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DriiiiKcMiicss, or l.iqiior llaliif, rnu le Ciirnl by AdmiiiisIcriiiL' Dr. lliüiies' i . i1 I ii i Speelllc It C:il) bè ffiven in a rup (il ooltV-e 1)1' tea without the knowlodgr nf the perann t.iUin;: t, effectin;: :i speed' mul pnmauci.t cure, whcllicr the piti"iit is ii moderate drinker or mi ulo lic wreek Tliougsiuds of drunknids liuvc heen mude teinperate ui'" who Inve laken the Golden Sprei fle In o tl'ee without their knowledge, and lo-iluy liflicvc tln-y quit (liinkiiiir nf tln-ir own reu will No Imrmful effecls resu't Irom its ndmlOlM,tition. Cures fii:iMiiliM'il. S.ih! circular mul full particular. Aildiess in cnnlidence Golden Sperilic Co., IS.j Urne st., Ciucinnati, Oliio. Politeness and Pollcy. " Wliy, liow do you di?" ild Mrs Tewciilcii, as ihe gttfüi Mrs. Swcctlovc u (II a ki-s that snuiuled J i i-i. ¦ ;i huiler explosión. " I nm ever so g'ad to src you. Where Imve you been fr so long?" sbe askcd wartnlv. " My htMband ha bHNi vcry siek and I have not been ooi muoli of late." Two niiiHiici later. - " O. my leir Mrs. Monej'ton, I uní so pleatêd tO meet you. Iliavejust been bored to dcatli by that horrid Mr Swectlove. It is potftlvHy awful that I am ohlijcd to DOtfoe her. I wouldn'l, you know, if her linsband didn't owc Mr. Tewcidi threo luindred dollars, that lie promlted I mlght have il' it is ever paid." Hom I Vit. Why, two years ajfo I was just about erny, and no wonder that iny wife and children were afrahl of me. Vou just want to suffer with neiiral in with no relief as I (lid iintil I used Sulphur Hilti;is. 'J'liey cared me, aiid iiow my wife says I am as uieek hs a la'iib. - Hobert D.ivis, Auieri eau H'usc, BoKtOD. That feeüiiK of wearlneH i oftaa exicrienced in the sprlnjr, nraltl trom a ilaftgUb oondltion of the blond whlcb, lieinj; Impure, does not quicken with the chaiigliiK season. Ayer's Öarsaparlll i, by and ctenualna the blood, invlgorates and streiigtueiui the syytom.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News