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Few? fes ?AKlN ! HQUfQER ; ÖCTRACTS L ÏS-_ __ - tíV J NATURAL FRUIT MOST PERFECT MADE Preparad vrlih atrlct regard to Pnrlty, Strength, anl llealthfalneea. Dr. Price'e Baking Powder containa no Amuionift.I-lüit'. A lum or Phoaphatea. Dr.Price'h Extracta, V anilla, I.mimn, etc., flavor delidously. LamSey 2 2 wi u O B IXAOT LABLC IS ON f j t ï W EAOH OHIMNEY AS g S I O ? 8HOWN IN PICTURE. ' -n 5 5 ¦ ' I r-ATi-OCT-SaTH-lPOJl mBufactured ONLY 4y GEO.EMAGBETH&Ga WITTSBURGH Pj fOR SALTBKPEALERS_EyLBY WHERE. CEStTCLAMSöI MANUFACTUHEH8 OF SÈölaiCliiircli FURNITUl K. III'KIM Hüll 1 11 MÜS AND WIND-MILLS. Are now prepsrel to manufacture School and Church Furnlture, and Opera Iloime Chairs, Lnwn SetteeK, Camp Tables and tbe TRIUMPH WIND-MILL The :best and s mplest and most rellable in ue. Kepalrlng done on short notlce. Also dealers tn PUMPS, CYL.IXDERS. l'IPEö, ETC. TANKS MADE TO ORDER. LADDERS, l'KACH BOXES, BEIUÏY CKATES, In tact, any arllcle made to order. NO. 33 N. FOURTH STREET, ANN ARBOR, HICH. FOR DYSPKPSlZ MENTAL AND physical:exhaustion, NERVOUSNESS, WEAKENED.ENERCY, INDICESTION, ETC, ETC. Homldrdb ACIDPHOSPHATE. A ltqald preparution of tbe phoüphate ml phoaphorlc acid. Reeommended by Ph.vilclan8. It makes a dellclous drink. Invlgorütlng and BtrciiKliienlug. l'ninphet fre. FOR SALK BT AU.. DEALERS. Rumford Chemical Works, ProYldcnce, ¦ - Rhode Ismml. PT"BEWARE OF IMITATIONs. REALEblAÏE AND INSÜRANGB AGENGY. OF J. 0. A. SESSIONS, ATTORXEY AND NOTAIÍY PUBLIC Real Estáte sold or rented and rei t eollected on reanoimble terms. None but old and nrat-class Insurnnce Companle represented- willi Insurance capital of HO.UUO.iJW. RHtes as low as imy otlur Insurance oompnny and intiscH promptly pal). Office over American Kxpress ofllce, MhIii treet. nn Arbor. Mlch. n ttpttj n. e;. M EGAN"S IMPERIAL TKDKS. - jf iBa-is;"lr"1 Spring, xraded from i t i ¦f mf$ fionti'ls in nfssuri'. J" m WORN DAY AM) NIGHT, mm ly au lnfant a week old, oran C adultsOyear. 49k Ladles Trusnes a perfectlon. J[PEnclose stamps for testimoniáis 10 oí cores, eto. EGAN IMPERIAL TRÜRS CO., Ank Arbok, Mich. INSURANCE REAL ESTÁTE and LOAN AGENCY OF A.W. HAMILTON Offloe, No. 2, Klrst Floor, Hamllton Block. Partles deslrlng to buy or sell Real KMnte wlll flnd It to thelr advnntage to cali on me. I represant 15 flrat-olnss Klre Insurance Companlm, havlng an agrugate capital over iSU,000,000. Rats I.ow. Ijosses liberal ly adj usted and promptly pald. I also Issue I.lfe and lovestment Pollcles In tbe New York Mutual Life Insurance ('ompany, Assetts, Í76.0O0.OO. Persons deslrlng Accident Insurance, con bave yearly pollcles wrlttn for theua orTraveler's Coupon Insurance Ticket lHsued at Low ratea. Money to Loan at Current Kate. Offlce boura from 8 a, in. to U m. and 2 U 5 p. in. ALEX. W. HAMILTON, Harailton Block.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News