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The Saline mili has started their new boiler. Dr, PemO of Milán, bas gone to California, S;ilem luis a Imlliling inid Improvement association. Sylvester Sober is building a new residence in Salem. Another road cart manufactory lia been opened ut Dexter. A base bal! club was organized t Salem last Saturday. A eomimny lias been oiganieJ at .Manchester to bore for {fas. There are but six salon9 in Dexter at present, one le?s tüan Ia9t year. There s 9orae 'alk of the Dexlerites boring tor gag in the vicinity of tliat village The Manchester council is diseussing the subject of a city hall and engine house. Mauager Curtís, of the Ypsll.inti opera house, was iven a benefit last Tuursday cveniug. Manchester is keeping up with the t mes and records six births and two mamares last week. The firm of Kelsey & Brown, at Saline, has been dissolved, Mr. Kili-ey continuing the busncs. The membeis of Superior Urange have orgiinized u bund and orchestra. Xo more peace in Superior. li. A. Cobb, of Saline, reeelved severe injuries by beisg knocked oft from a load ol hay, last week. " Tlie Cltizens' Association of Ypsilanti " is the name that the business men of that place have organ!zed under. Orson Packard, of Silem, died Monlay, M.iy Kith, at the age of 81 years. Ba m BB old resident of this county. John Reeves, a younj; man who forged a cbeek on (í;o. Kinnucan of South Lyon, last spring, has been captured in Canada. The Methodist Sunday school, at Whitniore Lake, Is making arrangemcnts for the proper observance of Children's Day. The (crnmii Workingmen's association uf the state will hold a thrce days segsion at Ypsiluntl, coiumencing June Hth. The barn belonging to Mr. Tobin, of Whitmore Lake, was totully destroyed by fire, with all its contents, one evening last week. The brlcklayers on the new scliool house at Dexter, were obllged to suspend work laM week, on account of the scarcity of briek. According to the Leader, Frank Muir and Dan. Quish of Dexter, have traded horses and each -.insiders himself $25 aheail. Dexter has a " village carpenter " who is busy at present repainng defective sidewalks. Ann Albor needs at least, six of these officials at once. ('. A. liodgrrs and wife ot bouth Lyon, returned from their wedding trip and were jriven :t reception by the groom's fatüer, last Wednesday evening. James Kinney, formerly a trusty railrond engineer of Ypsilanti, was arrested last Tiiesdny, llned $6.70 and ordered to lcavetliat city for whipping his mothcr. Thé wives of the members of the G. A. il., at Milnn, will present Lucius Taylor Post, No. 274, wlth a handsome flag, at the opera house in that village, tonlgbt. Last Wednesday, Fred. H. Tucker, employé at the South Lyon Picket office, shot himself through the foot while attenipting to kill sparrows. Good shoU, there. 'Annie, wife of F. P. Galpin, died a' their residence in Superior, Tuesday May, 17th. Besides her htisband, three ciiildren ure left, the youngest being but three weeks old. Among the creditors of J. A. & J. Q. Williams, of Detroit who were obliged to close their doors last week, is A. Williama of Ypsilanti, who holds a #10,000 mortgage on their stores. The property in the Hrst district of Ypsilanti has increased $70,000 In value, durin the past year, while that in the second district has decreased 30,000, according to the assessors of that city. The postmaster at Whittaker, had his first experience witli a special delivery letter last week. He was oblijfod to walk two miles to deliver it, getting the handsome sum of eight cents for doing so. Four younor roughs, of Ypsilanti, were arrested and tined only two dollars each, last week, for throwing stones at the residence of Airs. Darbara Beranek and insulting her daughter. Justice Is too easily ¦atlifled in Ypsilanti. The society eveut of the week, at Ohelsea, was the raaniage, last Wednesday, of Mr. E. G. Hoag and Miss Mina Geddes, Hev. Thomas Holmes offlciating. The happy couple are taking a trip to New York and Washington. One evening this week while Mr. Jay Pray accompanied by Miss Finion and Master Clatule Pray were out llshing on Whidnore Lake, the boat by an accidental niovement became Ulied with water and sank. No llves lost but all got a good duckiug. A social ítensation in which a woman, a travelinginnn accused of flirting with her, and ii Ixtinlillcd, jealous husband who threatened to settle the matter with a sixshooter, wa9 tho all absorbing topic of eonversation In our iiHiially quiet village the other day. - Saline Observer. j lüe ínter -Denominational Sunday School Association of Ingh'im, Jackson, Livingston and Washtenaw counties wil) liold its next meeting at Unadllla, June 1, 1887, beginning at 10 o'clock i. m., witli the followinir progranime: Voluntary- By Cholr. Prayer-By Asslstant Superintendent of Uuadilla Sunday Scbool. Address of Welcome- By Superintendent of Unadllla Sunday School. Relatlou of IPareuU to Suuday School - Rev. H. Marshnil Ten minutes speech on Teachers' IfeeUnoa -Rev. Kred M. Coddlngtou. Business Meeting. salvatlon of Chlldren througli Sumlav School eflbrt- Mrs. D. Waltem. Kamlly Prayer- Geo. L. Huil. Teiuperance work In Sunday School- Rev J. B. Goodson. The proper relatlon ot Teachers to Smiday 8choola-Mr. Whalaln Optlonal- Rev. D. B. Millar. The Sunday School Ladder- Kev. O. S Bal ley. The proper observance of the Sabbath by Chlldren.- Kev. John Patchln. Afternoon and Evenlng Sesslons begin at 1:30 and 7::iU respeotlvely.