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N. B. Beers is taking a trip to Kalamazoo and Chicago. Gregory Dibble and wife, of Flint, are 11 the city to-day. John Mclntyre, Esq., of Grand Rapids vas in the city Monday. Mrs. J. R. Minor is vleiting in Cleveland, Sandusky and other cities. Larry Kahoe beeame the happy father of a girl last Wednesday noon. Rev. B. Dsy lias returnad from his visvisit to friends n Xew Jersey. Dr. T. J. Sullivan returned Wednesday rom several week's stay in Texas. Mlw Kate Neeb, of Detroit, is visiting; Mrs. F. H. Belser, on S. Thayer st. Evart II. Scott leaves to-day for a week's sojourn at Petoskey and vlcinity. Mrs. David Preston of Detroit spent a ttle time with Dr. and Mrs. Rarasay last week. Mrs. John Goetz and child, left last Wednesday for a week's stay at Marshall o visit a sister. John Campbell, of Augusta, was in the cit5' Monday on business connected with lis father's estáte. We regret to learn that Mrs. Carrie linm.-in, nee Risdon is dangerously ill at er home in Battie Creek. K. K. Fruenuff and J. Heinzniann are nterested in the company organizeil at Manchester to bore for gas. Geo. W. Millen went to Mil ford last Monday to take a wefik's rest f rom work, and recupérate his healtli. J. E. Beal Is in St. Loui?, Mo., in ntendance upon theAnnnal Meet of the L. A. W. He is expected bome to-morrow. Wm. Lconard of Corunna, is vlsitino; lis brother-in-law, O. B. Church, on Deroit streef, and other relatives in the city. The annoiineementthat Prof. C.%V. Beler, of Carthasre, III., liad accepte'l a poción at Harvard, was an error, so he nforms us. General O. B. Willcoxand family leave or New York next week, whence tbey sail n tlie Umbria for Kurope, to be gone abont six montns. Last Wednesday evening the Misses 'Dwaiis were surprised by about twenty of their f riends and a very enjoyable evenDg was spent by all. Mrs. S. Hendrickson, president of the W. F. M. society of the M. E. Church, Ann Arbor, attending the state meetng at Battie Creek this week. Rev. W. H. Ryder was elected a memier of the board of trustees of the Home Mipsionary society, at the meetlns; of the tate Congregationalists, last Friday. Mr. and Mr?. Wm Whltlark, of Montreal. Can., arrived in the city Snturdnv. Irs. W. will remain at her father's D. 1. Gates of the 5th ward, during the snmmer. Mrs. C. D. Helmer and Miss Heimer entertained their friends last Wedneslay evening at their resldence on North nsalls Street. Dancing was the order of he evening. Geo. Bliss, of Jackson, wns home over Stinday, with his párente, on Wllliam st,. ieortri' luis now been asigned to dutv on h M . C. R. R as bassHffeman, running tetween Jackson and Grand Raplds. Rev. Thos. W. MoLean, of Ypsilanti, prelate of Ann Arbor Commanderv. K. T., e ft Simday evpning on hi tour of Eunipe. Ie was accompanied by Dr. Watllnjf in1 i'iujrliter of this eity. nnd Chus. Kinc, of Ypsilanti. The jmrty Rzpcot to be iitisent bree months, and will travel over Enjrand, Scotland, Ireland and the conlinent. To Mr. and Ml Willijn Guy, tliis a. ni., a son. Geo. Mos feil and brokr his Icjr ar:iin Monday. This is the 3d time. Mr. hik1 Mrs. Fred Lutü had a younjr lanvhter come to Mess tlieir lionie this norning. The house and lot on Washtenaw Ave , nown as the Prof. HntchlnaOB place lias een purchased ty Evart Scott. The latest thing in clocks is an invenion that needs winding but once a year. t is :i liliss-ful invention tor many n family. Ex-Mayor Kobison, ulio has been in he southern part nf the county reports that the wheat fielils aro not in tip-top shupe. Mm Clemcnts, Pres. VV. C. T. U., and Miss Matilda Hrown were choscn delegntes to the district convention to bc held n Uillsdale the 25, 26 and 27 of May. l'arties were here from Kalnmaon tast week, mul it is nnderstood made deflnlte irrnn;eiiient8 with Mr. Bullís for tbfl transfer of thu capsule tactory that city. Thcre will be an ice ereani social for he benefit of Washtenaw Indge No. 719, [. O. G. T. at good templar buil, over Jtlmson'a store, Mouday evo., May 30, 1887. Win. lïurke lias bought six acres of land on Washtenaw Ave., of Mr. Scott, oppositc J. U. Baldwin's place, and also ten acres of land in the rear of his own place. Mrs. Emily Spencer, of Ypsilanti, and mother of Ex-Postmaster Clinton Spencer, died at her home Mondar, ngM 7" years. She had resided in that place since 1820. The Toledo & Ann Arbor H. R. will sell tickets to Toledo to-morrow, May iOth, for one fare for the round trip. The occasion being the unveiling of the Steedii) uu Monument. A look of glad surprise caine over the countenances of many of our business uien Monday, when Col. Dean told thcin that h qoarter was all he wanted for the Deconiliou l)ay subscription. I)i. vSteele last Sumlay in hisscrnion made some very appropriate remarksper:aininK to the life and works of the late Hcv. Siimnel W. DufHeld, former pastor of the Presbyterian church of Ann Arbor. As the Ber. Mr. Duftleld was tl e founder of the Young Peoples Society of the l'resbyteriau church, some v:ry appropriati' resolutions as to his death and worth were passed by the society last Sunday evenlü. Students in bugology are reapin ¦ rich harvest from the electriclight globes, wliere the bugs are lured on to ccrtain death by coming in contact with the onibous. Some ot tlie most wonderful and beiiutiful specimens are obtained, Wliere tliey coma from a is mystery, all shapes, all éolors, all sizes are founil, the straw colored gold bug. whose head is ornamented with burnished gold, tlie dn p blue indigo tiu'. and the other viiridiis alford a pleasing study to the n:ituriüst. The Wonien's ("hristian Temperance l 'nion hns been requested to furnish luncl) on the grounds at the spring fair May :U and June lst and 2d. All friends interested in the cause are requesteil to contribute either provisions or money. Please leave the same at Mr. Warner's grocery store on State st. or at IJenj lirowti's N'o. 18 S. State st. Thoae coming from the country please tirliif; tlieir contrlbntions to the stage building on the grounds. By order of committee. Tlie Hoard of Review caused several oí our prominent and wc.althy men to aplicar before them this week, bilt come to tind out thoy were all poor, did BOt own a thing In tlie world and owed more than they wtre worth. Snincliow or other the bookl nf the Register of Deeds teil u far different story. Une of the inenibera ot tbf board oll'ered a resolutlon aothorizlng ('ily Attorney Kinne to search the bookl of the llegister of Deeds and report his Bndlngi to tliem, but tin-re could not ba iounil a sullii ient quantity of sand in the whole board to eveu second the inotion. H seems a trille unjust to (ut one man down at upwanU of $100,000, and let ofl otber men who are certninly as wealthy for $20,000 or $;}0,()00. Perhaps tlie supervisors, as a body, muy lake a liaml in Hns busineHS before another year rolls around.