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POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thlspowdernevcr varíes. A nmrvcl of purlty. streiiülh and wbOaeaODMDMt Moreeconornlctvl thuii the ordlntry k Inda. and cannoi besolil la competí tiou wllh llic maltltadeof iow test, Rhort welght, ulum or phogptmte powiUrs. SoKl only Ín ciuis. Koval Itakln" P.. ler ¦ . 1O6 Wall si.. N. Y. ACHILp'SKÍÑ Ear.s and Seal]) Coverod with Kczeinatous Srabs and Sores ( íirpd by Otiticura. f y snn, as;ed elffbl yenrs hu been titïïlctcd ïj_ willi K tn i f the scalp,and at HOM a i-'real ponion or the budy, ever since lie was twu years oh!. It begin In bid ears.aod ex'ended tohisscalp whlch bec meeofweri wlth cab- and sores, and froni which it Icfcy fluid ponrcd out. amelo! i ï i - itchinií aoddtutreeí, ud leavlrg hl hair matten and líteles. Underoeata nee scai the tkla ni raw llka a ptece of beeieleak. QradnaUy the hair CUH out umi was letroyed, unttl h iinall patch was Icll al Iba back of tl"' lu-ucl. My friends in Heabody know bow my llttla boy has nffored. Atnlglit hewould eeratch bis hcnd until h: plllow was coverfd In ulood. 1 ustil to lic hls bamU !¦- hind htm, and in mauy ways (ried M preri-nl ala scratchlDg; but it was no ue, lic would scrntch. I tcok bini'to the hospital and lo the beat phyilcian in Peabtuly withoui aooctM. Abmt i h í time, 8omefrlend-hoh!id ben ruri'cl In the CurlOUlU Kemedies, iirovailcd npon rac to try them. 1 bcgan to uae ibem ou Ilie lïth of Jaiuary laft. In eve . montlH cvery partiële of the dtaeax removed. Not k spoi or ficjib remalaa on ccalp to teil the etory of lils Foflsrinc. H k halr ha- rtnrncil. and is "thlck and strony. and hla fcaip as ¦el and clean as any child's in the world I can not nay ciionííh to azpreaa niv Lpratliiid"' tnt tbis wonderful cure hy the. CUTICURA Keheiiiks. and wihull atmllarly nni'cted lu know that my statement trae ana wiltHMlt HTaL'ircrHilnn. C11AK1.ES McKAY, Octonerfi, 18-5. I'eabout. Ma c I have eecn Mr. MrKnyV boy whea b.ddlvaffected witli the K ¦. ilh. Be na ¦ piinul Miihtto look at. 1 know iliut lic lm trlcd our best phyalciani', Kud dil nll a falber cou'il do for a sufferiDg chlld bul availed iiothn !.'. I kno ihat thu ctatemi-ntri he has yon :is rrgaidatbe rariue r lii boy hy your l i Pit uu Kemkdik aru true In eve.yparticu,rly. „ „XIANl „rCAU ,,, Y. K Voetar Btnaet IVabody, Map. T do not know of au Inflante in Uich Itae Culi erna Rcmedlea have ralled to prodaee ti -factory reeult. I bellcve I have anld more of tbem than of any otter ekln remedies 1 hira ever handled iluriiiL; Ibe thiny-three year or my experton" a A. D. TKVON, Batavia, N. Y. SOLÍ) EVEUVW1IKHE. Priee, CUTICDRA, 60 centa; ctihiua Som-, ¦ ecata; Cl i irn: v IKi n r. #1.011. Prepand by the Potter, Drug and Chemici (o , 8end"fo'r"How to Cure Hkin Dleasen." CflI'IK. niarkhcad". Skin Blealabei and Baby JT IA Humor, u-e Cuticura Soap. FWORÜ ABOÜT CATARRH. 1 lt ie the muc u8 mcmbrne, that wondorful seralfluld envelope enrroundius the delicate tissue of the air and food pa'sages, that datarrh makes itu stronghold. Once etabllhed It eat Into the very vttals, and renders lire but u tongdrawn breath of minory and dlneaae, dulling the aense of hearing, trflMfflnf the p iwer of peccli, destroying the facnlty of im 'll.talnting the braatk and klllliig the reflned pleaares of tte. li.f iclioasly, by eteeplns on from a simple Oold in the bead, It f saults th menibranons lltdag and en velops the bone, eatln; throuah the dellcute coate and causing Intlainmation, louehÍDg and dealh. Nothin hort of total eradication will pecare to ihc patiënt, and all allcviaic are sin]()ly procract nated affTinirs, leadint; to a fatnl terniination. Sahdfdkus Hadicai.Cibe, by Jnhalallon and by Internat admtnitratlio, luis never falled ; given when tlie diease ha made frlKhtml lnroad in del cate constitntionn. Hearing. ímell and tiste have heen recovered, nad toe umcafe thoroiiKbly glven ont." Sashkoro's Raihi aí, (Tuk consistí of onc bottle nf thu Radical Cukü, ooe box of aTAHRHAI. Sol.VKNT, and Olie iMI'KOVEI) aeatly wmpped tn onc parKagu, itli ful dlrectlona; price, fl.i'O Po nu Dbuuand Chemical Co. .Boston. HOIT ACHES. W'orn out wlih p:iin, but tlll compelled sfJ by stern uecer-eity to tand up to the IA , Wirk before u and boar the pain. HeSSAl Hef In one minute In a Ciiiicnrn 1 WCs Pain Flnuter for the aEhtog Tlll' iides and back, the weak and palnfnl museles the ore chest nnd hacklng Mgb, and every pain ache of dally toll. Klegant. new. oi ii;Ina], speedy aml infalllhle. At all drogclala, I2tc.' live for 11.00; or postage free, of Potter drug and Chemical Co., Boeton. MflT Tl fltldl r. ttre, hvi thw wlx wHU to I I SunKmCo.. Portland, Ml,willrecelT. I _. I I I I free, full iofcrtiiAtien about work which I I I they ca do. and lite al bom,tbt will pa A J iilM ihem from ISlotSpu dajr. Bom ba caroed over 9oO io a daj. Elthar uz, toudk or ld. Capital BOtrequIrtd. To areilarled fra. Tboae wbo art at ooo tn abtolutelr tura of iuut llttle fortune. AH 1 " WatchsprinG Be__ - o OlaOyayOOOaeOtJtOoaJCJOöOOÖO'f'itniOOOOOO o ooo ' ' o o Witli HcHiiji Dctacfaable Sprints. CJTBetter tlian Wbalebone or HoruJ] and fcuar.uitctd iicvcr to break. Prlce, $1.35. For ule by leadiog wholesolc and reuil utabUsbiucuU. MAYER. STROUSE & CO. 412 Broadway, N. Y., Manufacturera. Fl CBfTrBTÏÏVLoor" licr.M,n.lirn I LLCUnArn T (roodpay. Hituation I fumi.iiuu. Win ValaatlM Brea, Januvin, wi


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