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Kbpheskxtativks of tho coko-works in tho Coimollsvillo (Paregion decidod on the 3d to order out all the in'i uu til tho cViuand for an ad vaneo is grautod. About thirteon thouaand raen would bo afterted, and a lont; and bitter struggle was anticipa tod. Tha outlook in the Kchuylkill región was nlso thrcatening. Paul Grottkait, tho Anarchist editor, was found guilty at Milwaukec ou tho 3d of inciting a riot. Tiib coinage of tho mints during the raonth of April aggregated (6,045,896, of which 13,000,000, was in Standard ilver dollars. A doo show oponed on the 3d at the Madlaon Square Gardon, New York, nearly ono thousand animáis boinj on cxhlbition. Iif portions of New Mexico severo carthquake shocks wcro feit on the 3d. Th 103d annual eonvontion of the Protestant Episcopal Church of the diocese of Pennsy lvania met at Philadelphia on the 3d. TnK safe In tho Hotel Hays, at Warsaw, Ind-, was robbed on the night of the 2d of (2,000, and the night clerk, William Virns, was missing. Tuk sixth attempt in six montlis to burn the offleo of the Kêw l'orktr Zeitung was made on the 3d at New York. The incendiary was uot discovered. Nixk rallway employés wero lnjurod and (20,000 worth of proporty destroyed by the explosión of a locomotivo boílor in a round-houso at New Haven, Conu., ou the H.l. Tb next vacht races for tho American cup will take place in New York Bay Septeuiber 27, 29, and October ]. At a meeting of the mastcr masons and builders in Chicago on the 3d it was rosolved to rol uso the demands of the striking hod-carriers and laborers. Seth M. Hi kdoiuu, manager of the Boston Oyster-House, in Chicago, committed suicide on the Sd by jumping Trom the roof of a four-story building to the basement 111 health was said to be the cause. Thkrb was no abatement on the 3d in the intense heat at Pittsburgh, Pa., the mercury standing at 'M at throe o'clock in the afternoon. Two mes named Brown and O'Hara, who were sitting on tho railway track near Snowden Station, Pa., were struck by a shifting engine on the 3d and killed. Citarles Morrow, of Nicholvillo, SU Lawrence County, N. Y., killed his wife on the 3d, whilo druuk, and thon committed suicido. A shock of carthquake lasting two minutes terrifiod the people of El Paso, Tex., at three o'clock on the afternoon of the 3d. Buildings were cracked, the plastering of houses feil and household articles were thrown down. Iniiian Agent McCiiesset, of the Cheyenne agency, acting uuder instructions from Washington, on the : i 1 ordered all cattlemen and other white off that roservation. James P. Farrel, of New York, importer of shawls au 1 Wholesale dealer in woolens, failed on the 8d for (250,0U0. Tns Surveyor-iJcueral of New Mexico on the 3d recommended that Congress reject certain private land claims in that Territory, embrucing nearly 175,000 acres, and tho Commissioncr of tho General Land Ufflce concurred in the recommondation. Iy a freight train col ision on the 4th at Plainsboro, N. J., two tramp were killed and three employés were badly injured. Tfn structures in Julia street, New Orleans, were destroyed by tire on the 4th, two persons perishing in the flames. Sevekb earthquake shocks were feit on the afteruoon of the 'M in Southern Arizona. At Tuuson, Benson and other places buildings were cracked and glass broken, and at Nogales many structures were wrecked, but no loss of life was reported. Volcanoes had broken out in the Winchester, Whetstone and San José mountains. Thb Rosekrans-Weber Jewelry Company of Chicago failed on the 4th for (90,000. At Cincinnati on tho 4th Joseph Wintney and Bartley Donohue feil froin a fourstory building and wero killed. A premature blast on the 4th in the Coosa tunnel in (ieorgia killed twelve out of eighteen men who were working for tha Georgia Central railroad. Richard Pkesto.v, of Boston, dealer in woolens and tailors' trimmiugs, failed on the 4th for (100,000. General W. T. Smkkmav was chosen Commander of tho Ühio Commandery of the Loyal Legión at lts annual meeting in Cincinnati on the 4th. The case of George 8. Fotheringham, the Adams Express messenger indicted for robbery, was dismiss, d at 8L Louis on the 4th by Judge Normile for wantof jurlsdiction. Rev. Charles Wahd, accused of attempting to kill his wifo at Nyack, N. Y., died on the 4 Ui from an ovordose of chloral at Uockland Lake, N. Y. Thb President on the 4th issued an order forbidding tho importation of liquors and load ing rifles and ammunition into Alaska. The Villard Hotel at Brainerd, Minn., was destroyed by flre early on the morning of the 4th, the guests barely escaping with their lives. United States Consuls in Canada reported on the 4th that the Inter-Stato Oemmeree law was operating disastrously to the export and import trade in that country, and that our trade interests in that quarter were threatened wilh serious consequences. Advice3 of tho 4th from Marquette, Mich., say that a wind which swept over the península completely prostratêd telegrapli and telephone wires and did great damage. Many buildings were unroofed, chimneys demolishod, and railroad travel was badly interrupted by fallen trees. At Norway John Coliman wan killed by a falling tree. Not one of tho twelve thousand cokeovens in the Connellsville (Pa.) district were in operation on the 4th, the workers having gone out on a strike for 12) per cent. advance in wases. Dr. Edwabd Knox, of Fentress County, Tenn., on tha 4th tied up, naked, his foor teen-year-old son for some boyish indiscretion and whípped him so that he died in a short timo. The doctor fled to escape lynching. The surplus earnings of the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern railroad for 1SS8 were $2.414,854.47. A MMiiRii of new railroad enterprisos, to be carried out by American capital, aro projected in Mexico. Ninb tenement houses at Allegheny City, Pa., were destroyed by lire on the 6th, rendering sixty persons homeless. A special review of the troops at Washington barracks was held on the 5th in honor of Queen Kapiolani, of the Hawailan Is land s. Tuk Chinese portion of San José, Cal., was destroyed by flre on the 5th. As sarthquako shock was feit at Dubuque, Ia., on the 5th. Tuk weather was so hot in Baltimore on the 5th that Mme. Pattl refused to sing in the evening. Rbfokts of tbe 5th show tnat the recent oarthquako in the Houthwest extendad f rom the Pacific coastin Moxico and Southorn California to tho Rio Orando rivor. A THKitiFio storm of wind and rain, aocompanied by vivid lighlnlng, dld graat daniage on the 5th at Columbus, O. Peter Smith was hangcd in New York City on the 5th for tho murdar of John Ilannon on April 7, 1885. Thls wa thn flrst hanging that evor occurrod in tho State on Tnursday. A crcLONB paased over the Allogoeny Mountains in Bomorsot and Bedford Countios, Pa., on the eveniugof the 4th, and for two milos tho large trees were twisted off like straws and ovory thlng in lts path was leveled to tho earth. The damage to fruit trees and timbor would amount to thousands of dollars. Tiikxk milis, a chair factory, an elevator and a hotel at Elk River, Minn., woro destroyod by Ure on tho 5th. Loss, $100,000. Thb Union Stoel Company of Chicago sluit down thoir stool and rail mili on the Bth. Soven hundred and fifty men wore lockod out on the strength of a strike of twonty-cight drillers, chippers and filors. In a shooting affray at New Orleans on the 6th Colonel Jones 3. Hamilton, lessoo of th penitentiary, killed R. D. Uambrol, editor of tho Hicord atul Shield, and was hiinself mortally wounded. TnK woolon milis and other factories at Hartford, Me., wero flooded by high wator on the 5th, and flve stores wero washed away, causing great loss. At Stillwatcr and other places many housos had also been destroyed. Tna Fort Dearborn National Bank ol Chicago, with a capital of $500,000, was on the 5th authorized to begin business by tha Comptroller of tho Currency. Edoar Hoi'linonï. a member of one oi the oldest and best known Creóle families of New Orleans, was shot and killed on the 5th by an El Paso (Tex.) barber. Four neero boys were killed on the 5th at Wilmington, N. CL, by the accidental discharge of a gun which was supposed to be unloaded. W. J. Lovb, employed as a collector by W alter 8. Bogle, coal dealer, oí Chicago, was arrestad on the 5th on the charge ol embezzling $11,000. Maurice B. Morkt was struck by tlghtning and killed while sleeping ia lus bed at Binghamton, N. Y., on the 6th. Tiikk.k sheep-herders of the Albuquerque (N. M. ) district died from fright during the recent earthquake shocks there. Tiib postrofflee building and four business houses at Warren, 111., wero burned on the 6th. The losses were heavy. Dorskt's fertilizor worka at Highlandtown, Md., wero destroyed by flro on the üth. The insurance foots up $100,000. Governor Hii.l on the 8th signed th bill making Saturday a half-holíday throughout the Htate of New York. Fires were raging on the 6th in the Catskill mountains neur the magnifleent Hotel KaaterskilL Griffith Phillips, aged thirty years,was dragged into an ore-crusher on the 6th in a Youngstown (O.) mili and rut in halves, his head and shoulders being severed from the body. TniRTiEs men who recently reslgned from the Irish constabulary becauss they were opposed to assisting in evicting tenant-s from their farm landed at New York on the 6th. Mrs. T. TL Bbard's private bank at Rlohmond, Tex., suspended paymenta om theöth. The liabilities were $64,000, with assets of $02,000. Dispatcqes of the 6th tay that a landslide buried six cars and the locomotivo of a freight train at Clifl Cave, Mo. Two men wero killed, and trains wera delayed twenty-four hours. A assignment was made on the Oth by the st. LouU Supplies Company, whlch had done business at St. Louis for twenty years. The total liabilities were (147,000. QtfK Kapiülani, of tho Hawaiian Ii 1- ands, visited the tomb of Washington, at Mount Vernon, on the 6th, and in the even ing was eiven a state dinner by President Cleveland at the White House. Tuk following executions took place on the : Theodore Baker, at Las Vegas, N. M., for tho murder of Frank Unruh; Henry Andorson (colorea), at Socorro, N. M., for killing Alfonso Williams; and John Hogers, at Eureka, Cal., for the marder of Judge John H. Kimball. Fuuthib advices of the 5th from the recent hurricane in Michigan say that the thirteen counties of the upper península were all swept. In some rich pine fields the trees were mowed down like grass. Millions of feet of pino wore destroyed, houses unroofod or demolished, unflnished buildings scattered and chimneys and outhousek destroyed. The loss would be over $150,000. Threa persons wero killed and many otherswere sorious'y injared. Colon el Boltox, the defalting Chicago post-ofüce official, was ou the öthsaatenced to two ytmtT iniprisonment. The Southern Baptist conTentlon, the largest religious body in the South, met In annual session at Louisrille, Ky, on the (tb. Ilion watr in tho Ouachita river had flooded portions of Clark County, Ark., oa tbe öth, the rice-ttelds being nfteen feet under water. People were moving to the heights. Tukke ware M business failures in the United States during the seven days ended on the 8th, against 164 the previous seren days. Up to the 6th 907 miles of railroad had beon completed in the United States this year, against 652 miles iu the corresponding date of 1388. The importa of dry goods at the port of New York for the seven days ended on the (tli amounted to $1,420,537. At Tiffin, O., on the 6th a blind man named Gaines was tenteneed to life-imprisonment for murder. This was said to be the tirst case in history where a totallr blind man had been convicted of murder. It was predicted on the 6th that if the coke-workers' strike in Pennsylvania continued four weeks every rail mili in the country would have to shutdown. Joseph Comptos, a member of the Alabama Legislature, proved on the 6th to ba an escapad convict from the North Carolina penitentiary, where he was sentenced in 1874 for twenty-four years for murder. He had fled from his home in Alabama to avold arrest. PER3ONAL AND POLITICAL. Mr. and Mus. James M. Uren an an celebrated their golden wedding on the (d at Logansport, Ind. Tuk Rhode Island Legislature on the 3d paased a stringent liquor law. One of the features makes drunkenness a statu tory offense, with the maximum penalty ten dollars or ten days. The Ohio Republican State Central Committea on the 4th decided to hold the State convention at Toledo July 27 and 28. General Simojí Bolívar Bucknih was on the 4th nominated for Governor of Kentucky by the Democratie State convention at Louisville. The platform indorses President Cleveland's Administration, is noncommittal on the silver question, de nounces "suniptuary" leglslation, and domands an "immcdiate reduction of the war tan ff. " EX-CONORESHMAX CaUXT A. TrIHBI.E diod at his home in Columbus, U, on the 4th. At Indianapoli o tho Hh Mr. Helen Gougar, of Lafayetta, was olcctod president of the Indiana Woman's Huffrage Association, anti resolutions wore dopted demandlng universal suffrago for vvomou and the right to hold office. A National convention of colored peoplo, to prepare íor tho politieul i-ampaign of 1883, is callod to meet at Iudianapolls, Ind., July 8 next. W. C. Dk Pauw, the millionaire capitalist, manufaoturor and philanthropist of New Albany, Ind., diod in Chicago on tho 5th from a stroke of apoplexy. Tns President on the 5th approved tho rules proparod by the Sorvico Commlssion for the competitivo cxainination of applicants for promotion in the departments. Rbv. J. B. Wootaud, the oldest Methodist Episcopal miniater in Southern Illinol, diod at Greonville on the 5th, agod eightytwo ycars. James FAri.KXRii (Dom.), of Martinsburg, was on the 5th chosen Uuited States Senator by the West Virginia Legislatura to succood Senator Camden. Tuk Rhode Island Logislature adjourned tint dú on the Uth. FOREIGN. Tns Indians were makinglifeunpleasant for the scttlers about Medicine Hat, in the Northwest Territory, on tho 3d, and the mounted doIIco were trying to put a stop to their depredations. Tui steamer John Knox, from Glasgow to Montreal, foundered on the 3d off Channol Harbor, Ncwfoundland, all tho thirty persons on board perlshing. Adyices of the 3d from St. Petersburg say that the Nihilista set flre to a pólice station, eight policonien perishing In tbs flames and niueteen others being injured. The day following a timber-yard was destroyed by tiro and acveral workmon and firemen were killed. Thr store-keeper of the warehouses known as Almacenes de Depósitos, at Havana, disappeared on the 'M, and was said to be a deíaulter in the sum of $100,080. Thb losses in the recent hurricana in tho pearl-flsheries off the Australian coast were on the 4th estimatod at 250 lives and 27 boats. Advices of the 4th say the Chinese Goternment has deoreed that every foreign missionary in China mast hold a passport from bis own Government. Thb Mexican Nonato on the 4th unanimously passed the House bilí proposing a constitutional amendment pormitting tho re-election of the President. At a mass-moeting of Canadian manufacturera, reprosenting extensivo interests, held on the 4th at Toronto, resolutions protesting against reciprocity witli the United States wore adoptad. In a coal mine at Nanaimo, British Columbia, two explosiona oceurred on the 4th, resulting ín the breaking out of a lira which speedily destroyed the tan house. There were upward of 150 men in the shaft at the time, most of whom, it was believed, had perished. Earthqlakb shocks wore feit on the 3d at Guayinas, Mex., the hlghest clin of Chivato mountain falling, and a portion of Cape Haro, at tne eutranca of Guayma bay, foll into the gulf. A London (Tisputi-li of the 5th says tha steamer Asie, from Barcelona for Marseilles, was sunk in a collision, and seven passenge were drowned. Threr Mexican ofücers were shot to death on the 5th at Uuaymas, Mex., for creating trouble on the American side of the line some weeks ago. A railway train was wreeked by aa avalanche of snow on the 5th near Moncton, N. B., and two mnn were killed. Tuk anti-German feeling was running high at Paris on the 5th. Threatenlng demonstrations were taking place daily, and the situation appeared to be criticul. An exploring party entered the burniug colliery at Nanaimo, B. C. , on the and found dead miners in all directions. lp to iioon thirty-five bodies had been taken out. Onk ni'NDRED houses were destroyed by flre in the town of Eperics, Hungary, on the 6th. The death of Jamqs Grant, author of many popular romances, occurred iu Kdioburgh, Scotland, on the 6th. LATER NEWS. Advices of the 7th say that 170 men lost their lives in the recent colliery disaster at Nanaimo, British Columbia, of whom sixty-flva were Chinese. Thirty-flve bodiss had been recovered. Thb stove foundries at Detroit, Mich., ¦hut down on the 7th, throwing 2,8U0 men out employment Firrv colored persons who had gathered on the St h at New Orleans to witness an immersion wero precipitated iuto the river by the collapse of the railing on the wharf, and eleven were drowned. Os the 7th 4,373 immigrant arrived at Castle Garden, New York, the largest numbor in any one day for years. At twenty slx leadlng clearing-houses in the United States the exchanges during the week ended on the 7th aggregated $1,125,075,057, against 1937,108,805 the previous week. As oom pared with the correaponding week of ISStS, the increase amount to 12.1 per cent. The past winter in the Northwest Territories is declared to have been the most severo on cattle since ranching startod in the Territories. The record of the base-ball clubs in the National League for the week ended on the 7th was as follows: Detroit (games won), 7; Boston, 6; New York, 5; Pittsburgh, 4; Philadelphia, 4; Indianapoiis, 'i; Chicago, 1 ; Washington, 1. Mks. A. Dotólas, of Omaha, celebratud her lOlst birthday on the 8th. FuRTHBit advices of the 7th say that tha recent earthquake in Mexico killed two hundred persons and completely destroyed the towus of Montezuina, Grenada and Gusabar. The Excise law was more thoroughly inforced on the 8th than ever before in the history of New York City. No liquor could be obtained at hotels, restaurants or saloons. The ocean steamers La Champagne and Ville de Rio collided on the Ttli wben not far from New York, and in the rush for life-boats elght persons of the La Champagne were drowned. A riERCB prairie flre was raging on tha 8th flfteen miles north of Grand Forks, D. T., and great damage had been done. Advices of the 8th say that a hot wind had blown for a week throughout Hungary, and that hundreds of houses had been burned and tbousands of persons made homeless. The loss was estimated at 2,500,0aa Many lives were lost. Great fires occurred on the 7th at Nagy Karoly, in Transylvania, and Eperies, Hungary. At the former place two hundred buildings, and at the latter about ona hundred, were destroyed. Fiva men and ono woman committed suïcide in Cinclnnati during the week ended on the 7th. A volcan lo eruption was reportod on the 7th in the Sierra Azul mountains, in Arizona, dating from the recent earthquake shocks. One of the effacts of the earthquako at Tucson was the opening of gold raines and a water supply which rendered thousands of acres of land fit for farming. duffbdll s the Ëower nf rnliion ai ihi reaftou in LoihIod. Florlits' wlmlnwf ir Blled ii li ycllow mmM of ilic rfljtBlag fsTorite. and huge eonaice hoqueU gl n t": 1 1 1 atar (liruugii Ihi' t(ir H"l


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