Real Estate Transfers
Wlllliiin Sheafer to Mlcliael Trainer, Northnelil 3 Win. Kurtz by Circuit Court Comraissloner to Keuben Keinpf, York 3,163 lltiiry Qrgmjwr, et ui, by Oircu.t Court CoinrnlsslDiiir 10 Muck & Schmid, Freedom 9JSS7J0 Aiii-iunif i ixiiin to John Anderson, Ypslluutl 'f75 lieorge Mooi nmu to YpllllUÜ Siivhli!Bank, Ypsiliuiti 2,500 Isaac Terry to Win. K. Johusou, Webster ' 3,000 Wm. and Anule Sprague, by Sheriff, to Kugene M. c'hihl.s, aubumIh 150 Ardella V'. llraruan to Albert F. Huil, Mllan 125 II ]n E. Hatwell lo Kdward Datwell, Ypillantl _ 100 Hurriett M. Shay to Edwin W. Ford, PlttsHeld .00 Jolin S. Jeiineg, by ex'r, to John Andersou, Ypsllaull Í00 Kinina A. Feil tu Ada E. Cjouhl, Aun Arbor 1,'( Jarae M.Chkleaterto Lutie Densmore, Ypsllantl - 800 Wllllara H. Hack to Allie K. Krlend, Vork 1.W0 Clarence Wllcox lo AUlc K. Krlenü, York... 000 Wllllam Si-uit to Frank Burg, Anii Arbor l.atö Ella A. Pray to E. T. A A. L. Walker, öalem 500 KItchen A Lawrence to Kdmund 11. Andrews, Ypsllantl 'AlWO Sarah A. Brinkerbon to Martin Cremer, Ypstlautl „ 50 Augustus iHBubell to John M. Wldmayer, Ann Arbor 1,500 Edward N. l'iince, by sherllf, to Helea C.BwlA, Ypsllantl UW.U Francia O. Iliitwell to Mary Batwell, Ypsllanll 1,179.12 Wm. H. Parker to Noah Q. Butta, Ann Arbor MO O. K. L. Crozler to Anna & Julia Urenlian, Aun Arbor l,50 üryall Freeman, by sherllf, to Sarah Lul SI ilion. Mllan _ Üil.19 KuKi'iif M. Ilooke to Tlios. Neut, Ypsllantl 1,300
Real Estate Transfers
Real Estate - Ann Arbor
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier
William Sheafer
Michael Trainer
William Kurtz
Reuben Kempf
Henry Grumper
Adelaide C. Dodge
John Anderson
George Moorman
Isaac Terry
William E. Johnson
William Sprague
Annie Sprague
Eugene M. Childs
Ardella V. Braman
Albert F. Ball
Helen E. Batwell
Edward Batwell
Harriet M. Shay
Edwin W. Ford
John S. Jenness
Emma A. Fell
Ada E. Gould
James M. Chidester
Lutie M. Densmore
William H. Hack
Allie E. Friend
Clarence Wilcox
William Scott
Frank Burg
Ella A. Pray
E. T. Walker
A. L. Walker
Edmund H. Andrews
Sarah A. Brinkerhoff
Martin Cremer
Augustus Issabell
John M. Widmayer
Edward N. Prince
Helen C. Swift
Francis G. Batwell
Mary Batwell
William H. Parker
Noah G. Butts
O. R. L. Crozier
Anna Brennan
Julia Brennan
Oryall Freeman
Sarah L. Simons
Eugene M. Rooke
Thomas Neat