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Spring (fair) Notes

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The s:ile cninmeiicrs at 11 n'clock of aTi The best note of all will be your preenoe, iny de:ir reader. Everythinjr pnlbU U beinp done to the ilmw i complete mmow, Wcilne-iiUv afternoon will be eliildien's day, only 10 cents üniission. The Toledo & Aun Arbor EUHtnad Mil coupon ticket" dntttlng to the fair. The llnron band bas been enjrmreil to pi iy darlng tlwthree days of the fiir. Some fine slieep have been entered for theshcaring contest and BOine not so Hne, al so. If the fair is not a MMMM President Brniin will not be at fault. He is liuslliu; thlnjfs. Schools will prnbtihly close Wednesday afternoon to allow the children to altend the fir. A Siiline lirefiler will have a berd of of ten thoron.'hbred Holsteina on the grou mis. Sheep shearins; on the 2il day of fair, speeil ti isla on ld hihI 3d d-iys, comineiiciiiK at 2 o'clock p. m. Anvi'iii' Imving a 4 minute bor-e will Imvc mi oppoitunity lo chow off its ;ait on the lust two d;iys of the fair. The Mtehljptn Central Hailroad, hn annonnced 1 a' fare for the round trip during the three days of the fair. The Ructioneer for the sale will be a Chelscn-itr. ('ome and hear hiin talk. Clood talken np tlüit way you know. The building known as the aplarlan hall will beturncd Info beautlful bower hy Consins & Hall, who will lili it witli tlowera. Toledo A Ann Arbor K. I{. have afreed tojrlTerrduoed rates, one and onetlilrd lor rounil trip, for the tair, and excursions niay be looked for. General Supt. Butts will be on the fair groondl it t o'clock p. m. Satiirday, to rent stalls or booths anil assijfn spaêe to merchants or others desmog it Srinii is ulways fair and so s uur Spring fair, and it will be very unfair to leave any of the fair ones at home when yon altend the fair tliis spring, May 31 and June 1 and 2. If tlns fair Is a sifoesa - and it will be - the olnVers of the County Agricultural Society propose to cstablish a monthly inarket day, choosing piobably, tbe last Snturday i" every raonth therefor. Tlns will bt: a Riand thiiifj, not only for farmers and 8tockrai8ers bilt for the maiiy penplc who dei-ire to buy, as well. PetïiMps one of beat and jolliest men traveling to-day is W. C. Crum advance gent f tl e Forepau:h show who inakes arrangeineiits with tlie newspaper metí for some excellent readinir matter, free ticketp, etcétera. Mr. Crtun's debut in Ann Arbor was made jui niiieie.-n years aso, and when lie was liere last Saturduy he H reoalling H. He was quite a young mi in Uien, and it was his tirst trip out. At Cook's hotel hu r:w acrogs a t-hurp, shrewil " Vanuiuit Yankee," who was ¦elHog pitcnt rifhL!, aml taking horses, buFftet, and cus and dogs, etc, in paynient, anjrthlng and evcrythinfr belnjj clear ain. Kvcrv wliile he had au kUCtlon snlc of these things and in return fora ootup to the show he invited Mr. Crasa to uitend hit an-at sale. Well, our Ucnial Mr. Oruin was out riding llmt p. in., and hippi'iicd to pass the corner where Ihe calr wn fjoinjr on. The Yankee lmd jrot uptr $!M lor a team, and jrelled out " Wlll you mike it $95? " tnruinv to Mr. Crum at the name time, who uv" hun a knowing wink of Koognition. 'i'liis was taken as a bid, aud aftar he had drlv60 oll. Ihc Itain knocked down toliim. l'hat iiijfht an officier cnine thunderlng at Mr. t'ruin'M door ut bout mltrnhrht, and wantel ro j;et in. Belng adinittcd, he waiittd to t:ike Mr. C. to jall riglit (.11, hut Pred Avery who was then '' mine liost" of Ihe ('ook house, came. upon ihe Hcentt mul w c'ii securily for his BUept mi Hl Moiidny nimniii. Well, when Monday inoriiin cune Mr. Crum atteuded to his ndvcrli-iiif: veiy expeditiouly, then went lo the livery tcirn thiit wiis D Ihe r 'ar ol' Uie old Kxclianjfe tiote -i(iiicd;i p:iir of fat liorses und a li;lit xifrgy, and hy the time the offlcer had got around he was over at Manchester - iní wrsngemeati lor I be show ai ilmt place. As Avery had only sr'iiu.' secmity tor the prisoner muil Mmiday momlnjr, j uncí vcrlmllv, at tlml, lie was MOt ¦ ble for the Cruni-blliir aw:iy, a it wrrc, ! of the pri.soner.


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