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immimi nut i rom . A.NN Akbob Commandkry, No. 13 nieets tlrst Tnesday of each mouth, W. O I)oty. K. C W. A. Tolcliard. Ki'ooriler. Vasufksaw Ohahtek, No. 6, K. A. M.- Meets flrat Momlay each ninnth. Isac Hiiiuly, H. P.; E. Rtrnth, Srrrctary. BUSINESS CARD8. l.K M.KK IX CLOTfl CASKETS, METALIC And Commoii ColHns. Calis (Utniitril to Day or Nlglit. Einbalmlng a speclalty. Storeroom 011 B. Washington street. ResUlenoe Cor. Liberty nl Klftli. W. II. JTACKSOX, Il ES1! rJiTilIII SUTIL OTer Uach & Abcl's I)ry Good Store. Eatrance next to National Bank. Mil M IIERZ, House, Sig-n, Ornamental and FRESCO PAINTER! Pttperiutf, Glazing, Wilding, and Calciminlntí, and work oT every decrlntio:i dono in the best tyle.and warranted to give natiBfaction. Shop, No. 4 W. Washington St., Anr, Arbor. W, W. & A C. NICHOLS, Rooms Over Ann Arbor Savings Bank, Ma-onio Temple Block. GA.S or VITALIZED AIR AlíM-iitst.T.-.l fcr lh' .aiiiles-ltruc!li) it-i-lh. CET THE BEST FIRE INSURANCE! $29,000,000. Secnrlty held Ier the protection of thc pollcy CHRISTÍAN MACK Benresenta 'he followlne flri-c!í compntee, of which une, the .fitna, ha ulone imid 5,000,000 Brc ossea (n nluy-ftve y MI Etua, of Bartford $ 9,1 9-2,(54 4 KniMkiiti of Philailel)lii;i 8,1 18,713 Oermnlm N. Y 2,700.729 Oerman American, N. Y 4,0(5.',9fi8 Lontloii AssuniíH'c, LoíhIoii.. . 1.410,788 Mlchisran F. A M., Dcimit. . . 27.008 N. Y. Underwrlrs, M. Y 2,59fi.fi7fl National, Hurtford 1,774,505 l'hnenix, I5rooklyn H.759,036 Iosscs liberallv adjusted and nromptly pitid. Colicies issiied at the klimt ratcs of preiniuin. nmif LUMBER! LUMBER! Z.TJM BER! It yon (iiiteniilate lniililinjr, onll at FERDON Lutar Yarfl ! Oorner Fourlh aml Depot Sts., aml ge our figures for all kinils of LUMBER! Wc manufacture our own l,umber and imrantee AERY LOW PRICES í"GÍve us a cali and wc will make it to your Interest, as our lare and wcll graded stock fuíly tustains our assertion. Tclephone Conncctions ith Office. C I. KKBCH Supt. JAMES TOLBERT, Prop A. DeFOREST. Fire Insurance Píate Qlass Insurance, Steam Roiler INSURANCE! Rats, Uonurable Adjustinents and Losse Promptly Paitl. REAL ESTÁTE RENTS 8PKCIAI, ATTKNTION OIVEH TO COI.KCTKIN or Rknts and Managkmknt of Kkai. Estáte ISTKRKSTS fOK NoS-RfII)KNT. K.NTIRK SATIHFACTION TO OWHKRS GUAKANTKED. A. ncFORK8T. 11 I ] m"re muney than at anythln(;ele by tak 11 IV ins "" ""-''.'"cy fnrlha beet aelliBK book II I I ""'¦ BeglnnerB sucreed grandly. Nime " "1I fall Terms free. Hai.litt Book Co., Portland, Maloe. PENNYROYAL WAFERS. tPrescription of physicin who has haa a Ufe long experience ia treating female diseases. ís used moDtbly with perfect success by over 10,000 lacht s. Pleacant, safe, effectuaL Ladiea askyourdrugcfst íor Pennyroyal Wafers and take no substituto, or incloae postaee for ealod partteulars. Botd by all dru(reists,H per box. Address tBB EUBEKA CHEMICAIi CO.. DlTUOII. lüca. Sold la Anu Arbor, Mich., by Eie rbsch A Son l.'ÍOH-i:) IAIT cao 'Ivi'at imd make more moneyat lili w"rlí '"' ""' '''"" '" anythlDK tlM In thle 1 I1J Capital not needed; y mi iré v itancdTree. Moth exi-n ; allanen. ALy one can do the work. LarKe earnlnpe oure from nrt ítart. Ciislly outfit and term Tree. Better not delhy. Coste yoa nothing to Bend ut your addreís and flr.d mil ; If yon are wlfe you w'lll do eo at ouce. H. Hh.lkit & Co.. Portland, Malne. 2 I L, I M K KS A [i % ai..., mt Vapor aod Watar- ' WkoltaaU i ÍÚlatl . = Oíd Balhi Brnafrxl. ft s.d (o, circb. E. J. KNOWLTON. Ann Arbor. Mlch. A COMPI.KTK AUUAN'iKMKNT KOR Pliysiciw and Families. Neiter andlCheaper A.VII MdRK CONVENIENT THAT A STATIONAItY BA.TH TUB, WITH NO KXl'KNSE OF BATH ROoM AND FIXTUltlvS. 32-3 SUBSCRIBE FOU The Ano Arbor Courier.


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