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A. L. Noble was In Toledo yesterday. C'. Mack visited Detroit on business yesteiday. Ex-Regent Van Rlpcr was in the city Monday. Dr. Wood was ealk'd to South Lyoti Monday. George Bycraft visited at Henry Wells'a over Sunday. J. Z. Bittten, of l'hiladelphia, spent Sunday with C. S. Milieu. Mr?. S. S. Walker of St. Johus, is visiting her mother on State st. Geo. W. Milieu was on the sick list durinj; the fore part of the week. C. E. Worden Is home from California for a stiiy of a week or ten days. Miss Anna Donnelly returned home last Thursday rnorniug from a winter's 8tay in Chicago. Master Ralph Doty, son of Sir Knight Wm. O. Doty, was bnptieed at St. Andrew's chureb Sunday, May lst. John Llndenschmklt who bas been on the sick list for three weeks Is convalescing, and expects to be on duty soon. Hudson Ellis has returned from commercial school at Detroit, and will remain at liis home here for thesummer. II. K. Halo, of ?dama, X. Y., was in the city Monday and Tuesday visiting A. DeForest and looking after business inte rests. I. K. Pond, of Chicago, was in the city over Sunday, congratulatiug hls friends and himself on another mile post in hls journey of life. Drs. Obetz, Wood and McLachlan went to Detroit last evening to atteiul a m-etng of the college of physicians and surgeons of that city. Mr. John Crawford and faniily of Brlghton, and Mr. llugh Slieery ar.d wife of Chelsea, attendcd the funeral of Josepli Donnelly on Friday last. Miss Boughton, who was in her brotlier's newg depot in the postotlice for some time, has accepted a po9ton in a Detroit book store and leaves next Monilay to accept the place. Our veteran jeweler, B. F. Watt, ia very much infected with the Kansas rever, and it wouldn't be at all surprising if he should wake up some morning and find uiinself in Wichita. Our type went to Ann Arbor Monday took in the museum, art gallery, and other siglits of interest to the vlsitor at tliis Athens of Mich.- Byron Herald. All right. Come rgain. Mrs. J. II. Gillette, of Marquette, who has been in the city for several weeks with her son who is attending high school, was called home last Friday by tlie S IIness and subsequeut death of a sister. Rev. W. H. Henton of Saline was in town last evening in attendance upon the K T. meeting. He wishes a correctlon made of the statement that he was formerly freíate of I'ontiac Comruandery. I). F. Sehairer started for Saline Wednesday with a light rig, bul being somethiug of a heavy weight both the wheeU on his side gave out, taking every spoke clean out of the wheels. No injury saya to tlie wheels. Fred Wallace having foundthe Chattanoogii climate bad for his health bas sold out his hardware business nnd returued to Ann Aibor for the summer. He reaped some of the benefits of the boom In estáte in his southern home. James B. (Jallaghan and Charles Callajihiui, of Chicago, John Maloy and daughter Mrs. McSweB]r, of Kalamazoo, Mrs. Kirk aud Mrs. Kennedy, of Ypsilanti, were In attendance upon the funeral i services or Joseph Donnelly last Friday. '


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News