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Winter whont In portions of ICiOhlgan was on tho löth BufTering from drought, wlth lndioation that only a tWO-tttfrda erop would be harvosted. W. C. Potter, cashior of the Domostic Bewing Machine agenoy at Kansas City, fled on tho 19th wlth $1,000 belonging totho company. A negro named Hito was lynchod on the 19th noar Honderson, Ky., for a criminal assault on Mrs. Miller, a white woinan. Tns Anarchistio groups of tho International Working Peoplo's Association in Chicago disbanded on the 19th. The Supremo Court of Pennsy Irania on tho lflth held that an expross company was liable for tho f uil amount of a lost package if no oxplanation of tho failuro to delirer was given. Thb Jury at Morris, 111., in tho case of Newton Watt and Harry Schwartz, chargod with murdoring Express Messenger Nichols March IJ, 1898, brought in a rerdict of guilty on tho 19th, and üxed tho punishment of both men at imprisonment for Ufe. Is a runaway accident on tho 19th at Pittsburgh, Pu., Major Jam;s F. Ryan, "f McKeesport, brotnor of Archbnhop Ryan, of Philadelphla, was instantly killed. A tadlk showing tho carnings of twentyono roads for the seeond weekof April, the ürBt complete week in which tho railroaJs hare been operated under the Inter-State luw, is furnished, showing in inanv cases a decided falling off in the amount of business. A hkavt frost, disastrous to small fruits, occurred on tho night of the lsth in Central Indiana. At Lancaster, Pa., on the 19th John Brecker and wifo wore killed by an express train. Their child was caught on the cow-catcher and escaped without inJury. A qexuink case of leporsy wa3 discorered on the 19th in Louisrille, Ky. John Hasklns, tho patiënt, contractod tho disease in Honolulú threo yoars ago. Tas Fennsylrania railroad officials claimed on the J9th that not over $15,438 worth of goods wero stolen by thoir trainmen between Pittsburgh and Columbus in 18S6, and that the tlicfts on the Pan-Handle división were comparativoly no greater. A ctcloxb croated great havoc on tho 19th in tho viclnity of Suffolk, Va. Tlio house of John W. Wright was wrocked, and two persons wore killed and anothor fatally iujurod. Many other building were wreckod, and the loss to farmers would bo heavy. Tbs New York Legislatura on the 19th passed a bilí making every Saturday in tho year, from twelve o'clock noon to midnight, a holiday. Bt an explosión oí dyuamito on the 19th in New York's new aijueduct two men were killed and flvo others were baUly mangled. Thk one hundred and twelfth annivorsary of the battlo of Lexington, Mass., wbb celebrated in that oto on the tOth. Thb osseous remains of a laaatodon were found near the village of Tiro, O., on tti 19th. The teeth ranged in lensrth irom three to six and three-quaitors biche. Henrt Livin'gston, who was running thirteen stores in New England utuier tho name of the Groat Overton and Paciflc Tea Company, failel on tho 19th. TnE Western Union Telegraph Company has increased lts capital stork $l,iOÓ,(XX), making the total capital $81,200,000. Charles Weili.kk & Son-i, ilothing merchants at Baitinion;, faileJ on the 3Oth for 1100,000. Ai: elevator at Wllmar, Minn., with twenty thousand bushels of wheat, was destroyed by flre on the 20th. Tuk New York manufacturers of gold and silver decided on tho 20th to look out all their employés who are connected with the Knights of Labor. Local Assembly No. 1,655, Knights of Labor, of Now York, revolted on the 2üth against Powderly, whom its master workman denounced as a ty ram. Gkoroe Clark, the millionairo landowner and hop-dealerof Springfield, N. Y., failed on the 'JOth. At Morris, 111., on the 20th counsel for Watt and Schwartz, convicted of killing Kellogg Nichols, entered a motion for a new trial, and were given ten days in which to tile papers. The prlsoners assert they are the victims of perjury. Three men were killed and sereral wounded, all train laborers and train hands, by a collision between froight trains near Huntingburg, Ind., onthe20th. Thk semi-annual meeting of the Northwestern Lumbermen's Association met at St Paul on the 20th. The log supply in the Northwest was stated to be 2,054,300,000, against 2,687,1(55,000 one year ago. The Order of OddFellows was sixtyeight years old on the 20 th, and the day was appropriately celebrated in Chicago and other cities in the country. In a quarrel on the 'JOth at Cbattanooga, Tenn., John Ray and William Carson drew their revolvers and flred siinultaueously, both being shot dead. A HEAvr snow-storm prevailed on the 20th in several counties in West Virginia. Morris Bknisch, a cattle dealer, ili'd from Milwaukee, Wis., on the 23th with a large amount of money belonging to other citizens. The Woman's Baptist Foreign Missionary Society of the Middle and Eastern States opened its sixteenth annual meeting on the 20th at Pittsburgh, Pa. Lkadino citizens" of St Paul, Minn., were organizing on the ÜOth to bring about a centennial celebration of the Congressional ordinance organizing the Northwest territory. The remains of the late Gardner Earl, a prominent citizen of Troy, N. Y., were incinerated at the Buffalo crematory on the 20th. The Queen of the Sandwich Islands and a number of high officials arrived at San Francisco on the 20th. They would go by rail to Washington, and hoped to witness Queen Victoria's jubilee celebration in London next June. The pólice in New York arrested three hundred storekeepers and clerks on the 21st for sweeping dust lnto the street. Each was fined or severely lectured. "Old Spot," the war-horse of General Kilpatrick, died a few days ago at Deckertown, N. J., at the age oí three years. Thb distillers of Kentucky were organizing on the 21st for absolute control of tho production of whisky. W. A. Heartt's flour, saw and shingle mili, at Wahjamega, Mich., with 1,500,000 feet of lumber, was destroyed by Ure on the 21sU At Moravla, N. Y., Frank Close was split in two from skull to hips on the 21st by falling upon a circular saw. A steamkr from China landed at San Francisco on the 21st Prince Frederick Leopold, of Prussia, and Prince Louis Esterhazy, of Austria, who are journeying round the world. Five nuNDREn employés In a cassimere factory at Marlboro, Mass., struck on tho 21st for shorter bours. Wiiile walking on the tracks of the Baltimor & Ohio railroad near Everson, Fa., on the 21st Mrs. Gottcmy and Mr. Anderson wore struck by an cngine and killed. The Governor and Legislatura of Penn ¦ylvanla on tha 21st visited tho battlo-fleld of Gettysburg, on whioh it is proposed to cxpend 181,000 in erocting tableta. A cyclonb visitod Colony, Kan., on the Bist and dostroyed a great deal of prop orty, wrecking several residonces and oije church. No los of lifo was roported. Br the full of an elevator on tho 21st in a furnituro factoryat Connorsvillo, Ind., ono man was killed and two others rcceived fatal injuries. A cokk train on the MeKeosport road struck a hugo bolder on tho 21st near Ful lor station, Pa. The ongineer was flung into the rivorand tho firemau and a brako man wcre crushed to doath. Commissionsr Sparks on tho 21st ordere a rosurvoy of the Las Vegas grant in New Mexico, as only twenty thousand acre wero sot aside for agrieultural purposes. At a meeting of tissue papor and toile' papor makers in New York on the 21st It was unanlmously decidod to advanco pricos ten to tlfteon per cent Mant buildings at Paris, Ky., wor wrecked by a tornado on the morning o the KUL James Fox and Micliael Hommer, coun terfeiters of gold and silvor coins, were ar restod at Indlanapolis, Ind., on tho ISd. A BIA.YT snow-fall wa reported on the 22d along tho Union Pacific railway ii Utah and Wyoming. SOW and sloet storms were reported on the 22i from portions of Minnesota and Da kota, followed by cold weather, whk-t would retard seed planting, alroady ten days or two woeks late. A OTÓLO in Vernon County, Ma, on the night of tho 21st causod heavy damago in Mctz, Osage and Bluo Mound townships It was thought the number of persons killod would reach twenty-fivo. Fourmem ber of the Millor family perishea. Dürixq the hist slxtoen months 1S2 nat ural gas and oil companies havo been in corporated in Ohio, with an aggregate capital stock of 9,262,'J75. A torxado on the2"Jl at Blossom Prairie Tex., moved every business house in tho village from their foundations. No lives were lost. A BOMn wa mystenously exploded a noon on the 22d in a public si reet at Mil waukee, but uo person was hurt by tho fly ing missiles. A New York paper on the 22d publishei a story from Key We-t to the effect tha during the recent visit of Senator Bher man and bis party to Cuba the bandi Matagas had plannod to kidnap and hold them for a rausom. A sevfhb hail-storin, the stones bcing as large as hens' eggs, was reportod on the 2'2d from Rolling Fork, Miss. Many win dows were broken. Collectors ot customs along the Atlantic coast wore ordered on the 22J to obtain all Information possiblo at tho hands of masters of nshing-vessels. Tbere wero 171 business failures in the Unitod States during tho seven days ended on the 22d, against Hú the previous seven days. The National Council of Administraron of the Grand Army of tho Republic, ín session on the 22d in Chicago, adopted resolutions approving of the order of General Fairchild requesting posts not to make an official expression of opinión on the subject of pension legislation by Congres. Tob total amount of trade-dollars redeemed up to the 22d was 5,643,000. A HEAvr snow-storm was reported on the 22d from Northorn Wisconsin. Seven inches wero reported at Eu Claire, and at Ashland tralns were blocked. A fierce gale was piling the snow into drifts. Frank M. Scott, book -koeper for Wetstcr & Co., who embezzled $101,843, received a six years' seutence at New York on the 22d. Puescott, Kan., wa destroyed by a cyclone on the evening of tho Sist, and fifteen persons were killod and several others wounded. A HM on the 22d in a stable district at New York resulted in seven horses being burned to death, forty others receiving such injuries that half of them would havo to be shot An eniiieer and fireman were killed and a brakeman badlyinjured in a railroad wreek near Morrisburg, Can., on the 22d. Tiie grand jury at Ozark, Mo., on tho 22ü indicted eleven of the Bald-Knobbers (a band of murdorers) for murder. A ( vci-oNE swept through Franklin and .lolmsou countips, Arkansas, early on the morning of tho 231, causing devastation in Zank, Coal Hill and Clarksville. Near the latter place six persons were killed, twenty others badly vvouuded, and the dwellings and barns of twenty-six persons were blown to splinters. Considerable live stock also perished. It was anuouncod on the 22d that an Indian school for two hundred children would soon be etablished at Pierre, D. T. It carne to lipht on the SBd that AVilliam B. Mitchell, president of tho Exchange Bank of Detroit, had disappearcd with all the funds of the concern. PERSONAL AND POLÍTICASAlexaxder Mitchell, of Milwaukee, president of the Chicag ¦, Milwaukee tfc bt Paul Hailroad Company, died of pneumonía in New York on the 19th. He became a resident of Milwaukoo in 139, served two tornis in Congress, and declined a nomination for Governor. The deceased leaves a fortuna estira ated at 20,OUO.OOO or more. Jidge Miles Searls was on the 19th appointed by the Governor Chief Juaüce of the California Suprema Court Edward A. Mosely, of Boston, was on the 19th elected secretary of the Interstate Commerce Commission. Captaix William Wikt Brush, aid to be the first volunteer who eulisted in the war of the rebellion, died n the 19th at Lockport, N. Y., in abject poverty. He was in nis üfty-flfth year. In the election in Illinois cities on the 19th lor municipal offleers a majority of the towns where the license question was predominant voted in favor of license. Hox. James O. Blaine, accompanied by his wife and daughter, arrived in Chicago on the 20th. The President on the 20th appointed Henry F. Merritt, of Illinois, Consul at Chemnitz. The Legislature of West Virginia oocvened in extra session on the 20th at Charleston. Lieutenant Johs W. Daxenhower, the arctic explorer, shot and killed himself at he Naval Academy at Annapolis, Md., on ,he 2üth. Mental trouble was the cause. Ho was thirty-soven years of age. H. G. Bkooks, founder and president of the Brooks Locomotive Works, died of paralysis on tlio 20th at his home in Dunkirk. N. Y. ExERCisESin honor of the memory of the late President Arthur were held in the Assembly Chamber at Albauy, N. Y., on the evening of the 2i)th. Chauncey M. Depew was the chief speaker. Major John E. Bi.ainr, aged forty-iive years, brother of Hon. James G. Biaine, died on the 21st at Hot Springs, Ark. Edward F. Hixgham, of Ohio, was on the 21st appointed by the President to be Chief Justice of the BuDrome Court of Ulo District of Columbio, In the Florida Leglslature on the 21st tho vote cast for United State Senator was distributoil atnong thirty-two namos. At Galena, 111., on the 21st Ilii'hard Spensley and wife celebrated the sixtytliird anniversary of thelr weiidins?. J ]¦ RrssEix Lowki.l ailod f rom Boston on the 21st for Europe. Andrew Carnegie, of Pittaburgh, Pa., the milllonaire author and maiiufurturer, wa9 marned in New York on the 22d to Miss Loulse Whitflclrt. His gifts to hls brido wero valuod at ovor f750,000. Rev. J. B. Dobbins, D. D., one of tha most popular Methodist clergymen in Philadelphia, droppcd dead on the 22d while about to enter a train at Asbury Park, N. J. Apoplcxy was tho causo. FOREIGN. Sevehal dofeats of the forces of the Ameer of Afghanistan at tho hands of reb els were reportod on the 19th. Bdccanefk, a famous stallion, for frhlca tho Austrian Government oiice rcfusod ai offer of $100,000, was shot on tho Hlth on account of oíd age. The Nicaragua Congress on the 19th passcd a law, which goes into effect August 1, making the customs duties on im ports flfty por cent of the primo cost of merchandise. Tuk Canadlan Indlans number 123,761, of which 17,207 are in Ontario. The Crown Prince of Gormany was on tho 19th said to be suffering from cancor of the tongue. Six residents of St. Potersburg wore on the 20th sentonced to death for compliclty in the plot to assasslnate tho Czar on March ]3, and several others wero sontenced to life-imprisonment. Mr. Parnell left London on the 20th for Dublin in the hope of ascertaining who forged his signatura to a letter approvlnf of tho assassination of Cavendish an Burke. ïim customs authorities at Montreal on the aoth seized nfty-nine barrels of whisky entered as vinegar at four cents per gal Ion. lT was offlcially announcod on the 20th that the British Government offered to return to the old condition of affairs in regard to the Canadian fisheries. A Bill for the prohibition of the liquor trafne in the Legislature of the Province of Newfoundland was defeatd on the 20th by the casting voto oí the Bpeaker of the Lower House. Si.ioht oarthquake shocks occurred on the 21st ín vanous points in Mexico. Turee hundred Mormon recruits sailed from Liverpool on the 21st for New York. Advices of the 21st from Victoria give accounts of the loss of the schooner Active with all persons on board, thirty-three in number, off the Oregon coast. The secession of tho Frovince of Nova Scotia from the Dominion Confederation was again strongly agitated on the Slat. Mr. Gladstoxk stated on the 21st that he did not desire a general election of Parliamentuntil the Engllsh mlnd was as ripa on the Irish question as the Welsh and Scotch minds were, and said that time was rapidly advancing. He said, howevcr, that he was prepared to faco any thing to defeat coerción. The nuniber of emtgrants fromOermany who passed through, Hamburg, Bremen and Stettin during the year 1886 was 06, 671, or a decrease of over 22,000 from tha previous year. A siiAHP shock of earthquake was feit on the 21st over the whole Islund of Jersay, in tho British ChanneL Thhoi niiorr France much excitemem prevailed on the 21st because of the arrest of a special Frenen commissary by Bw man officials on the frontier near Mol. The suicide of acitieen of St. Petersburg on the 2"M was followed by the dlftooverj that his house was a rendezvou for Nihilists and contained anus and dynamite. An' ice-gorgo at Montroal on the 'üd caused a sudden rise of four foet in the SL Lawrence, and a lurge amount of live stock was drowned. The lov-!ying district of Montreal was under water. Furlong's milis at Fermoy, Ireland, were burned on the 22d. Loss, t400,0U0. William O' Buien said on the 22d that he intended to visit Canada to denounce Lord Lansdowne's treatment of his Irish tenanls, despite eontrary advice. LATER NEWS. A tornado passed over Hazleton and West Buena Vista, Ind., on the 23A, doing great damage. In the former place two men wera killed, and in the latter evory house except two was badly wrecked. Ki.i-ven saloon-keepors at Sioux City, Ia., were arrested on the 24th for violating the Liquor law. A crcLOXB swept through Wabash County on the 23d, killing two persons, seriously injuring four others, destroying half-a-dozen iarm-houseg and unrooflni? many more, and killing several head of stock. The straits of Mackinac were free from ice on the 24 th, and several vessels passed through. Montueal dispatches of the 24lh reported one-third of the city under water and more than ten thousand operatives thrown out of employment. Provisions were being distributod by the Corporation. The Harmony cotton-mill at Cohoes, N. Y., shut down on the 23i, throwing out six hundred men, because they attempted to díctate who should be employed. Senator Sherman on the23dpronounced the story of his narrow escapa írom Cuban bandits as entirely the product of imagiaation, and saii he didu't believe that Málagas or any other bandit ever heard of him or his party. At Mortimer, Kan., L. V. Halifield fatally shot his wifo on the 23d and instantly killed htmsolf. The Sunday-closing law in New York and Brooklyn was rigidly enforcod on the 24th. Advices of the 23d say that on the Cascade diviBion of the Northern Pacific road live men were killed and nineteen injured by the collision of a construction train aud a locomotive. Twextt persons were injured on the 23d by the explosiou of a boiler in a paper-mill at Paterson, N. J. Mus. Catuerisï Cump, aged fiftyone years, and her invalid son, Carlyle, agei twenty-live years, were shot fatally by Bome unknown person while asleep at their home noar Hagerstown, Md., on the night of the 23d. The Delaware Lectlslature adjourned tiiu die on the 33J. Among the closing acts was the defeat of the House High-L!cou9e bill. At twonty stx loading clearing-houses In the United States the excitantes during the week ended on the 23d aggregated 1,O41,2O2,3.V1, againstt1,029,6S4,lll the previous week. As oompared with tho correspondlng weok of 18SU, the increase amoun ts to 35.2 per cent. Fivb business buildings at Plymouth, Pa., were destroyed by Ure on the SS I. Details were still coming in on the 24th of the destructivo Btorms iu Kansas, Missouri, Arkansas, Mississippi, Kentucky aud elsewhero. Probubly a score of paople peiishod at Prescott, Kan., and in Vernon County, Mo., there wero no less thun twenty-fivo deaths. At othor points tho mortulity was not so great, but a number of people lost thutr ltves. It muy be tliat it a :i irrcat cruiii; to ¦QggeM lht niel woiki woulil le n lesrable impinvfin Mit lor Ihe city, ftnd disloynl tu rcfer to tlif t icl tlmt tlint thí w i (er in sume of onr wells tlncturefl witli elemeitfs ntlier th:in piírf hydrozér und oxyjffn, luit re miiI m-c tbe li.-um t; nn'cklv culling aiteolion t awl'nl conditton .f tlie pl.nik sidi-waik In fránl el the lm-iirs bloeko oo Hurón .tnel. Muny of (liclxmrd-aiv vet lo tli.-ir jiroper placeo, 11 rul tbe holes rtot verv 3eep, lo ili.ii perhapa it nny hie bnti m potoae repoira mui ! the pailroad !ndii re pnid.


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