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Mrs. Dr. Üunster is ou the sick list. H. J. Brown was in Detroit on Friday. Mrs. Dr. Ilerdman is visiting at her forui;r home. A. F. Bruegel, of Manehester.has moved to tliis city. W. S. Hicks leaves tliis week for a trip to New York. John Butler was at Port Huron several days last week. Fred. Schmid went to East Saginaw on business, Monday. Willlam Hlller and Mary Kraut are to be married to-day. John Crippen, formerly of tliis city, Is now work ing at Bay City. Hev. T. W. Maclean, of Ypsilanti, sails for Europe on the 28th iust. V. . Brainard, of Saline, visited friends in this city, Monday. Z. Roath was at Lausing, yesterday, attending the wedding of a niece. James Clark of Sioux Falls, Dakoüi, has been hoiuc for a short visit. Hev Benjamin Day is spending a montli visiting relutlves in New Jersey. Mr. James ('Icments intends starting on a European trip in a couple of weeks. Q. D. Hiscock, of Earlville, III , spent Sunday witli his cousin, C. E. Hiscock. M. Fritz, of the Savings bank, is taklug a two weeks vacation in Arkansas. l'aul Christman of Jackson, spent Friday and Saturday with friends in this city. County Clerk Howlett and wife spent part of the week visitlng at Chelsea and Lyndon. Willis J. Abbott, of Chicago, who has been visiting C. Mack, returned home on Saturday. Asa M. Welluer, of Auburn, X. Y., is visiting IiU niece, Mn. C J. Heul, on Spring st. Mayor Smith is going to Ottnmwa, lowa, to look after sonu: land interests he has there. .Mr-. Geo. Slieely, of Detroit, is expected this week, to visit her sister, Mrs. Philip Bach. John T. Swathel, who lias been confined to his house during the winter, is able to be out again. Prof. Demmon addressed the state school superintendent at their meeting )at Friday, at Ovid. Miss Nellie Seabolt, who has been visitine In Detroit for the past two weeks, returncil home Friday. Prof. Moses Coit Tyler and wifeofCornell University, were ibOHt the city last Thtirsday and Kriday. Frederick Pistorius, of Kist Saginaw, is visiting in thecity. He contémplales inoving back to Ann Ar nor. Clitïord Bassett, of Stline. has accepted a position as clerk at Goodspeed & Sons, and bc'Kan work Momlay. B. S. Waite and tamily of Menominee, are vleiting Mis. Waite's parents, Mr. and Mrs. 1). ('rainer, in ths city. Miss Alta Parker of Dexter, lias accepted a position as book -keeper tor S. ft J, Bauingartner of this city. Barney Johnson, who left Ann Arbor and took 00 his resideucd at WiiuUor, has moved trena there to Vpsilanti. Herman left Frlday night for Elgin, III., to begin work on his contract for laying tl'e water pipe iu that clty. John liindenfchmidt, who has been on the slck list for the past month. is again ableto til I his positlou at A L. Noble's. The friends of Miss May Breakey were pleasod to se her, upon her return last week trom her New Vork visit. In such good healtli. Chas. A. Towne. '81, of Marquette and bisnuw tride were in the city Friday. The evening before he had addressed a larga meeting in Detroit. Mis J. S. Kickejts and two chlldren, who have been visitingher mother in this city for soine time, relurned to her home at Lindenville.O., last Thursday. Miss May Whedoo will sing in Battle Creek next weck before theaunual meeting of the State Woman's Forelgn Misfinary Society %t the M. E. Church. Drs. Frotliingham, Vaughan, Breakey, Herdman, Ueorg and Hendricks, at tended the meeting of tlie state mwllcal gocietyj at Laiitfng last week, returning Friday. Dld McLachlin, Wood and Obetz left Monday, Lansing, to attend the aunual se?sion of the state homeopathie medical society which is in session at that place. Drs. McLachlin and Obetz have prepared papers to read before the society. ___-


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News