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They talk about a woman'a spbere. As tbougb lt bad a llniil ; There's not a place lu earth or heaven, There'a not a taak to mankind glveu, Tbere's not a blesalng or a woe, There'8 not a wbisper, yes or no. There's not a Ufe or death or blrth, That has h featber's welgbt of worth Witnout a woman lu lt. Potatoes 1.00 per busbel and still going up. Wheat continúes at about 78 cents, with little heilig offered. A vacant building lot U a pretty scarce article in Ann Arbor. All vegetation U about teu days or two weeks behind last spring. The fruit trees give abundant piomlse of a great yield tliis year. The Sunday closing laws ure strietly obeyed by the saloons oí tais city. The state st. improveraent is a good one and every resident of the city wlll be glad to have it done. The second ward is growlng a great deal this year, more titan for any one year tor a long time. Sunday fishermen need a resolution of the council, or something. The river is lined with tliein aluaost any Sunday. If you want free delivery at your house, you know that nuuiber will have to be put up. Sidewalks, also must be built. Rev. Mr. Earp held an afternoon service at the Dexter Episcopal church last Sunday and also baptized several candidates. Jacob Neithammer father of Alderman Neithammer of the :(rd ward, died at his home on W. Si'ioml st. of old age, yesterday morning. That cut llower (not glas9) window of Goodyear's is the hundsomest one on Main st., and attracts the most attention froin the ladies. Ann Arbor is a beautiful city, but not a square (except Hanover), in the whole city devotod to a park or breathUg spot ! Is it not a mistake ? The residente of the north end of N. Thayer st., are talking up the extensión of that street through the gravel pit to Fyller st A pretty huge undertaking. Next Sunday evening at St. Andrew's ( Bisliop Harris will administer the rite of confirmation upon a Urge cluss, it is thought sonie forty or lifty. Tlie Stüte Medica! Society is to meet at Lansing today and tomorrow. Drs. Frothingham, Breakey, lli-rdman, Dunster, Oeorjrc and Sulliviin. are down for papers, debate, report, etc. Rev. J. F. Berry, of the Michigan Christian Advocate, ulied the M. E. churcb pulpit very acoeptably last Sunday. He is one of the progressive youug meii of the church n the state. Win. Wagner, of Scio, died last Friday, of the measles. He was about 40 yeurs of age, and leaves a wife and four children, uearly all of whom are now sick with tlie same disease. Funeral Sunday. One of the prominent city editors of Ann Arbor went a tishing last Friday. He caugbt - :i boy witü a flne strlnjr of lish, bought hini our elieiip, and tlien caoie.back loaded with huge tales - lish Ues. Vacant luts hare become intolerable nuisances to resldents near thetn becanse of the base-buil manu among the stronglunged loud veiling boys. It is fortunóte for inany that the building boom Is tast disposing of those places In the city. Messrs. Mack & Sclimid are Ketting ready for the wool trade, thougli no clips have been oftVred as yet. They think the markct will be lively this year because of more competition than usual niuong buyers. The mar kct will opea strong at last year's prices, 25@28c., with ;i tciideucy upward. Monday evening tlie Univerílty (Jlee ('Uil) went to the depot to give Harold WiNon ii few p utiiig songs as lie started on his trip to Europe. The I'si U frateruity ttre tlso there to tid him God speed, and about ttt'ty or more citizens joined with them. Harklns & Will's have rented the 3d rtoor of the Haven block in which to manufaiture their new patent gasoline stove Inead toaster. The orders fof this little iiseful and rnfllpen?able plece of stove furniture, are poiiiing n beyond any expectation, and we hope the boy.s iiave a silver mine in thcir invention. The tramps hanging about the depot are getting intolerable again. It is stated tlit a man who camw In on the night train Monday night to work on a farm near tlie city was "held up" by these gentry near tlie Pontiac st. bridge, and robbed of his pocket book, valise and hat. Give ns a chain gang or stone yard, eitherone wiJI do for these fellowe. We have recelved the me of the thlrd state meeting of the Woman's Foreisn Mlstionary Society of the Meth odist Episcopal church of Michigan, tobe held at Battlo Creek, on May 24, 25, 26, and 27. Ann Arbor is to be represented oy Rev. and Mrs. ühlinger, who are to ueliveraddresseg, by Miss May Whedon, who is down for several solos, and also by the usual number of delegates. The school board has passed the followlug resolution : llesolved, That any persons havlng complainti to make Agalnn any teacher for 11 treatmentof any scholar are requested to make them to the proper parties- either to the superintendent, or to the board of education- and any one having such complalnts and going to any school and there couiplaining to the teacher,shall be considered as disturbing the public school, and shall be proceeded agaiust as ?uch disturben Somctime a;o the Courikh stated that Eider Davis desired an old tiishioued Hint lock musket for tlie Pioneer collection, and as a result Mr. Ball of Webster, has presented the society with one that has a history. It is of the early make of fllnt locks, went through the revolutionary war, and Uien did service again in the war of 1812. Mr. Davis considere it one o the most valuable of all hls relies. He also has au old pisto] given hlm by Mrs. Jones of Dexter, that we shall "write up" in a future issue. The American Express and Western Union Telegraph Cos. nre now in flne condition to do business at their new Uiten oa Hurón st. One of the high offleers of the Co. informed Mr. A mes that this office was now the flnest and most convenient one on the route from Detroit to Chicago. It bas been artistically decorated and is well llghted both trom the front and rear. Mr. Amee, the old veteran anc! the "boys" of the office are all anules and attentlou to the custoinv", aUf f tting out of that dark, dismal 'Ie on Main 8t. An extra office will le oincd the frtflt season at the deÏL Ti' CHD " b(i take" by H'fi wm'r1'" re0Uo tlle dePl wl'ere a car will be in ralttpg to receive it before tlie tram arrivés This will be great conSTebaÜ,,dlíg8ri)W- H Wi" - Special meeting of the K. of L. to-mor row evening. Only two or three saloons that have not paid the tax. The apportionnicnt of primary schoo f unds is crowJeil out of this issue. The Keek house on 4th street was sold yesterday to Mrs. 8. C. Campbell, latei) of Kalamazoo. Or. Dorrance is buildiug liimself a new boat house down ou the mili race, and is doing it all himself, too. At St. Andrew's ehurch Sunday evening the rite of baptism was administeret by Uev. Mr. Earp uon live children anc tour infants. The new brick blocks of A. V. Robison and Alvin Wilsey, on S. Foiirth street are rapidly approaching completion, umi are iuiprovements for that locality. N ct Thursday evening, at Hobart Guild Hall, Prof. Moses Coit Tyler wlll deliver an address before the guild upon "The Historie Name of Our Country." It will be well worth hearing. The remains of Mrs. Frank liamlall, of Detroit, were brought to this eity Monday and funeral services held frora the residence of F. A. Randall, on Spring st., on Monday afternoon. A Jackson man sells on our streets every two weeks two bushels of bulled corn and eighteen gallons of horseradisb. What's i lic matter with some of our gardners supplyiug this demand? A stone walk is to be laid in front of Hobart Ouild Hall, on both liaron and State sts. An iron fence inside the inner edge of the walks will also be put up, to protect the flower beds piobably. Last Thursday afternoon Miss Grace Wllcox, daughter of Oen. O. B Wilcox, was marrled to Surgeon Edward T. Corneygs, of tlie U. S. Arniy, stationed at Madison barracks, New York. Kev. S. Earp performed the cereniony. . Monthly report of superintendent of se.wing teuool. During the month we have received money trom Mra. Ashley, Langley, Walker, Miss Sherman and Dr. (arrigues. Material for garments, Mrs. Hurd. Donations tliankfully received. The Water Works Co. of this city has chosen A. W. Hamilton, president and superintendent; Chas. E. Hiscock, secretary ; II. K, Hale, of Adams, N. Y., treasurer. The stock Is largely owned by Ann Arbor parties, which is not at all surpiising. Miss Grace Scrafford of the Literary Department of our university gave an elocutionary entertainment at Dexter M. L. church last Saturday eve., which greatly pleased her audiences. She will give anotlier entertainment there in ihe ïear future. Capt. Janes is giviug a very interesting series of talks before the Teinperance Union, at Cropsey's hall on Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Next Sunday he will continue the rernarks of last Sunday, md they are of a very interesting nature. Everbody Invited. The concert given by the PhUtuuroonto Jlub last Salurday evening, was one over which our music loving people are in ecstacies of delight. It was one of the nost enjoyable yet glven, and Prof. Cady is mtlUed to niuch credit, for hls euergy in securins; the same. The new hotel of Exinger it Boes, at the corner of Fuller and North State sts , was opeued last Thursday evening with a louse warming, which developed into a big row before lieing through witli. 8everal window lights were broken, and quite a time generally enjoyed. The Board of Keview will eonveue next week Tuesday for consultation, and or their own particular benetit. One veek trom next Monday the board will meet and continue in gession for thrue o listen to complaints of those who hink they have been unjustly assesed. If the land (except ou one side) surrounding the old cemetery was owned by eople baring the least partiële of public spirit, or even by people who would sell vhen oflered a fair price, it wouldn't take ong to convert that piece of ground Into a park. Bilt as it is there are lew who care a continental wliether it is don; or not. At a meeting of the eommittee held ast evening the Coukiek office belng the lowest bidder, was awarded the conti act for printing and binding 10,000 copies of the piinphlet to be issued by lie Business Men's Ajaoclatlon, illustraive ot' tlit; business, beautles and advmitages of the city ot Ann Arl.or. There will I; many cutt bowiiig our public buildings, etc. The high board fence on tlie Ponüucst. railroad bridge should be moved to the other (west) side of the foot passage way and a low railing put up in its place. This for the protection of pedestrians ïoni passing teams and for their pleasire as well. The contingent fund is for public improvements, and a better imjrovement it would be dlfflcult to 8uggeM. Postmaster Duffy thinks that the free lelivery systeni will commence business about tlie middle of June. The governmeut liscal yearends June 30, and by comnencing a short time previous people wil' jrobably not want to rent their boxes afer July lst, the endlng of the quarter. 8o f you don't use those tin uiouse trapsthat vereimpowd upon you, you will probably iavc your letters delivered just the same. l.a.-t Sunday eyening the liorse and buggy belonging to J. H. Clough, was taken ofl' Washington st. while Mr. C and aniily were attending service at the M. E. Church. This species of thievery is getting altogether to prevalent here. ít has since been learned that the horse was driven to Brightou where it was found Monday inoruiug hitched to a jost, and was returned Tuesday uiorning. Among a list of eighteen names that were sent by County Clerk Howlett to „ansing recently for a supreme court certiticate topractlce law before that autust body was that of Mrs. Mary Collins Whiting. W'lien thecertitlcatescamethe seals of each were in blood red except that )f Mrs. Whitlng, which was in gold. Which probably indicates that Mr. Chas. C. Hopkiii8, clerk of the supreme court, stands with Senator Palmer as a womaii suflraglst. Donaldson & Meier, of Detroit, the architect-, refuse to glve a bond (or tlie .liiliful performance of their work on ;he new school building. Ilowever, a committee was appninted to draw up a bond and the board would consult wit li ;hem in the hope that they mlght change their niind in that regard. At the last week's meeting the board voted for the bond except Jbe President, who opposed it. This refusal of the architect and his K-sistiints mi the Board has heen the niain cause ol delay in getting to work. Last Sunday Kev. Mr. A.bill.of Indianiinilis, Intl., the general agent of the Wonian's Christian Board of Missions, of the religious denominatiou known as the "Dlsciples of Clirist," (the church, by the way, of which the lainented Oarrleld was a meinbcr) was in the city in cousultation with a number of members of that society, looking to the establishment of a church at this place sometime iu the future. We are assured, however, that no steps will be taken iu that direct on until tiie strength of the society is sutScient to make surcess certuin. 8ome inonths ago the studeuts in the university belonging to the Church of the Diciples met and etfected au orgaoizatlon, and have been holding meetings each Sunday afternoon in the basement of the Congregationul church. Among the earuest promoterg ot" tlit! enterprise are Profs. Arndt, Obetz Demmon and others in the univenity,, while there are several of our citizens who are interested in the matter.