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The next cliamber concert will begiven June lili, in Hobart Guild hall. The seniora and júniora of the Beta Thetn Pi were too tnuch for the underclass ineu at baae hall last Saturday. The Hls and medies will struggle over a game ol Rugby on the campus Saturday. ritere may De considerable elinieal miterial iil'ter that date. The university semi-ceutennial is enrafflng the attention of the university authoritief, and everything possible will ie done to make it a great succesa. Filibert K th, who has been appolnted o tukc care of tbc museum and itscollecious, is not a taxidermlst, but will have charge of the building until Prof. Steere eturns trom his trip to the Philippine slands. The executive committee of Hobart Quild hare so far reconsldered the rule in regard to dancing that hereafter, while no regular dances will be allnweil, dancinz will be iillowed f desired by those attendnff the Gnild socials. The engineering society of tlie unlversiy have eleoted the following ofllcers: A. E. Whittaker, '88, president; F. M.Crocker, "89, vice-president; W. A. Llvingstone, 88, seer.-tary and treasurer; P. A. Hichardson, 'SS, librarían. The visiting committee appointed by he governor to look over the university, coii8isting of Senator Stockbridge, of Kalmaoo; Hou. Oeo. B. Rrooks, of Kast Sagluaw; and Hon. Win. A. Moore, of )etroit, were at the uuiversity yesterday nspeeting its various departments. Secretary Wade would consider it a treat favor if student and others about the campus would not wade over the grass making hideous lookng foot-paths uil over the short-clipped awns. A very reasonable request and oue that ought tu be complied with. Plans for the addition to tlie engineerng or meclianical laboratory are coraleted, and as aoon as tlie house pasea the bill work wilt be commenced. The suni of $16,000 s proposed for this ralldlng and its equipment. The plan is he sume as published in the Courieb ast Julj, and wlicn completed tlie buildng will be quite as attnictlve as any on he campus. The two leadin socielies of tlie law delartment had a joint contest in Universiy Hal], Saturday evenlng Each had an eesayii-t. a declaimer. a debater and an oritor. l'rf. Henry Wade Hogers preeided and the Clienuainegons furnished the muic. Tlie i.udieiice w:is nipartial aud apUtxle(l the excellent pfforts of all with ¦qual forre. It was a program of no inconsiderable merit. The university ban hall club played a great jfiune last Sntunlay p. m. on the campus, with the Athletics of Detroit. It was probnbly one of the sharpest games ever witnessed on the grounds, and resulted in a soore of 3 to 4 in favor of the U. of M. boys. One peculiar feature was the act that the catchers of both nines re irothers, uamed Mlller, and eaeh tried ils very best to win. Saturday morning last the Students ..¦rime Association held itaaunual round up, and clection. The offleera chosen were: C. A. Reed, president; CV. Nnfe, vlce president; M. Rosenthal, correspondnjf secretarv; H. B. Braeewell, recordlnii ecreUry; Edward Boyle, treasnrer; W. iV. Parfet, assittant trensurer. The reoeipts from the season's lectures were $1,51950; cxponRes, $1,511.15; leavlng profts of only $8 35. The dental department jrathers In its attendants fronn all over the world. A new student from Englaud has just arrived, which makes three gentlemen and two ladles from that country. There ia also oiie student from Central America, and one from the United States of Coluuibia, South America, while the atates of the Union are nearly all represented even to California. The 'department Iscrowded to tts utmost capacity. The 8e8sions of the Michigan Ioter-Collegiate Prohlbition Assoclation were well attended, and aome excellent speeches made. The following oflicers were cnosen: I're?. O. P. McCarthy, Adrián; vlce pre., T. B. Head, Hlllsdale; sec. A. E. Jennings, Ann Arbor. The followlng colleges were represented: Adrián, Alhion, Normal School, Agrlcultural College, Hillsdale, Kalamazoo, Ypsilantl Business College, and the University ui Michigan. There w:is a good atteudance. The freshman banquet at Hangsterfer's last Friday eveniiiif was a liighly enjoyable affair. II. K. Seaper delivered an excellent oration, having for a subject " The Ideal," Miss Faith Heluier gave the class prophecy in an entertaining nianner, the class history was read as compiled by J. A. C. Hildner, Miss Anna Adamgotficiated as poetess, and the class president closed the llterary feast. The feaet of good things followed, after which Toat Mueter Kamsay proposed the toasts of the evening: "Gentlemen of "90," response by Miss Franc Arnold; " Class of '90," F. N.Jayne; " Our Genius," E. Z. Miller; " Our Prospectus E. F. Gay ; " Ladies of '90," J. It Angelí. After the toasting came dancing. Regent Shearer, acenmpanied by Architect tiloyd, of Deroit, were at the uuiverilty Monday looking over the ground for the proposed new heating apparatus building to be erected near the east group of buildings. At present three boilers under the chemicat laboratory furnish heat for this group. As these boilers are worn out and are in a dangerous locatioD and condltlon, it la proposed to build a new building, similar to the one for the niain buildings, and h-ive the chemlcal and engineering laboratories, the medical aud dental colleges and eventually the president's house heated therefrom. For this purpose the appropriation bill aa it pasred the senate provides #15,000 and it is absolutely necessary to have it all completed and in running order by Oct. lst, consequently Secretary Wade propoees to be ready for sharp work the moment the appropriatlons are pasaed.