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NO FEE ! ! I Emiii.isHiD m.-.i. ) Merrill UNTIL BETTER ƒ DETROIT.MICH. ƒ Block. ' - v? N e Regalar, Old-Establisned jCjüifl PHYSICIAN & SURGEON j 8XILLAND 8ÜCCES3 YOUNGMENiMIDDLE-AGEDMEN 1 nd all persons who by theirown act of Imprudonceor Follyat any period of ufe have hrouglit pon themselves, the evil effects following closely upon tho heels of iTansgression of the la-.vs oí nature, should consult the cclelrsttd Pr.Clarke t once. RemnmbertNervous diaeaitesrwith or without dreams) or debIHty and loss of nerve poner trcated scientificnlly by newr methods witli ! rever failing success. "It makcs no drffcrenc nlmt you have taken or wlio has f ailed to cure you. J-T'.ie terrible pnlson of Syplillin and all bnd blood and skin disfumes, romplelclv i-nidi'¦ cated without mercury. K'Miember tliat Oiisone horrible dlMMt, if neflecUd or improperly ircatcd, curse the present and coming gencrations ¦I-All unnatural diicharpes cured promptly i iihout hindrance (o business. No ejperiments. I Both sexesoonnult eoiilWlcntially. Affeand experience important. A w ritten etinrantee of cure given in every case undertaken. Jtg-SufTerers from any chronlc dlsease writo Histfiry and S tiiptoins of your case - plainly. Cases solicited which otlicrs have íailed to cure. E3Send two stamps for eelebrated worlts on Chronic, Nrrvoos and Delicate Disaasps. You I have an exhanative symptomatology by which j to study your offn case. Consultation, personally or by letter, free. Consult the old Doctor. Thoiisands cured. Offices and parlors pri vate. You sec no or.c hut the Doctor. ïïcfore coniidinrf your case consult l)l. CLAKKK. A íriendly letter or cali may s:ive future sufferingf and ¦hame and add golden years to life. Medicines sent everywhere secure trom exposure. Huur , Bto 8; tiundays, 9 to 12. Adüi F. D. CLARKE, NI. D. MERRILL BLOCK. DETROIT. Míen CURES Goughs,Golds,Asthma,Tiekling ín the Throa!, Whooping Cough, Quiniy, Sore Throat, Consumption, Bronchitis, and all Pulmonary Disaases. "y"öüncts í1 ICougHI !¦¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ MWM ,' - J Danivme.Mtcli $ Howell, Mich , Aus. 15. 1874.-! Oct. i, tfi -l 1 whi attacked $ have (r)ed Dr. I,. with a leverej m $ A.Young's Coiifth OOM an(J tlireat-s and Lun fyrup IBM wlth luiiftf hm tor more than a lever while on a lW Í "''lir HS I had ocvi-it to Hii!-"ii.! Vf casion.a n remftMich., ftbOUt n U for Colds and motith hro, nol ¦ iCouifho, and mnob Kt tliut 1 ! i f'Muici itarcllable was uuablc to ttll ¦& ' loedlclnc. 1 have un iippointiuent t B $ used hls Ague to preach on M 'and Llver Syrup ure, ,unt of my , ¦ ¦ ! in my famity with pevurc c-oughing, $ m ¦ $ tbe bent of aucliut ruanaKfi to t cess, curlng my get home. and M ¦ { motber twhose ÏÏÏtèSStkA ' oenVeeö,7tyheeahS¦ny coimh Irft me i J Fcver and Ague. as non hs i 'iiftiT th Moand Dienoed Kuklng It, I ttÊ s chili and fever. and I flnd I f tl take pleasure Bent rellel when ! j ín reeoniniemiinu I ara attHcked, ¦ J the above remetí y cough or die to all who 1 u n i complalnt. -. nPB(i U,,,IM Kev. Kubt. cope. Rev. 8. B. Kiumxll. Sold by 11 druKKists. Prlce. 25c.. 50c. and I1.C0. I-iirKO bottles sent free on recelpt of prico. W. JOHNSTON & CO., Detroit, michicah. RINSEY & SEA :OLTS BAKERY. GROCERY, AND Flour and Feed Store. k"ep conptaiiily on bind, HUKA1). CRACKEKS, CAKKS. ETC, For Wh-.e:ili: and It.ta:! "r de. Woltall hIo ke.'p a iuiip'y l swiF t A DEUBKL'P BE8T White Wheat Flour! Delhi riuur, (;.) Flour, iCiK'kuiioat Ploor, Cora ti-i. roed, Etc., At WhotoMla aod Hetal!. A or V stock oi GROCSRIES and PBflïISIuSS OonsTai'tly on hand, which wfll he &old on hp rtvi-uiiRl)h' tTïP9 af ttt uny other honi' in ih'1 cit . t'afh paid íor BU1TKK, B(i(l-, and CÜVNTUV PRODIKJB generally (ood d lvi---d to any luirt of the ruy without extra charir'. RINSEY SEAHOLT. Sfortgage Sale. DKl'AULT havlnii been made In (heconditluus of a certaln Mortgagu (whereby the power thereln eouttilnt'd to s-ll Iias becomeoperHtlveJ executetl by James H. Hopklns, of Lyiulon, Wafthtanaw ooanty. Michl John HiirglBon, of Unatlllla. I.lvlng8ton Couoty, Mlctilguu, uut?! Uk rlrïit duy of Deceinlier, A. I). l"1. nnd rei'orlel on Uie llfth ihiy of Mav. A. IJ 1STÍ) In llie office of Ilie lU'xlsterof Ueeds for sald OOUDty ol WastiU-naw. In Liber lllty-oiif ol inoilKages on page oiic hundred anü slxty thfrool.wlilch nitrtage was on the tonrteenth day t December, A.. D. IfvNi .liily iisKiKiit'.l by the sald John Bargl. son, mortagee, to Sarali Snralstn, of Unadlila, Llvinston coiinty, Michigan añil rbloh assignmenl was recorded In the office of sitid Register of deeds, on the twelfth day of Jnly, A. D. ltteti. In Lloer nlue ol MtignmanU of mortaages on page slxty-ine thereof, and whtch mortgage iru aflerward on the eU'lith day of July, A. D. 188Í, dulj Milniad tiy the süi.i sarah Sarglson to William BarglsOD, ol Marton, Livingston l'minly, Michlgon, and which uslsnment wi recorded In the office of sald lieglster of Ueetls, on the twf lftli duy of July, A. 1. lS.i lu Llber nlne of MsignmentsofmortKaKes.on pixeslxly-lw.i tliereol; upon wblcb nortease there Itolalmed to be dueat the date of th is notloe the sumof three lui n il red and live dollars and forty-ti oanti (1806. 46), and nosult or proceedlims al law havillg been IllHIIlltfd to recover r lic dehl now reinuiiiing seeurt-il by sald mortgage or any part tberaof: Notlcels tbarefore nereby iriven, Ihat on Thursday. the second duy of June, A. D. 1887, al one oelook In llieafterno'in or wdd lay, at the front door of the Courl llouxe In tlie city of Ann Arbor.ln al'i OOnnty Of Washtenjiw. . Ihat b#ltlg llie place of holding Uiecireuitcourt witliln tbeoonnty in rbloh the mortïaged premlses to he sold areslltiatcd ,!hesaid morlaage wlll he foreolosed l)y snie at pabilo venabeto the btgbetl nldder, of ihe piemisew eontalncil In s:iid mortáge ,or so inttoü thereof as may be naoeaaary t antlafy tlie axnoun) due on snld mortKagn wlih iiileresls and legal oost) Unit la to .say : All tliai oertnln and pleoe and i.arcel of land altuiitedjin tlie Iciwushlp of l.ynilon, In the counly oí Washlenaw and stute of Michigan known and desortbefl as IoIIowh. to-ll ; The casi ptll t of the solltlleast fraotlonal auarter of seotion oamber one I in lowtiKlup niimlier onw (1), south ol range numher Utree (.'ij cas', and nounded on Uie wchI liy tlie outlet of Blind Lake, and oontalnlDI forty aeren of land inore or Dated tfarch I, A. I) 1887. WILLIAM sakoison, Aslgnt-u of Mortgage. LUKK . MONTAOI'K, Atlorney for Auslgnee of Mortgage. ¦¦Ute of Eleanor C. Bibbins. (TATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtcnaw. k5 -. At a gesüUOD ol the Probate Court Tor the County of Wnshtcnaw, holden at ihe Probate Offlre in the city of Anu Arbor, on Monday, the 18'h day of April in the year one thougnnd elihT hondred and eighty-seven. Present, Williani D. Harrinmn, Judire of Probate. In the matter of the estnte of Eleanor 0. Kihhina d fen-ed. Charle H. Wordeu, the exerutor of the lst will and testament of said decenfed, cornil into court and represento that he is now ireiiareil to renderhis final account as such c -cutor. 'rtieretipon It Iwordered, thatTucpduy, the ncvente mtta ilny of M.iy nest, at tan o'clock in tn notin be apitrned for the examlntnif and aloHini: of kiko account, and that the h irn at law ot Btifd deceatad, and all other periotin nterestuü in suid estáte, are reqnlred to appear it a tentó!] of jaid conrt, then to be holden at the l'rolKiie Ufllce, in the city of Anu Arbor, and show cause. If any there be. why the paid account Khould not beullowed: And It ie further oidcrctl, l ri it aajd t x cutor ifivc notlce to the penoni iDterinted in sald itratel tin1 in-ndciiry of ald account. Dd the Nearlvg tlicrcf, hy cansln? a copy ofthls onlcr lo he puoltsned it the Ann Arhor Coitrlrr, newnpaperprinted and ïlrcntatlng In tald couniy, tbreo sncoantlTc weeks )roviouH tosaid dny ofherinsr. A trne copy. WII.I.IAM 1) IIXKHIMAS, JiuU'eof Probate. WM.fl. DOTY, Probate Re(Tster. llW-ltM ASTHMA CURED CERMAN ASTHMA CURE lnhtiuitly r,-li."-.s the imiet violent at tAck and Insnm oomiorUbla dasp M iitisb r„ K. Hl'Lrs.BeinK iMed liy iuhUtuiii. Itnaotlim Isimnnxlintj'. (Jinv-t ani certtiin. and a curp is the rtwult in all curable cases A mugln trial oonrincm thn munt skcuticil Prico 60o. and 1 IXI of an druntn. or bv mail 8amile Frrc for -_iii-uilmii%Vipijj


Ann Arbor Courier
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