a dealer Is establlsheil Ín your own clty. where you can always flnd hlm to have XJT error correcled and dllTereuces adjusted and wlio Is rellable and responslble IS U not BKST to buy oí lilm whereyon can kuow everythlns wlll be as represenlod I If Not, Why Not? TTT' a man works to merlt the confldence of the people, does everythlng on the square lV tells things as the are, uses you honestly aod well, I lt not KIUHT to glve hlm your trade ? If Not, Why Not ? I am here in your oity witli full line of Musical Goods. Tlie celebrtited HAINES 15ROS PIANOS, tlie NEW EXGLA.ND PIANOS, Famous ESTEV OHGANS, GUITAHS, BANJOS, VIOLINS, STKINGS and, iu fact, anytliiug a.u everything a music store sljould have. I'm bouml to sell honest gootls at bonest prices, tell tln'ngs as they nre. and n this way try and build up a trade. If yon do not cali on me wlien in nt-ed oí goods, I can only ask, Not, Why Not? LEW H. CLEMENT, Sonor to ALTIN WILSET, 25 S. Fort SI., Ann Arftpr.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News