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Young Housekeepers Should Know

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Tliat soda will clean tarni-hed tin. Tliiii. vinogar and lált wül clean coppsr. Tliat bnlter is the best polish to put into sturcti. Tliat baking soda put on a liurn will take out tli! heat. Tlmt a lieated knife will cut hot bread without makin it soggy. Tliatoilof cedar is gure death lo vr uim wliicli lnft'pt chumben. Tliat toilet pet! and all cliainber articles should be cleaned in cokl water. Thüt white lead will cement brokeo crockery, a ten-cent bottle l.istinjj tor years. That a srnall patat brush sliould be used in craCka aml crevlces whlle du-tin;; a room. That iliaMM oftei lurks in ¦ diity dishclotb, a Jfretwy sink, an unolean teakettle aiul a poorly vi'iitilated oven. Tliat iliinnrls shoulil be wa.shed in iot soapgud?, and rinscd in hot water containinj; euoogh to soften It a little. Tliiit acai pot sweeper is invaluable in a dlnlug-roooi whore s-mall chlldren eat, but should never be used for general cleaning. That .-i 'vit shonld be washed with a cli imois skin, saturated with silver soap, each time after use, thus avoididjf a general cleaniiijr. That windows should never be washed while the sun shiiics upon tliein, hs it 8 impossible to polish theni without leaving blue slreaks. That preserving jars sbould bc stood on their headê, for at least an hour alïi-r seallnff, whi'ii the Hqnor will escape lf lh jar conUins air. Tliat silk dresse9 should never be bruslied wilh a whisk broom. but should be oarcfully rulibed with a velvet milten


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News