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RHjHg JO FEE 1 1 I ESTABiisniD íssi. ) Merrill INTIL BETTER í DETROIT.MIOH. Block. yr( j l'HYSICIAN & SIRGEOS SKILL AND 8UCCESS rOUN6MEN,MIDDLE-AGEDMEN md all persons who by thcirown acts of Imprti1. ncior Folly at any periml of Ufe hffrabrought ipon themselves, thc evil cffeets followini; cloieljr ipon the heels of transeression of thc laws if nature, ihould consult the eclet rnted Dr.Clarke itonce emember!Nervou8dlseass(w,thor without dreams)or doblllty and los ""-¦" jower treated scientifically by new method witn lever failintr success. "U makes no differente ivhat you have taken or who has fuiled lociu, B-ie terrible polnon of Syphlüii nn.l all ad blood nd kln diiieiisofi, completelv cradl¦ated without mercury. Rtmember that thisono liorrible dlMH, íf net;lfrtcd or ii.ipn.pcrly ated,car the present and cuminggencrutions g-All nnnntnral discharges cured promptly R.thout hindrance to busiiK . No eipenmcnts. Koth ícxesconsult conft.l.ntlnlly. Ai aml Dxpericnco Important. A written guarniitee at cure given Ín overy cue unciertuken. Bi-Suirerer from any clironicdlneagewrite üiiitory and Symptom of your case - plainly. Lases solicited which others have failed to cure. r-Rcnd two ttamps for celebrated Work on Clironic, Kervoui añil I)-llate Diseases. You have un exhaustivo symptonmtoloBybywhich tu studv Tirar own case. Consultntion, personallv or by letler, free. Consult the oíd IJoctor. Thousand cured. Oflicea and parlorg prívate. You see no one but the Doctor. Bcforo confidinit your case Consult D1C. C'LAKKi:. A íriendly letter or cali may save future suflering and íhame and add golden years to life. MedlCei sent evervwhcrc secure írom exposuro. llours, bto 8; bundays, 9 to u. Addres, F. D. CLARKF, M. D. MERRILL BLOCK. DETROIT. Mlch üoughs,Colds,Asthrria,Tickling in the Throat, Whoophg Cough, Quinzy,Sore Tiirooi, Consumption, Bronchitis, and all Puimonary DÍS33S6S. YOUNQ'8 iCoucHí ' i i i m i i ¦¦ ...-J DwiiTUIe,Mleta. , I Howeil, Mi.h.. Aui!. li I ¦ W Oot. --I -I 1 wn attHCki-d I J havf in.'.l In K. wllh a cv ere' JÊ I A-Yuiing ('nunli cl(l nntl threat-J and l.unif Svrup Md ""'¦ lu'iiíl hb í'or mor than a fever whlle mi n méT i fenr. as I liad ocvi-it lu HudWd.l W J ramin,a romoMii-ii. kbont a í !dr (or Cuida and iiiwilh agO, bo (CiiiikIi. and rnnob j' that i! (oiinditarellablo v. ,i t.i tl!l ! aam I ¦ólotns. I have an uinx'liitineiit [M I"' " Anuíto preach oni ¦ j ""ll Livor Syni. aecoaol "t Bjrj IB iniuy faniliy wtth Mrm eonltalDf, ¦ ¦ t the best of uebut maiiitited to i J ees, curlriR raj tiet bome.aod S niotber iwhoso madlat6lv tookg jai;? was over me of IJr. KA. i seventy years) of Toum'i Congh A lone Of tbe hard111 tllf h'UI-f. lUHl , S trttvtir mi Amip meiiced tukliiiilt. M !chl" d teTer and 1 tliid i 1 take pleiiMiiv niMH relief vhen ! { n reroinmendiiix I am attncked ¦ I! the abnvp remeby couiih orí 'S dies to all who 1 u ii l' cuiiiphifnt. rf neert theru. Rev. Uübt. Cope. ltiv. s. B Kimmell. Sold by all drUKgists. Prlce, 25c.. 50e. and Sl.CO. I.Hrjíe boules Rent free on recetpt of urire. W. JOHNSTON & CO., DETROIT, MICHIGAN. RINSEY & SEA OLT'S BAKERY. GROCERY, AND Flour and Feed Store Wc k'ep coiiHiantly ov b-tnd, BltEVl), CKACKKKS, (AKKS, ETC. Kor IThulaHl mi Botan "r rk-. w. -hull alio keia íupply of SWIFT & DKL'BEL'S BE8T Whits Wheat Flour Dellll i lour, Kjc i lour, ICia-kM lical l-'lour, torn Meal, l't'Ml, Kt1., M Wii ..lemle and Hi-tail. A general stock ui GRQCÏBIÏS ant PROVISIuHS rnintartly on hnnd, which will be old M a maawnhln termi a at any other haa-f tn tho citj . CMb pald lor BUTTKK, KtiG , and 1'ülNTItY PRODUCE Keucrally. lioods dt-ltvered ti any piirt of tbe city withiinteitra cnar;."-. RINNKY .V SKABOLT. Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT ImvIllK been 1" thecondltloniof eertal n Mortgage (whereby iiif power thereln eontalned to aell ha i" - oonieoperatlve) exeetrted by James H.ilopklns, oí Lymlou, Waahlanaw eenioty. Michi Kan, to John SiirniMiii, of CTnadllla, Livingston ('ouiity, Michigan, dnted the tlist day ui Deournber, A. D. 1.H7K. mul raotirded on the tlitli il.iy ol May. A. li WW in the offlee of lb Heelster ot lieèds tor saiil eoiinty ol Wanhteuhw. In Líber ttity-oiieol morlgacee on pg onehoudredandilxlythereol.wIUch mortcage wn o the loorteeoth ilay of Deoember, v. D. UMI iui,v aulgoed by ald Jobn Barglsou niDrlgnuee. ' Barb Shtkihum, '( Unadilla. l.lvlnstiin oonoty, Michigan and wi icli a-siuiinii'Mi ra reooriied l Ihe offlee ol Mld RegTater of deeda, on the twelftn day of Jnly, A. li. I8M, In Lloer nlue ef algninenU of rjaortgagea n page sixty-mt1 thtsreofi aod wlilcli iiiortKitgP ws nftcrwaril rh I b i'lhth dayofjuly A, n UJW.dnli awlgaed i-y tlie s:id sarah' SargUon io Willinni BarglsoD, ol Marión LlTlD(ton Ooanty, Mli-lilnon, nd whlch Matsnmenl was reconled In the office of smíiI KeglaUr ol Deed, on the twnlfth liy of July, A. I. WW8 in LI bar nlne of attlgnm i' n t s' i it moi tsaRes, on pKf x ty-t wo t liereof; apon whloh martan ibere liclalmed to be doe ui tin' of thu notie' ibe lumol tbree bundred and iif ilollnrs nd terty-nve oenu (fMS.46), and dosdII or BrooeeUfagi i 'aw iniving iiei-ii IunI li uteii t recover che debí niiw reinalnliiR set'iiivil by siikl mortinig or any pan thereof: Noiloeii tberefore nereby elven, that mi Tbursday. the econd Jy ol .Iniif, A. n 1887, at mie oeloak in Ibe af teroo in of -uiil the fronl iloor of the Coarl llousc in n ei iy of Aan Arbor, In salil ooanty of Waableaaw, ihai beiug ibe place of holiliiiK the elreuti ooort wltbln tbeooonty tn wliich Uhe mortsaued prenilseM to be tora arealtuated , tbenala inoi-tisaue will ip forestoaed by ie at public véndanlo the bigbeet bidder, of ihe preiBinen eonlalned in suid morlgage or iO inuch thereof as nmy bc mretaary u alUfy tbe amoanl ilue n a1d niiirinaxe wlth Interaeti nad leipü onata) tht is tg Miy : All Uihi oertaln nuil plece and paroel of land altöatedi In the loWDshlp if Lynilon, In the county af Wnslilt'iimv mul state of Ulchlsan known and deeorlbed ai lolliiwü. to-wit : The casi part or the aontheast fraolloual q aar ter ol HcUmi nomber one 1 i ii ("wnshi p niinilicr one (I), ftOUth Ol range n amber iluvc ; naat, and honnded on the west hy tho outlel of lilliul l.akc, ti ml oantalnlnR foriv aert-s of land more or less. Dn u-d Mareb I, A. 1 I8ST. N U.I.IAM HAROISON, AsslKiice of Mortgniie. LtKK S. Mos rAQÜB, Atloriny lor Asslgnee of Mortgage. Kstate of Eleauor ( '. Bibbins. OTATBOK MICHIGAN, County of Wuhtenaw, O ¦ At a e8ion ol the Probate Court for the Connty of WiiKhtcnaw, holden at ihe I'robate Offlee in the cltv ti( Ann Arbor, on Modmy, the 18ih day o April in tbe year one thousand elght hondred and eijflity-seven. Present, Willlam D. üarrimaD .Iml 'c of Probate. In the nintter of the eetnte cf Eleaoor C. Hibbii d cci-ed. üharlM II. Worden, the exerutor t t'ie 1 it will Hüd leptatnent of sald deceai?el, cou into coni t iincf rt-nrcsentn thut he ie now prepafd H reader bli Boa] aoooiBt a iooh n Mor, riicrciipnn it Isordored, ilial I'U' silHy, th - leenthdajof Miv m-vt, ut ten o'clock in tli noon be assiifned tor the mcanlDlng vat Ql lowing of hu h accuunt, and thal tb ui liw oi s;ild de 'i'iiscd, und all othcr prvoita tntereetad in miid estáte, ure reqnlred to nn-nr at :i eadon of ?ld court, ihen in bc holdeau tbe Probate offlee, In the city of nn Arbor, n show cause. If auy there be, why the said .ocounl liould not beiillowed : And It ie furthor ordered, that nitil ciiior Klvc lotice to ihe persou lotereatea In siücsinlc.ol the pendency of-ald account and ihe hcartir thereof, by caimiiiL' a copy of tliie order to b Óblished In the Ann Arbor ifouHrr, a nowpaper pnted and clrculalini; in aid connty, three sncce?fve wefkn prevlou to said day of hearlnir. A rrm'opy. WILLIAM D HMÍKIIAN, Jude i l'robrtfe. WM. O. DOTY, Prolwte lieRlater. IMt-'MO ASTHMA &kED CERMAN ASTHMA "E Ij rvlii'Tm tho m.t vuile' "}. nd Inüure cnmfurUbl floep " hr m: sl LI s. Kuintt uwd by inhlUon. ctuin ia immedi'it.i. direct and eerlain. ' rare I tne rwiult in all ranbla cunee. A Wie tniü convinii th raust kcitlcl. Pri' lo and LOO of ny dnn[iri. or dl mail Sp r rrp for


Ann Arbor Courier
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