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The village marshal of Chelsca gets$35 JUT IllOtltll. Cbarlie Wadhams, of Lima, lias taken up a homestead in Kansas. Corn planting has commeueed, a few fieldt benig already planted. M. L. Jones Is the new station agent at South Lyon of the T., A. A. & N. M. R. H. Co. The Salem Congregatlonallsts have been planting trees arouud their cuurch this spring. Irving Storms, of Lima, will add six acres of strawberries to liis fruit farm this season. Chelsea was nevor beforeso busy, gradina, building, repalring, cleaning, papering, pain ting as at the present time - Herald. When a man aitempts to liis property op at Dexter, souie one gets out an injunctlon and tries to stop the sacrilege. The Saline council has decided to erect a two story engine house and council building. "Wliich is to the credit of said council. Dave Hitchcock, the Ashleys aud the other fellows now own the Toledo, Aun Arbor & Northern Michigan railroad. - Milán Leader. No town in the state can boast of any better roads leading into it tlian Saline. And it is greatly to the credit of onr village. - Observer. The new deputy game warden ot Chelsea, Mr. Foster, proposes to enforce the game and tish laws. So liave an cye out for htm my jolly tars. The Ohelsea post O. A. R. will visit Lima on Deeoration l)ay to assist the brothera tliere in decoratlng the graves of the Ii';k1 soldier ut that place. Several reports have already been given of unes from the enjoyment of apearing fish. Our sports had better look a leedle ouJt. - So. Lyon Excelsior. Whitraore Lake is boasting of sucha boom as never struck that place bef'ore. But Noi'thtield'H assessment will rein.iin the same, just the 9ame, you know. H. S. Holmes president, U. S. Arrastrons vice pres., Frank P. Olaxier treus , Jas. P. Wood sec'y and manager, are the MR ofllcers of the CbeUea Creainery Co. This hlghly eolored and improbables and imuieiiM'ly premature enake story is taken from the Dexter Leader: " Three yoiingladies killed a 2 yearold rattlesnake on the railroad last Sunday." The icecreani season, though somewhat Wie, has opened at Dexter, and her young men are searching vigorously for tlmt quarter they suppoaed was in the corner of their pauts pocket somewhere. (ii'o. II Foster, our marshal, holds fonr different positions: Village marshal, constable, deputy flsh and game warden, and also a rawnber of the detective asgoclation. Bully for him. - Chelsea Echo. The Uerinan workingmen's society at its meeting on Monday evening, chose Messrs. G. A. Lindenschmidt and Fred Weissiiüier as delegates to the animal session of the state society to be held at Ypilanti next month. - Saline Observer. Ann Arbor electric lights are plainly vi-ible from this place. - Milan Leader. Why, bless you, Ilro. they are seen all over the country. We have haard from tlirin from IniHana, Ohio, Illinois and other -iihs. witb only a few returns in at th-it. The Michigan doctors who are in the liabit of takiug out insurance policies on he lives of their patients no doubt ñnd ;his a very satisfactory way of setting even wlth those stubborn persons who refuse to jet well under their treatment. - So. Lyon Picket There is nothingchicken-hearted about ibout the So. Lyons Picket man, hear i i in : " We have planted our garden and we wish to say right here thnt the flrst chicken, young or old, that treads on the same will be glvcn a push up the golden staire without ceremony with the aid of a doublé burreled shot gun." Ypsilantl bus caught on to the natural ;as f ever and a meeting of its citizeus was leid last Friday evening to take some action upon sinking a hole there. It is said some traces of gas were discovered when the mineral well was drilled. Anothcr meeting will be held there this eveuingto still fuither push the enterprise. The scircity of yelpinj? canines during he past few days i accounted for by the supervisor making hls yearly visits. Oh, hat mighty dollar. - Dexter Leader. Uness your supervisor bas more dog-gedness than those in this section, those dogs nuedn't hide to save the $1. The K. of L. held an open session and debate at their hall last Friday evening, whlch was fairly well attended. The MXI meeting will be held Friday night, May I3th, when the Union Labor platform will be ili-cu-.sci]. A cordial in vital on is extended to the public. - Dexter Leader. An exchange offers the following ad vice to people who are continually linding fault at somefhing found in their local paier: Disgruntled people should hesitate before they go in with a club to hit the editor. The man who is all the time putting hends on copy may possibly have loar ned to put a head on au unwelcome vlsitor. The village fathers of Dexter have been adding beauty and value to their park by setting out BOii.c maples. Why wotud not some of the nut bearing trees, elther black wulnut, butternut, hickorynut, or even cliestnut make just as good a shade, and their fruits would be of some value to the public by and bv ? Thiuk itoverandsee if that is not true? The state militia encampment will be ht'lil at Island I.-ikc again, in August, this year, insteadot' Orchard Lake as has been stated previously, and a more striit discipline, for the preservation of sobriety and arder has been arraneed. - So. Lyo i Excelsior. How'b that Thought the Islaiul Lakers would not rent the land agaiu for that purpose for any amoiint of money Í From the official reports of the afl'airs of the Methodist churoh read at the quarterly conference on Monday evening of lnt week, it is learued that the full memberhlp of that organization has just reached the niunber of SOO, the largest iu its history, aud au increase of 75 (nembeft during the pastorate of the Kev. Mr. Springer. The Methodist chinch and its several societieB in Ypsilantl are torces for good, the inlluence of whieh Is wide-spreadand permanent, and the satisfactlon and rejoicing over their growtb and advanclng prosperity will be shared by all our citizens, reganlless of oreed or denciinination. The great need of the church here at present is u new chureh building, and the need is one that must be supplied If the society expects to gTOW and develop In the future as It bas in the past.- Ypsllantian. Vifilanti has just started up her first gas engiue. Saline kitls lmve asevere attack of base Tjn.ll fever and the eontiègfofl is spreading rapidly. Hev. D.B. Sliierpreacliesevery altérnate 3unday at the Uook school house in Chelcea. - Courier. Not so, my friend. - Enterprise. How do you knmv The Duudee gas well haa reached the di'pth of 2,100 feet, and it is generally belicved tliat the drill bus struck the Trentou rock. Intense excitement prevalí?, and companie have been foroied and lands leaced In all directlons wilh a view tosinkingaddltional well. A veteran Burveyor tram Monroe has been at work thU week about the Nogar farm, planting monuraents and esablishing lines, and his mysterlous movetnents indieatc KMbèthing important soon. If the councll intend ! do anything about keepinj the cows ofl'the atreetsthey had better hurry up. The boys who herd or watt'h the cows are saucy and impudent to people and it is an intolerable niiisance t9 have thein and the cows aroimd. If some of ourcity fathers would ouly stay at home a dny or two and hear and see what their wives and chüdreu liave to put up witli, we imagine that the nuisatue would be abated quickly enough. - Manchester Enterprise. Supervisors of tosvnships are entrusted with no small responsibility if they perform all the duties of the office imposed urlfon them by law. They must return to the county clerk a complete record of the niimber of inhabitants, the births, deaths and mariiages, with the causes of deatli and the niitivlty of all the parties named. For each birth and denth they are to receive ten cents, and they have from the lOtli day of April until June first to perform the duty. He must also report farm st:ii istlcs, the number of acres of Improved land, and the aniount of cereal and of other crops, and the number and pedigree of stock. The Manchester Enterprise is bound not to be behlnd in early sprinf stories. llere is its effort: " There was a pl born on Porter Brower's farm in this township a few days ago, which has a head like an elephant. The t ru tik. which starled out beween the eyes is about four inches in length, underneath that and near the nouth is a shorter trunk and on each side it ihc moiith are tusks. The ears are arge and shaped like an elephant's, and the mouth resembles that of the elephant. A good many people have seen the monstrosity and pronounceita singular freak ot nature. The pig is dead, otherwiae korter might make a fortune exhibiting the curiosity."


Ann Arbor Courier
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