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Circuit court stands adjourned until June titli. Postmaster Duffy Ii:is rttoeived over 150 applicants for carricr's pogitions. Next Monday being Memorial Day there wiil be no aessions ot' the public school. Will F. Stimson has Improved lus prop erty on W. Hurón tinta by ¦ handsome piece of feuce. A lio rae beloaglng to Gillie Howe ran away Thuwday afteinoon, niaking a wreek of the ca'rriage. Mrs. Mollie Adams, iiee Muehlig, was married last Thureday evenlug, to J. B, Richniond, of Adams, Alass. The fina of Collius & Co. after a month's experience, bu bera dissolved, Daniel W. Auisdeu retiring therelrom. The case in the circuit court of Mary E. Foster vs. Clarrissa D. Prudden, luis been continued until the next terui of court. Evart EL Scott lias bougut 200 feet front on Ann st., E., of the Bogan estáte and will erect at least one ncw house thereon tliis season. Pr f. Frieze is to lecture before the Hobart Guild to-morrow e veiling, Iiaving for bis subject, "Origin and Giowth of European Art Galleries." Ray holding woodchuck scalps la Ann Arbor town can have their bounty piid next Friday, 15 cents a pteM. Boys should catcli enougli chuck 8calps to atteud the fair. A dispatch from Maker City, Orcgon, was received by Mrs. Sajrer last Tuesday morninL annoiincing the death of her sou Vm. 1!. Sufrir, formiTly well-kuown In Ann Arbor. It II reportad tint Mn, Morgan, only a few days before her doatli, witli ¦ lm hand wrote up ¦ bu-iness tranSHction whicli Involved tbe l:irj;e aniouut of sixty thoualKl dollars. Notice to Wheelmcn. Thore will be a iraiul na Memorial Day, Monday, May 30tli. All wheelmen mvited to take part, meeting at the Bicycle Club Kooms at 2 p. in. sliarp. Let every wheel turu out. Next Banda? ïnorning Uev. Dr. Hamsay, at the M. E. Church, will prech a seiinon kppropriate t Memorial Day, and Weloli post G. A. R. of this city and Co. A. will nüend the same with full ranks. Please to remember that the Decoration Day oratl.m is to take place in l'niversily hall Monday, at 2V o'clock p. m. Congressnmn Allen is the orator, and he will jjive the people sonietliiti}; worth botrlng. Mrs .laied S. Lapliam of Nortliville, Mich., wlio with ber daaghter left home last December tol u tour through Mexico and O.illloniia, died siid'lenly a few days since at the nf In-r steler, Mrs. J. B. Fisk, iu Anamosa, Iowa. Rev. Samuel W. Duffield, a pastor of the Pi -fsby tei an church In this city. died reeeiitly it his I ie in líloointiold N J. His rmmlM irrind in Detroit, ou Tuesday, th lTtli lint., and wcre placed in the Duffield family lot, at Elmwood. Some of our citi.i-ns wlio are constantlv watering their lawns witli the chilly water trom the water works, are not airare that the grass isaclually prevented trom arowiüg by Uito proce. And yet nature wateis vegel .ilion at any hour of the day or niylit. Ascensión day was observed witli appropriate ceremonie by the Knlghli Teniplir, at their asyluin. After tlie cxercisfs, tlie niemliers preseuted Rev. T. W. Maclean, t tic prelate, witli u purse ¦monntiiiK to $7"). lle suis for England on the 28th. W. F. Abrams, of Detroit, will addn-s the CurpeBter! Union, on Friday evenInsr, Muy 27th, at 7:30 sliarp, at their hall over Stimpaoo Bru's grocery store. All Carpentors, boses and Joürneyroin are invited to atleud lliis open meeting of tlie unlon. The Board of Review, f Ana Arbor tnwii, coflltoting at I. N. S. Fo?ter, Augustus Savag and Supervisor Braan, have been in KMlona thla weck in the agricultural rooms of the eourt boute. Tlie valuation of the to wnshlp U linallv lixc.l te tl ,874,880.0. Wlieat has jiiinped up to 84 cents per per busliel, ¦ rie of 14 cents siuce last Januarv, equivalent to 70 cents per barrel on tloiir, white the actual rise on flour lias only been 25 cents per barrel in this city. our millers havin a fellow ftclini; fol tlitir felluw cUiciH. Detroit parties are having County Clerk Howlett lonk up Uie records of the case of The People vs. Calvin C. Btirt, tried n 1855, the charge being larceny, verdict "found guilty." It seems that Burt, now a lawyer of Detroit, has again rot before tlie courts. Mrs. H iskell, wife of Iiev. Dr. Haskell, of the Baptist ohiirch of Ann Arbor, died Sabbath morninp after an illnessof a few Uys, at the asre of sixty-six years. The funeral was attended this moirrtux at the faraily residence and the remanía were taken to Kalamazoo for interment. J. T. Jacobs, chairman of the crmtnittee on flowers, invites all ladies and children to brin? as man y flowers as possible to the basempnt of the court house, on Monday morning. May 30th, by 8 o'elock local time. The Ladies Decoration Society and the wivesof veterans have been invited and will attend to reccivinj; thcm. The friends nnd acquaintances of Ij. I)avis, In this city- and who does not know him?- were shocked Tuesday morniD? to learn that he had sufTered a paralytic stroke the night previous. bis left side becoming completely helpiegp. He is now as corafortable as could be be expectPd, and friends hbpe for Ma ultímate recovery, thourb his advanccd age of 75 years is somewhat afrainst him. The sympathy of the entire community is with himself and family in this affliction. Tliecompletion of the43dyearof Rer. St-th Ileed's continuous itinerant mlnistry will be made tbe occasion of a grand reception to himself and wilV. at the Court 8t. M. E. Churcli, at Flint, on tlie evening of June 2d. Rv. Mr. Reed is tlie father of Mrs. Dr. Stowcll, of this city, nnd bas been pastor of the churcli here and also presiding eider of this district. Thcre will be hosts of frienda in this city and couitty who will wish the couple a God speed, and many more years of usefulness In the sacred cause. Unless something is dono to fencc up Hip precipice at the north end of N. Tlniyer street the city is Hable to have a bis; suit for dftnugea on hand some time. There is nothhiR to protect people or teams from running off the embankment to certain dtftth. By the way, who owns the land from Lawrencn stret to Kuiler street on the line of N. Thayer street anyway ! The ortflna] plats jfive it as a rc-rularly laid out Kreet, but private parHü bare tor years had pOMeWton of it ntollng otr the gravel. The will of Mrs. Luoj W. 8. Morgan, now on lile In tlie probate ollicc, appoints Prof. Otil 0. Johaaon. Franklin L. Parker and Hou. E. I). Kinne executors, d mm banda tbe entire ettate Is placed for a paitad of ten yurs trom December iOtti oext, itfter whloh it is to be dividc.l iimong the lefatev, The Imraaoaa prop ertjr s willed to IS different perton, onlj IWO of wliom. Mis. LtUlf 1. S. Parker and Miss Locy Anna Parker, her daoghnt. are reddnti of ttoU city r itate These two recelve 5-15 or one-thlrd of the entire estáte NdtliinK, eitlier directly or aireotly, h to go to Mr. Morgan'! rek